
Started by Deathclaw, July 01, 2006, 05:28:27 PM

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do you like screamo

what is it

Wolf Snare

I like a wide variety of music. I don't mind /some/ screamo, but I generally dont listen to the bands DC mentioned.
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Ashyra Nightwing

Ah, the emo hate. It burns inside.

Emo kids - they're... everywhere. And spreading. Like a virus....



Haha, screamo, emo, there all the same, they if you want to listen to good music, I suggest picking up In Flame's new album...come clarity.  And if you still are needing more of that great music, by all means don't be shy and take a listen to Children of Bodom, SoilWork, and Thyne Eye's Bleed.   I promiss you'll never listen to screamo after hearing Bodom, or In Flames...ask Wolf Snare what he thinks of In Flames.
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.


I'll check out In Flames but I doubt they will come close to being as good as underOATH, Senses Fail, etc.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


I am a christian, and I like some sceamo
but I like In Flames way more then UnderOath

come clarity is good, but Jester Race is way better
I love their old stuff

but I've always been more of a death metal kinda guy :-D

and by the way, whenever someone decides that a Hardcore song has deep lyrics, they reclassify it as screamo.
emo and sceamo as a music genre, has some good stuff, as a culture, is a cancer in society

and one last note
just cause you don't like a band or a type of music, doesn't mean it sucks, just that you don't like it. When you say that it sucks just because you personally don't like it, just shows you to be ignorant and having no real appreciation for music or musical talent in general
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.

Gen. Volkov

No, I say it sucks because the artists have no singing or playing ability. That seems have been lost somewhere. I hate most new stuff because it's the same three cords repeated over and over with rather uninventive lyrics sung in an annoying soft then heavy style. None of this is conducive to good music. Don't believe me? Go listen to Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Guns n' Roses, Metallica before about '95, Black Sabbath, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, and any of a vast assortment of good metal/rock/hard rock bands than played in the late 70's, 80's, and early 90's. Basically before grunge came along. None of those bands I mentioned sounds anything like what's played and sung nowadays. (Unless the band itself is still around and playing.) There a couple of death metal/metal bands that approximate the music style and talent, but the lyrics and vocals are all in this deep almost nonunderstandable style, a la Slayer.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Ashyra Nightwing

Grunge? Nothing wrong with grunge, I love the Smashing Pumpkins.  :-D

Peace Alliance

QuoteIf I want to hear loud music with vocals that are screamed, I'll listen to Judas priest. Because at least there's actual music there.
Quotea big yes. i used to not like it but now i do. it grew on ,me lol

Like every single type of music in the entire world, it has to grow on you. A lot of people would have said Judas Priest was just as bad as you say screamo is at the time they first came out. Society grew to like it more, you heard more of it, and now you can accept it.

I have to say though, i've heard a heck of a lot of screamo, and i still don't like it all that much. I've sat down and listen to entire albums... i actually did an entire project with it blaring in my ears. But i can't actually grasp what makes one song different from another.

Think of classical music, if you listen to it a lot, you can achieve a profound appreciation of it. But if i play some random classical song to a kid who hasn't listened to the music, he won't notice the parts that are good about it, and he won't be able to tell one song from the next.

It's all about your exposure to the genre.

Country music is an exception, it's never good.

Gen. Volkov

I only mentioned grunge because it was different from metal. Different style, different vocals. I personally don't like many grunge bands, but there are a few. Nirvana for example.

Umm.... Peace, I was saying that I don't like Judas Priest much either, but they are at least perferable to screamo, because the people in the band actually know what a chord is, I wasn't saying that I particularly like Judas priest. So it has nothing to do with me accepting it over time, its based on musical ability.

Country music.. I hate it, but at least they still possess the ability to sing and hit notes.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Peace Alliance

what is this "chord" you speak of?

i'm a music major.


as a musician, I have an appreciation for all types of music
and statements like, 'that style just uses the same 3 chords over and over' and 'musicians who play that style have no talent' show complete ignorance

I challenge you Volkov, pick up a guitar and learn to play and sing Pull Harder On The Strings of Your Martyr by Trivium in it's entirety, then write a similar style song that is just as well written and perform both on camera and post the video

like all genres, screamo has some good stuff and some crappy stuff
the fact that your personal tastes differ from someone elses doesn't make you right and them wrong
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.

Ashyra Nightwing

I wouldn't say Trivium are screamo. They sound more metal-like.


they're close enough for me
cept their new album, different sound from previous, more metal, kinda Metallica style
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.

Gen. Volkov

I said most, maybe there are some screamo bands out there who actually know more than 3 chords, if so, I haven't heard them. As to Trivium, that is not emo or screamo. I mean the initial vocals have a bit in common, but it's far more a metal song. You know what the biggest clue is? Headbanging, in the music video, most of the guitaists are headbanging, that does not say emo or screamo to me, and the vocal style switches yes, but not to the soft whiny emo style, it goes for more of a Metallica, James Hetfield style.

Appreciation of music does not require everything you asked. I could probably learn to play the song, and even sing it, but writing my own... what would be the point? And I may not be as much of a musician as you, but I can play the guitar, and a somewhat of a few other instruments as well. Most of the musical talent went to my sister, who is probably better than you. (Well, I'm assuming, so, I don't actually know how strict the Notre Dame Marching Band is about their requirements for membership) We both got it from my father, who played in a band when he was younger and currently plays the guitar, as well as some song writing on the side. Don't assume I know nothing of music just because I happen to think that most, and possibly all, screamo sucks. For one thing, my idea of what is screamo and what is not may be quite different from your own. I don't think a hardcore song with deep lyrics necessarily qualifies as screamo.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


mabey your starting to see my point
it's just so easy to sit back and critisize bands and musicians, saying they suck and such
but the fact is, they are successful musicians making a living playing what they love to play.

as for ganres, I'm pretty general in my classifications, I detest the fact that there are soo many subgenres!
if it's heavy, it's metal damit!!


on an entirely different note
I'm reminded of the first time I was at a emo/sceamo concert.
It was years ago, and I had no concept of emo culture (nor had I heard of emo)
It was a music fest and most of the bands were emo and sceamo (which to me at the time, was just hardcore)
I was near the front for some sreamo band that was acually really good live, high energy heavy riffs and extreme passionate vocals, and putting on one hellof a show. I got so pissed off at the crowd cause they were just standing there! (again, no concept of emos) and here's me, dancing, thrashing, jumping around, pushing, shoveing and throwing people around trying to get a mosh pit going, and getting even more pissed at their lack of response.
I acually later apologized to the band for the crowds lack of response
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.