What Grade are you in?

Started by ~>John<~, February 26, 2003, 08:59:20 PM

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 I'm equal with Orcrist.

guardians of night


http://members.lycos.co.uk/rerisen is my new WWII game! Join today!

My tries at making games has finally succeded!
Nevermind, Lycos screwed up my game!


 Extremely surprising. Remedial class, I suspect?


 I'm in 4th grade!I'm probably the youngest in the whole forum!HA HA HA HA HA! :D  :D  :D  :D
"Patience is a virtue."

"Perfect practice makes perfect."



 I am in the 6th grade. Reading all the other posts I guess I'm young.
Leader of Vermin Raiders

Also has been called a insane chipmunk.

 Go to Homestarrunner Its a cool site.
StrongBad rules!


 I'm a junior in high school, or grade 11 which ever.  ^_^ I am also the third youngest in my class at the age of 16. hooray go me.  *dances around happy not to be the youngest, or near the youngest here.*

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."



Don't feel bad about your age in your grade- I'm the youngest kid in my class, even though I'm still pretty close in age to them.
There's a junior at my school who is 15 while everyone else in his class is turning 17.
The bad thing is that I dated him last fall... *faints* *2.5 years older than him* I felt so OLD... so I turned around and started dating a 21-year-old... *dies*


 I am right know currently in the 8th Grade,and 14.But I  have been accepted to Design and Architecture Senior High to stufy architecture. *Does the worm* I'm so happy! :D
Baransarn, WarLord of Peskiness
Pesselus Mach in RPG's
"There was a squirell named Pesselus,
who weighed less than all of us.
He was really fast
And was known now and the past
There was a squirell name Pessulus
who weighed less than all of us!"


 What is with all this pkmn junk?  Sure, FIVE YEARS AGO IT WAS OK, but now it's just...


 Awww c'mon Trident! Let the kiddies have their fun!

You're only a newb once, after all.