I'm done too

Started by Peace Alliance, March 19, 2007, 03:23:25 PM

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Peace Alliance

I waited 2 hours today to take my run. I watched the scores to make sure that the people who were sitting online (because apparently thats all they want to do with their lives) aren't actually taking runs.

Online attacking has long since been established as completely stupid, and very dirty. The reason it's stupid, is because two people who whackin at each other at the same time, they BOTH end up losing in the end... The reason it's dirty, is because it screws up careful strategies, and is probably one of the most infuriating things you can do to someone.

So 2 hours i wait, to take my run. And SECONDS after i start taking land, i am already being online attacked by both Avatar of Vengeance (#46) and i am back (#13)!!

This is at least the 3rd time #46 has attacked me online, not to mention the number of times he attacked me online on his former account Wolfbane.

How is this anything short of harassment? You guys sit here for hours waiting for me to start my run, so that you can time your online attacks perfectly and screw up any plan i make.

I have a right to play this game too. In fact, if i were you i would be encouraging me playing this game. Because as someone who plays the game, i get a lot better of an idea of what needs to be fixed in game design. Right now, the only fix i'm thinking of is somehow removing the two of you!! And since that is obviously an idea fueled by my blind anger at the moment... i don't think i'm going to try to implement it.

That being said, everyone feel free to take my land and whatever else you want from me. I'm not playing turbo competitively anymore.


Ok, well if Windy and Peace are both gone, i am too.

Its an excercise in futility, really.


Then again, I love nothing more than being maxxed 4 times without any provocation whatsoever.

Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

zack harmon

what did you expect us to do when you were attacking set back and watch you take our land. and i dont wait for you to make runs then attack if i remember correctly i havent attacked you for a couple days because i didnt see a reason to and you started to attack me and take my land so i got it back from you you want to remove us for attacking you that is stupid and unfair and im not stopping you from playing i dont care if you play or not. plus avatar of avengence just got on he was not watching you for 2 hours neither was I. i was simply logged in and keeping an eye on whats going on. to get more troops if nessary.
I've seen three Barbarians rush into 400  enemies unarmed and i have seen some crazy people to.


First, I was hardly online waiting two hours for you to make your move, I had been gone all day, just got back about an hour ago, logged on, and 5 minutes later you started attacking me, so yes, I retaliated. This is the second time I have purposely attacked you online, both attacks were because you had started by attacking me online. There were times where I attacked online with the wolfbane account but I had actually started first, and then you logged on and while you were on I stopped. If you attack me online without permission (and people like blood wake who have the decency to ask before online attacking will find that I generally give permission) then I will take back every acre and smile while I do it, whether it messes up your run or not.
Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever.

(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to
help him gain world domination
"Pessimism: Every dark cloud may have a silver lining, but lightning kills hundreds of people every year who were trying to find it."

Peace Alliance

It's like trying to play chess against a 6 yr old who just gets frustrated and throws the pieces at you.

Sorry, i was actually being some what lighthearted in a mellow dramatic way when i said that. I know i should be more careful, things seem to go over your head quite easily.

I feel i should explain something about how this game works to you. You keep calling it "your land" when in actuality the only land that is truly yours and yours only is the 250 acres that you start out with (ya, and okey a bit more that you might have scouted). The fact of the matter is, the way this game works, you gain and lose land all the time.

You need to stop thinking you have a right to the land you have. You need to start realizing that you can't sit online all the time trying to make sure that nobody takes "your land". Because the way the game works, is that when people take runs, they often take a lot of land, and then build on that land to gain resources and/or armies. You will be far far far more successful in this game if you start realizing that when you take a whole bunch of land, there's a good chance that you're going to lose lots of land too.

Also, realize that whether or not you've attacked my recently, you happened to have a lot of land. That means you're going to get attacked. Because everyone wants to get as much land as they can and benifit from it.

I think you need to adjust your stratagy, and adjust the way you approch this game. Because at the moment, you guys are driving people away.

It's like trying to play chess against a 6 yr old who just gets frustrated and throws the pieces at you.

zack harmon

and how do you plan to adjust are playing and approch to the game? and when we own the land technically it is our land. because it is in our possion(dont think i spelled that right.)
I've seen three Barbarians rush into 400  enemies unarmed and i have seen some crazy people to.


sorry.  I'm not doing good with big text blocks right now, skimmed to get the gist though

what I've taken to doing is sending a message:  "hey!  let me know if you are done with turns so I can [attempt to] borrow your land, you have got two min to reply"  [no contractions or word shortening allowed until the ' error is fix'd = (  ]
attempt to is added if I'm unsure I will succeed, there are a few players I would be unsure of
then wait roughly two min then go ahead and strike.  I figgure if they dont respond within two min they arnt activily taking turns

never had an issue with online attacks myself, just over-zelousness once I was off

anyways, unless you're feeling bord or vindictive its Never a good idea to retal immediatly.  Both of you waste turns, resources, and troops for land that will change hands immediatly anyways
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

My past thoughts were it was okay to on line attack an emperor with a good foothold, or a really nasty enemy that had done the same to me in the past. But now things are a bit different, before the * Star * would go out after not being active for 10 minutes. Now it takes an hour for it to go off. This is a problem. A honest person could get home, take a quick look at their horde, get something to eat, get back on line to start taking turns, only to find they are getting attacked by someone that saw the star next to their name for an hour and a half and no change in the score.

I think windy (always the rational one) has come up with a good solution, give the person a warning letter to see if they are still on line before attacking. However I think 2 minutes is short as they could have jumped over to MSN to make plans, maybe a 10 minute warning?

Oh, and a note: All the land belongs to the game! You only get to use it. You would not have had the land you have now had you not taken it from someone else.  I remember (as he fades off in to reflection) long ago when a very new to the game Peace was holding most of the land in a turbo, someone attacked him and took it, after the guy was done, I started to take that land from the guy that attacked Peace.  But Peace started on line attacking me saying that I did not have the rights to take it back because the land was once his.  Rather funny to look back on.

Wolf Bite

Edit: The above opinions are that of a past player, not as Admin Duties. The Admins do not direct the game play nor decide what is honorable and what is not. There is no enforcement concerning on line attacking.
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I realize the land is not technically mine and will be taken, and when asked I usually let other players take it from me while I'm online, I just let The Chiss Ascendacy take 30k from me, but while I am currently working with the land I don't like to see it poof away from under my nose, Peace already knew from an encounter last night that I am more than willing to spend my resources taking the land back if someone online attacks me yet he nailed me anyways right as I was eyeing the scores list deciding who take a few acres from for my run, so for the second time in two days I've online attacked him for the land back, and if it happens again I'll take it back again, and again and again until he either starts attacking my offline or at least asking permission while I'm online.
Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever.

(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to
help him gain world domination
"Pessimism: Every dark cloud may have a silver lining, but lightning kills hundreds of people every year who were trying to find it."

Peace Alliance

As we've explained to you several times now, it' wasn't actually an online attack. I waited a very long time (was on for 2 hours waiting) and your NW didn't change. It doesn't matter if you're sitting at your computer refreshing the scores page over and over... if you aren't in the middle of a run, then it's not really "online attacking"

Although i didn't send you a message... it was mostly 'cause you hadn't done anything in a very long time, and logically i reasoned you weren't on a run. If you ask around, there are a few people who i have messaged when i determined that they may have been on a run.


Are you talkign to me?

Because I know I've said at least once in this thread that I logged on about 5 minutes before you started attacking me, I wasn't idle for two hours, I was in the process of checking my mail and getting ready to run, no two hours of scores page refreshing, try reading some of my posts.
Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever.

(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to
help him gain world domination
"Pessimism: Every dark cloud may have a silver lining, but lightning kills hundreds of people every year who were trying to find it."


note:  scores refresh 6 min after the hour and the game gives out turns
if you sign in or refresh the page at 7 after you will show up as being online for 59 more min regaurdless if you hit 'logout' or not
however, if you hit refresh or logged in at 5 after, then went away for some reason or another, you will be shown as offline until you hit refresh again.

I think 10 min is too long wolf..  I'll inconvience myself for somone actually using turns, but I wont for somone up cooking a bagel in the toaster or getting cookies and milk  (I dont like milk, so its coca cola / sunkist / vault / water + gingersnaps or chewy chocolate chip cookies for me)

the two min rule worked fine for me, but I can see it is slightly flaw'd
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Wolf Snare

meh. Its not that big of a deal in my eyes. I come online, and if I have full turns, I make my run and that's that. I attack whether people are online or not, though if I am on good terms with them ( have them on AIM / MSN) I will almost always let them know first, common courtesy. If I am low blown online, I usually get pissed like you PA, but not to that extent. Theyy will better learn their lesson if you buy out the troop type they are attacking with and hit them back harder. Better off than complaining on the forum and then quitting the game; to me that seems sorta unsportsmanshiplikeish..
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Meh, it's not an online attack unless the target is currently running turns. Then it's a jerkish thing to do. If you don't mind being jerkish...

And... yeah, nobody "owns" land. Expect to get it taken. It belongs to the game. Every bit of land was either scouted in by players (ie, given by the game.) or by LL scouting, (ie, the game) or attached The Emperor (part of the game).

Peace has as much right to it as anybody else, whether Zack currently has it or not.

Zack - if you don't spend your turns in runs, you won't do well. It's a proven fact. And getting into an online fight really doesn't do you any good.

Peace - Oh, come on. Just smush the guys.

Vraal - If you weren't using turns atm, Peace had perfect right to attack. It might inconvenience you slightly, but doesn't do any more damage than if you weren't coming on for the next two hours.

Snare - I'd tend to agree about Peace. Better to smash up the idiots then leave.
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward

Gen. Volkov

QuoteBecause I know I've said at least once in this thread that I logged on about 5 minutes before you started attacking me, I wasn't idle for two hours, I was in the process of checking my mail and getting ready to run, no two hours of scores page refreshing, try reading some of my posts.

If you had been actually running, I would understand an online retal, but the fact is, you weren't using turns. The best course would have been to let PA make his run, then attack back for the land. You aren't going to keep it forever anyway, and it wouldn't have damaged you except for some lost troops. Nowhere near to amount of damage you do to yourself by attacking online.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES