Tell me about yourselves

Started by Trident, February 26, 2003, 05:51:37 PM

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 I don't need to know your name or age, (tooooooo many newbies) but I want to get to know people.

Mysterious Guy


  <_<  I don't like calling people bad stuff, so I'll just say this:  MOO you.  Seriously, I was asking about you people, NOT about finding a bf.   <_<  


 Err, right. On topic.

This is not the furry Wing Commander guy, but Holbs. Yes, everyone knows Holbs. Holbs is everywhere. Holbs is currently promoting his new name so it is known all over the world. That's right- Everyone knows Holbs.

-Holbs, not the good Kilrathi guy or the cartoon character
I will not deleted this

The Lady Shael

 LOL, Holbs....

Well, er....where to, well, I'm a human. I live on the planet Earth. (In the galaxy of the Milky Way, just so you know) I eat and drink to stay alive. I am severely addicted to RWL and I cannot leave by my own will.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Hi, my name is Kilk...and I have a drinking problem...Wait - That's for tonight! Whoops... *Takes swig from hip flask and scuttles off*



erm... I'm Cal, I'm annoying and occasionally I find the time to be witty (as we all know)... merm... I'm the unofficial Queen of the Geeks for most of East Tejas... *shrug*

*twirls* only one person on these forums knows my real name. lol

Abby The Rat

 Yep, not me.....

And everything you want to know about me is.... down here VVVVV

Yep, I'm the kind guy here..

You know what I'm like..
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 Yah I know Ad well.  Even back at the FOL, I knew you.

bubble gum squad

 im a complete idiot,and unpopular, and i get good grades.
hehehe.....i like earwax,llamas,coffee,frozen peas and peanut butter.


 I'm Jedi!? My real name is: JD(sooo... specific), I'm (13age). The !? indicates that I'm confuzeled and that I want to confuzelify* others. I computer program ( and I live in Canada(wow I'm getting REALLY specific). I can't "spel" :D very well :lol: . I'm a WOD**, and I like cheese:blink: .

*is that a word
**I was # <100  in the old game  
Jedi!? Lord of the Jedi Horde

Proud member of TBOAV: Return the strength of old!

bubble gum squad

hehehe.....i like earwax,llamas,coffee,frozen peas and peanut butter.


for (int x<100 | x++)
Cout << "Sometimes"

Maybe programming has got to by brain. Actually in C++ ! means not so it would mean not confuzled. Oh great now I'm confuzed ;) and the smiley pad won't work so I have to try to remember wich smiles go to wich :-) things.
Jedi!? Lord of the Jedi Horde

Proud member of TBOAV: Return the strength of old!

Cap'n Smiley

 Hi, I'm Ariel, I'm 11 years old, and from Bonn, Germany.  I just started getting into Redwall, and Redwall: Warlords recently.  I'm glad to meet you people.  Especially Kilc.  ~giggle~


 Hello, I'm Holby. Known widely as "Holbs."
It's great to have you here. But forget about Kilk. I'm almost the entertaining one. (Another title I've given myself.)
What will prove my point? Lets see... The window song. You can be initiated into the Window Outers club (Hee, that's a good one :D )
Yiss or no?
I take your silence means yes? Here we go...

"The window, the window, the 2nd story window,
With a heave and a ho, and a great big throw, we threw Ariel out the window!"

Erm, it has yet to be decided whether being thrown out the window is a good thing or not. However, I wish you a comfortable landing.
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