Free land!

Started by The Lady Shael, February 27, 2003, 04:34:49 PM

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The Lady Shael

 *looks around to see everyone cramming in and she nods* I thought this would get your attention better. *sighs* Everyone's attention that is...

I'm leaving. (Yes, again) But this time for real. And possibly for good. One reason is that this is taking up way TOO much of my time. The second reason is that if I don't leave now, my mom will eventually find out I'm still active at this site and tan my hide. A third reason is that I'm taking an AP class next year. I know what you all said about it, but my current social studies teacher is the only AP U.S. History teacher, and he scares me. A fourth reason is that I plan to spend the majority of my time at DAB, or Dibbuns against Bedtime, since they are the future of the ROC, and without them, all that we know now about the Redwall Online Community will eventually cease to exist.

By the way, you may attack my account, Daughters of Delor, #20, on the DEX server, and Silent Arsenic, #59 on the Turbo Server. Also, you can try stealing from each account. I'm demolishing my guards and huts at this very moment. But I just ask you a favor, not to kill either account. Obviously, someone will, but I'm just warning that stupid person ahead of time. I'd really hate to lose my double-digit number...^_^

Since this seems to be the trend with good-bye posts, I'll just include my "Cool People's" list...and people who have left are on it too.

Ultimate Cool People:

Cool People:
Everyone in the RFF clan

Honorable Mention:
TR Shadow
Felkar Moonight

If there's anyone I've forgotten, please speak up! I'll try to be around the forums for a little bit.

Please, don't cry, don't try to drag me back, or anything like that. I will miss you all SO much...E-MAIL me, or AIM me, or something...I still want to keep in touch with all of you...*cries* I can't believe I'm doing this, I really don't want to, but I really have no choice. *hugs Menatus, Josh, Holbs, Aus and Raine(wherever he is) tightly* I'll miss you guys the most...bye peoples! Have fun! RWL away! Remember now, be good little warlords, don't burn down the server, stay away from the Pony Raisers, don't annoy Boze, Stormclaw and Retto, and behave yourselves. Since I'm leaving, you'll have to keep track of yourselves....*chuckles drily, and begins to cry again*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Aww, bye Shael! I'm happy for could finally break away from the addictive game that is our lives. *hugs* I definately won't try to bring you back...have fun!

My new AIM name is WiseIsTheGoatee and my e-mail is Contact me often! ;) We'll all miss you...but DON'T COME BACK! I know, it'll suck you in...but resist! Use everything you learned in DARE! (if you ever had that).

Will you still be coming around the forums sometimes? I hope so! Everyone seems to be leaving...

Know that everyone will miss you. If you leave for good.

Mysterious Guy

  *Looks at Shael in disbelief. *

*Hangs head*

*Slowly and sinks to the ground, and puts head in hands. Taking out
from his collar, a bottle of Superglue.*

*Slowly and fixedly begins to superglue Shael's feet to the ground.*

Muahhahaha!  You can't leave now!  And that's it. (!)

Seriously now, you just can't leave, you know? I mean, like, you are practically the only person still here who was around for the first 100 on the old RWL. You just /can't/ leave. I won't stand it! I mean, if you leave, I might leave, 'cause apart from Holby who else is really cool here? (and Menatus, and some others, yes, whom I won't name, because I've forgotten their names) That's just non sequitur, like as if someone told you on the street, 4/0 = 5. No go. Brain won't absorb it. See? I mean, you can leave the game, but it is quite unthinkable for me, and for all of us, that you leave the forums. I mean, that's not even such a time-sucker, no? Please... stay. And I don't care how shamelessly I have to say that, please stay!!




See you later.

...Ah, waargh. All the people are leaving....

...Why do I feel slightly evil for being an administrator of such an evilly addictive game?

...Eh. Bye, Empress. May you fare well in all your endeavours.

Hey, neat! I finally made someone's Cool List!  :D

(Uses his Sceptre of Administration to vanish Mysterious Beatles' Superglue)
A Departed Hero...

The First Emperor, Stormclaw, called by history The Noble, Longest-Ruling of the Eight.


 Hehe...Mysterious Beatles...

Anyway, she doesn't get any sleep and complains about it. So let her go! This

TR Shadow

 W00t!  I made the honerable mentions list.  Why I did is beyond me =\.  Bye Shael!  I'll miss you here!

Mysterious Guy

 Mysterious Beatles? I like that.  Call me MJPGR for short.

What superglue can't, words can!  I said before, and I mean it, I don't care how shamelessly I have to tell her, but she has to stay!  

And I don't get sleep either, but that's not because of the game.

bubble gum squad

 I dont know you much,but thanks for the land! :D  ;)  :)  
hehehe.....i like earwax,llamas,coffee,frozen peas and peanut butter.

Abby The Rat

 Whoa, I didn't make the UC??? I wonder why

Hmmmm ~thinks~

Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

The Lady Shael

 *blinks* Honestly, I didn't think that many people would actually open up this topic with the name it has....

Menatus: *nods* I've got you down already. I haven't been on AIM lately...haven't had time...I'll see when I can though.

The (Mysterious) Beatles: Beatles, I've got to admit it, that's the last thing I thought you'd say. We've never really agreed much throughout the game, but still, you've been fun to talk to. I'd really like to stay. I really, really would. But I can't. My everyday and academic life can't handle anymore. I can't really believe I'm leaving either still hasn't even quite registered in my mind yet...I thought I'd be here much longer...

Stormclaw: *releases her feet from the ground* Thanks, Stormy, I was just beginning to realize it would be quite impossible for me to leave with my feet super-glued, unless I left them behind, but I'm not too eager for THAT option. ^_^ And yes, Stormy, you are an evil admin of an evilly addicting game :P No, you're not, you're actually one of the nicest admins I've ever met, along with Retto and Boze. You three are really unbelievably dedicated to maintaining RWL and improving it.

Menatus (again): So true, so true. Last night I didn't sleep till one...Josh would be quite angry with me. *hides*

TR Shadow: Lol. You've been a great forum participator...I'll admit the Pokemon thing was a bit annoying, but you're a great writer. ^_^

Beatles(again): As I said before, I really, extremely, desperately, dreadfully, greatly, TRULY want to stay...but as much as I want to, EVERYONE not participating in RWL have their right to my spare time. I have a couple sites I had to give up because I chose a life in RWL. Not only on the ROC, but irl as well. I spend more than about 9 hours a day on the computer, and most likely 99% of that on RWL. If you really want me too, Beatles, I'll come every once in a while on the forums.

Bubble Gum Squad: Hm, I figured someone would enjoy it. ^_^

Ad: *smiles* At least you got on the Cool People list. I just really never got to know you much during the game, we were never in the same clan, and the clans I was in never had much to do with the Clan of Winter.

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Mysterious Guy

 Compromise, then. You visit once in a while, and we eagerly reply to your topics. Right? Hehe. I'm glad for that, at least.

~The (Now Publicly-Mysterious) Beatles

The Lady Shael

 You never will give up, will you?  lol :rolleyes: Deal!  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Anyway, apparantly u hate me. heh heh. o well. u never really did like me when i figured out 45 minutes after u created the account who u were. just promise.........o wait, Mb already said that. COOL. Bye, Shael, even if u do hate me....*sniffs*
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Darn, I didn't get one of the first posts in.  ;)
I wish you could stay, and this was another of your failure departures. But this time I think you mean it. *Returns the hug*
Thanks for the great RWL memories, and the kindness you've shown to me and everyone here.
I'll miss ya,
I will not deleted this


 Ach... 'tis a sad day... again.

You'll still hit the RFF every now and then, right?

Besides, DAB or no, the RFF isn't going anywhere anytime soon...

~Shy, Myuh!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)