Shael Loves Raine (Whether She Realises or Not): A Compendium of Quotations

Started by Vengerak, February 26, 2007, 11:00:16 PM

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Having decided to honour a request that I stick around for while, people of R:WL, I find myself in something of a dilemma: I don't really have anything to say.  What was it that used to go down well in days of yore, I ask myself. what tended to have the greatest crowd-pleasing potential?

Why, baiting Shael, of course!

Some things go out of fashion.  Some things, however, stand the test of time and become classic. Baiting Shael is one such thing. 

NOTE: The author reserves the right to append unfunny commentary to quotes taken wildy out of context.

QuoteWe truly did miss you.

Shael after I returned from one of my hiatuses, probably using the royal "we".

QuoteHeh. I remember last time we had a discussion/argument about was, for quite a while, the longest topic ever on the forums at 14 pages.

A reference to the Impossible/Possible argument.

Quoteit would be awesome if Raine was here

Shael, pining.

Quote*pulls Raine into the conversation* We won't hate you, I promise. And if you save enough money, you should be able to go. At least TRY to get to it.

Shael trying to get me to go to RWLCon.

QuoteI was going to say Kilk...but now I'm undecided. Raine's pretty cool.

Shael clearly wanting to vote for me as "Hottest Guy in RWL" but feeling unable to at a time when she and Kilk were still "engaged".  And this is without having ever seen a picture of me--my hotness must ooze through cyberspace itself ;). 

QuoteHehehe....then how about.....


*knows what she's going to see*
More Raine Please?

Asking what "MRP" stands for.
QuoteRaine. Invading her thoughts again.

Me. Invading her thoughts again. Okay, so this was IC...

Quote*voted for Raine*

Shael voting for me in a "Your favourite poster here." poll.

QuoteI don't even use MSN anymore, Raine disappeared again, meh. I only use MSN to talk to him.


QuoteI can't remember who I voted for the first time under my other account, I think it was Raine though.

Shael voting for me as he "Fav. Top 10 Warlord".

QuoteRaine, you gave me a heart attack....don't DO, that was odd...

I was just randomly scrolling down and saw the RP forum had a new post and I thought it was for that Sharpslice topic, and then I saw your name and my jaw dropped. *almost grabs Raine around the neck* Why do you have to disappear SO many times? And I'm forced to write these kinds of posts everytime you come back? Ergh... I need to get rid of all these OOC posts.

Maybe you'll be on MSN sometime?

Shael's response to one of my "pops in".

QuoteMost wanted back - Raine, hands down.

Shael voting for me as "Most wanted back" in the RWL Forum Member Awards (be careful what you wish for, I guess).

QuoteOh Raine. Why can't you just stay for good?

This can make me look pretty cool if you exercise a little creativity.  Like, she speaks the second sentence as I'm getting ready to leave the motel, and the first sentence is like "Oh, Raine..." :wink:.

Quote*stares at Raine for a long time, then silently and without a word, begins to super-glue Raine's feet to the ground*
In a very old thread I said I was thinking about leaving (this in a time when I was on regularly and consistently).

QuoteSee, Raine? People LOVE you here! You can't leave...look at the poll!

Shael after it began to look likely that I would leave.

Quote*dies laughing* That's fantastic! It's just the part with Raine that I find hilarious...*grins* I'm glad I picked him...

Shael talking about my part in TR's R:WL "Lord of the Rings" parody.

QuoteThat's what everyone else, bar the admins, want to know. Raine protested against it, stating how pointless it was, but they didn't listen to him. *sigh*

Shael talking about the days when "darn" etc. were still in the word filter to someone.  One might suggest that I shaped her for Adminship in these early years (I did give her the title "the Benevolent" ;)) if they wanted to go way too far, as I am clearly in the business of doing tonight 8-).


(it's more the other way around though. I see 237, I think of Raine. It's completely automatic...)


QuoteRaine. Welcome back. ^_^ And happy birthday, forgot to say that in my last post...>.< Hope you don't disappear again too soon.


QuoteHe's been my friend on RWL, though, and even if he tried to give back the 10 billion, I would've sent it straight back. He's helped me in so many ways.

Shael talking about the ten bill' she gave me back in our First Age/Era gaming days (again while she was attempting to leave)--as you can see, even though she calls me out on said money occasionally, there was nothing she wanted more than to give it away to me.  Rumors or direct statements by me that my economy was always a shambles were, I assure, all a huge cover-up to hide the fact that Shael was really just throwing money at me as one would throw money at a gigolo.  I played along--I mean, I didn't want her to feel bad, you know?

QuoteWhat's this weird relation with me and thongs anyway?

This didn't actually have anything to do with me but it made me laugh when I saw it.  Yeah, Shael, what is that weird relation? :wink:

QuoteI nulled, everyone on RWL is my friend. People I talk to on AIM mostly...Kilk, Wolf, Julie, and occassionally everyone else. On MSN it's only Raine.


Quote*thwaps Raine, because he's not here, and because she felt like it, and bumps topic, so she can find it easier*

Shael thwapping me and bumping a topic with me in it to cheer herself up about my absence. 

QuoteBogfoot or someone complaining about Stormy being so high up, and how it would be impossible to get him down. Then I said nothing is impossible. Then Raine the newbie joined in by saying that not everything is possible, then we argued on that for a few pages, then I gave up. It's impossible to argue with Raine, you know...

An Impossible/Possible Argument reference.

QuoteHeh. *pats an eleven-month-younger Raine*


Quote*ponders thoughtfully* The other day in chemistry, we were studying nuclear reactions, and I was balancing this one equation, which had uranium-237. Then later, I looked at the page number of the worksheet we were working on, and it was page 237. Raine's haunting me....


QuoteIf there's one thing you're good at, it's playing the Shael-Pestering game. So far you've won every round. ^_^

And this is the game in its latest round! Yay?

QuoteOh Raine

She's at it again ;).

Quote*hugs* You were a great friend to me on RWL. I think it's the other way around: it's a pity you don't have AIM. j/k! I had MSN, but then my comp'll see if I can get it again.

Shael back in her "of Toretheval" days, when the love-sickness was in its early stages, after one of her attempts at leaving this place and my saying it's a pity she didn't have MSN to stay in touch with.  I don't need to tell you: she has it now.

QuoteUltimate Cool People:

In three categories of "Ultimate Cool People", "Cool People" and "Honorable Mentions" in one of Shael's "leaving" posts I make her A-list.

Quote*hugs Menatus, Josh, Holbs, Aus and Raine(wherever he is) tightly* I'll miss you guys the most...



QuoteThat was HILARIOUS! It /was/ partly my fault, I guess, since I'm the one who started it out by saying that nothing is impossible, and Stormy can't be Emperor forever. Then Raine came in and had to contradict me. ^_^

An Impossible/Possible argument reference.
QuoteAnd Raine has disappeared. Yet again. I promised myself I wouldn't jump on him and scream at him, "I thought you DIED!" next time he comes back.
You can keep a lookout for Raine on MSN, his is

Shael pining for me again.  This, incidentally, is the only possible reason for Shael acting casual when I pop up in here now.  Trying to play it cool.  I admire her for it--it must take such an effort ;).

Quote*bumps up* I loved Raine's coming back post...

Shael loves it when I come back so much that when I'm gone she bumps up old comebacks of mine as a kind've self-therapy to get her through the periods of "cold turkey".  Note the wistful dotdotdot.

QuoteNice to see you too, Raine.

This compliment might seem innocuous enough, but remember: "It's the little things."

Quote*pats Raine* I hope that whack didn't hurt too much. ^_^

Any excuse for physical contact (or at least, uh, simulated physical contact. Yeah, those are the same), eh?

Quote*laughs* Maybe before I knew what I was talking about, but since then my mind prefers to dwell on non-logical thoughts.

A reference to the Impossible/Possible argument.

QuoteRaine, I hate you. Okay, not really.

You see? She can't fight it, even when she tries.

QuoteRaine, you never cease to make fun of me.

Just kidding.

More proof.

QuoteAha, I see. You naughty Raine...

You know it, babe 8-).

Quote*sigh* You're going too far with your admin powers already, Ad, and you've only just begun.

Shael siding with me in an old topic I kicked off about an admin gone mad with power (mad, I say!).

Quote*nods with Beatles* I haven't seen Raine do anything in the least particularly evil [...] Raine really wouldn't do that kind of thing. (It's amazing how when in an argument, Raine's posts take up half the page.) 

Shael defending my "honour" during a squabble I probably could have avoided were I less confrontation. :| Also she said I was amazing. Or at least that things I do amaze her.  Kinda.

Quotecertain things irl remind me of RWLers. Like whenever I see the number 237, I think of Raine.

Shael positing to a "How RWL affects my life" thread.  As an aside, word on the street is that Shael has the number "237" painted on her bedroom ceiling.  Which would mean...?

QuoteBumping up. For some reason, I thought it said in here that they decided to use "lovely" as the substitute, maybe that was another topic. This topic was started by Raine just after the admins banned the use of Lovely.

Shael bumping another of my old topics to get her "fix".

QuoteAw, poor Nohc. *pats* No, you haven't missed much. It's been rather quiet around here. Oh, Raine came back. But he's gone again. Go figure.
Ah, thanks.  So like you to mention Raine, though it was a rather pointless statement... :D

"So like you to mention Raine" indeed, members of the community.  The other "oldbies" (or vets, or whatever) could see it too.
QuoteI remember when the Role-play forum used to actually be active. Or when it was active the most, some members would argue that it was never active. All our role-players apparently got up and left...Raine was one who was always serious at role-playing.
Shael mentioning me randomly in another thread, proving that I play upon her mind. Again, note the wistful dotdotdot.

Quoteit just makes me feel more depressed, knowing how many fascinating topics we lost off the old board. That 14-page argument from GD to be exact. The one where I said nothing was impossible, and Raine's like, "No, you're completely wrong, because of this, and this, and this, this, and this..." and the very same topic where I proved Stormy evolved (or maybe devolved is the correct word...) into a kangaroo.
It seems to be your only memory of the old board. :rolleyes:

Another person noticing Shael's tendency to mention me, and also an Impossible/possible argument reference 8-).

QuoteRaine, if you're reading this, I can finally say I'm in this with you. I'm feeling rather annoyed at the moment. *glares at the correction she had to make above*

Shael after having edited "darn" to "d@rn" to foil Ad's curse-filter. Fight the power, you cheeky thing, you.

QuoteHeh. You have a point. When Raine left, I had to resort to arguing with Kilk, but we didn't really do much arguing.

QuoteYour coming back has given back some of the old forum atmosphere, Raine. Holby and Shael post more frequently, and even I find myself magnetically attracted towards the forum.
*nods* I've noticed it too. I've been remembering things from the past, and I even had sane chat actually discussing RWL yesterday, but it was on MSN, so maybe that's it. Raine coming back brings back a lot of memories which we buried unintentionally.
I agree with everyone. Raine coming back has just...improved the forums. It's become interesting again! And Shael has someone

Three people massaging my pride, the middle one being Shael ;).

Quote*skips around* I'm probably going to England, Ireland, and Scotland in the summer...I can visit Ad, Ashyra, and Raine! Woot....

QuoteAnd I voted other...for Kilk, and then Raine. :D My two favorite guys. XD

Shael voting for me in a "RWL's Most loved" poll.

QuoteAh hah, I remember this poll. Funny thing is, I forgot all about Raine's point on SIDAMDABR, and I laughed just about as hard as when I first read it. ^_^

Shael thinking I'm funny (a sign of madness?).

Quote*pats Raine* Don't trip when getting back on your soapbox.


Quotebut then, I have to live by the principle that nothing is impossible, just to annoy Raine...

Impossible/Possilbe argument reference.

Quoteall of them tried to leave, and they always come back. Even Raine did, after a very sharp prod in the back


Quoteit would be nice to know if the person is leaving, to prevent another Raine's-near-assumed-death-experience from happening.

In which Shael's fears for my life affect forum Rules and Policy.

QuoteWhat REALLY scared me about this topic was that I said, "Not possible." That's something you'd NEVER catch me saying nowadays, especially after that argument with Raine. But that was after the argument with Raine, I don't know what I was thinking...
Impossible/Possible argument reference.

QuoteSpeaking of Kilk...

Someone should drag him back in here for the anniversary celebration. He hasn't been here since Raine left. And speaking of Raine, someone should prod him on MSN and get him back in here too. And tell them Shael will be very irritable if they don't come.
Shael managing to bing me up in a topic about care bears.

QuoteRaine's the one did the most fooling...

Fooling...around? ;)

QuoteHa. Take that! *voted for Raine this time, under "Other"*

Look at this:

"Welcome back; your last visit was on Feb 8 2003, 04:21 PM"

This account is very dusty, but serves its purposes.

Shael voting for me in a "who would you like to marry" poll. Pretty conclusive. Note how the "Shael of Torethevel" account was invoked so a previous vote to marry Kilk could be overturned 8-)., that was great...

Any time ;).  You'd think a few months away from leaving my teenage years behind I wouldn't find that kind've thing funny anymore.  Not so.
QuoteLike the Argument between me and, that was great...

An Impossible/Possible argument reference.

Quote^_^ And I WAS a multi-billionaire only until Raine charmed me for money. Those were great times, though...


QuoteI have a knack for remembering warlord numbers, for example, I know all the warlord numbers I've had on Reg. Raine's number in the First Era was 237, Kilk's was, um, 60-something....Raine's was 13 in the Second Era...funny how I can only remember Raine's numbers. Hm.
Yeah.. very funny.. hehe..

Reeeeeeal funny. Man, I didn't remember my Second Age/Era number until I saw this.

QuoteNothing is impossible. (and it's now safe for me to say that since Raine has thankfully left the forums)

Thankfully? Hmph. An Impossible/Possible reference.

QuoteAden, nothing is impossible. (Haha, I can say this again because Raine has been absent for some time, dunno why)

An Impossible/Possible reference.

QuoteI'll be missing arguing with you too, Merc. Since Raine left(again...), I needed a good argument to keep my spirits up. ^_^

Another random mention.

QuoteThat's how I feel it should be too, it annoys me when I can't use it without being censored by the board, because I'm really not using it in a bad way. But Ad and the other admins don't seem to understand that. It's just like the ban on the use of the word "d@rn". No wonder Raine was annoyed.


QuoteNot being able to use those words is severely annoying most of the members here, and confusing the newcomers. Raine left because of the ban on demi-curses. When you're restricted to a certain number of things you're supposed to do, it becomes very dull, and eventually, you can't even comment on the weather without the board censor or admins reprimanding you for flaming. While I understand you're worried about the future of RWL by allowing this, just remember, I am too. Be careful what you limit, and how far you go with rules.

Quote...*looks around to make sure Raine isn't anywhere near and whispers* because nothing is impossible!

An Impossible/Possible reference.

QuoteI loved this topic, Slynder really had a sense of humor here...then Raine of course adds his own humor...

Shael poring over bumped topics.

Quote#4. Heroes- The Admin "Quartumvirate"(let's include Ragey in there), Raine, Kilk, Ad, and Klamath

Shael nominating me as a R:WL "Hero".

Quotewe should tell some of the old crowd that we're doing this, and maybe they might pop in and join us. (Kilk, Raine, Klamath, Orcrist, Aus, Bloodrath, maybe Tania, even Josh and Germania, since we're trying to recreate the First Era.)


QuoteRaine, you scared me. Especially since you didn't warn us or anything, and then all of a sudden, you mysteriously disappear...we thought you left and never said good-bye....we really missed you, even if it was only a day.


Shael nominates me in a "Shrine to the Members" thread.
QuotePoor Raine....I mean, I feel sorry for his elbow

Shael feeling sorry for my elbow (if that doesn't prove love, what does?).

QuoteHeehee. Okay, here I go:

- Owned his own clan (pretty large)
- One of the first Emperors
- Participated in the forum for a LONG time, but no longer does.

Ah, that was an easy one...
*thinks* Raine?

Shael using me as a quiz question.

QuoteI remember when me and Raine started an argument in a topic that reached 14 pages- the most we've ever had on the RWL forum...."Nothing is impossible!".....

An Impossible/Possible argument reference.

Quote*holds her hand up* Raine, don't say another word. Last time I got into an argument with you, the topic lasted 14 pages.

An Impossible/Possible argument reference.

QuoteAmong the top friends though, I'll have to say: Tania, Holbs, Ad, Julie, Klamath, Raine, Kilk, Aus, Orcrist, and I know I'm even forgetting a couple other people.


QuoteThank GOD! That was getting really annoying, I was going to post a message like this myself. None of you were serving the forum any good, and it wasn't benefitting anyone, not even yourselves, because your "post-warring", which not allowed on this forum for the tenth time, earned you /much/ disrespect from the other members. I'm surprised the admins haven't thrown you out yet, because someone did something like this a long time ago, and he was banned from the forum permenantly, and someone else tried to post pointless messages to get his post count up, and his post count was set to zero. If you're going to say something, make it significant to the topic or forum, and make it more than two words! And spell it correctly, I know as a fact now that people just skip over your posts, since they're always about two words or something like, "i aggree.", or "POSTT WAAAAARRRRR!!!!". None of this has earned you any respect, or done any good for anyone at all. Just STOP. Ditto, Beatles, Raine would have had something to say, I miss him though, I still can't believe he left......
1. Shael, I miss Raine too.

A more aggressive Shael from bygone days.

QuoteVery funny, Raine

Shael not being sarcastic, I'm sure?
QuoteOrcy has Raine's number from the new server...weird, isn't it?


QuoteRaine! You owe us at LEAST a couple weeks discussion...we've missed you...*shackles Raine's feet to a pole*


QuoteIt started out with some people complaining about Stormy being on top forever, then I said nothing was impossible, then me and Raine launched into a big logical argument about impossibilities being possibilities, and stuff.

An Impossible/Possible reference.

Quote*wonders sarcastically*(Is that possible?) I wonder which one Raine chose... Cheese is cheesy. Dead to Kilk....or something like that...


QuoteHe's been my friend on RWL, though, and even if he tried to give back the 10 billion, I would've sent it straight back. He's helped me in so many ways.

Quote*hugs* You were a great friend to me on RWL. I think it's the other way around: it's a pity you don't have AIM. j/k! I had MSN, but then my comp'll see if I can get it again.

So there you have it. Conclusive proof that Shael loves Raine.  Please note: people that might think the above quotes selectively, draws an incorrect conclusion etc. a) have no sense of fun, and b) were born without souls.


Wow, that got long.  I can't even bring myself to edit all the obvious mistakes with code, grammar and typos.  In my defence, the reason I had time for such nonsense is because when I went in to work on Saturday I was told I'd actually been assigned that weekend off, went back to my flat and then immediately got laid low with fever, sore throat and a ridiculous headache, all of which have yet to go away.

Gen. Volkov

It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Arguia Zsah

Peace Alliance

The Lady Shael


I need to stop talking about you, because this topic blows my love for you completely out of proportion.

And I thought the highlight of my day was going to be dropping Calc II from my schedule...but I have to admit this one takes the cake.

I can't believe how many references I made to the impossible/possible argument...geez.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Well, I try.  Though I must say this seemed a whole lot funnier at 3am yesterday.  I feel let down.


Everything seems funnier until the people who have had sleep wake up and bring their precious reason back into the equation.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


Yeah, but normally you can blame that on what you've been doing the night before.? I'm sorry to say I have no such excuse (this time) ;).  Mostly this was just a lengthy dig at Shael for going
QuoteWhatever, Raine. :p
at me.  The cheek of the woman.

The Lady Shael

I'm sorry that "baiting" me isn't as amusing as it was 4 years ago. :p
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Well you should be.  I feel like I've lost my childhood and I can't go back over here.  And when I logged into MSN a moment ago?  Annoying people have started talking to me and I've got dumb e-mails.  Probably also your fault.


"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


there's a trick to MSN

I leave mine logged in 24/7, it's just always set to away

that way, when someone msg's me, and I don't wanna talk to them, I can just ignore them, and they can't even tell I'm at my comp or not :-D

though 9 times outta 10, I'm acually not at the comp
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.