Little White Patch

Started by Beem, June 26, 2006, 12:16:46 AM

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I had to retell a story that I knew in less than two pages.  Due to the size constraint its not as detailed as I wanted.  But non the less,  I give you, Little White Patch

Little White Patch
   Once upon a time there was a little villa just south of a mighty river in the land far far to the south.  In this villa all the villagers wore white,  all of them but one little girl.  A very young girl with tiny golden curls dressed in robes dyed red with blood, only her hood remained white.  A sweet girl by nature and innocent as a rose, a rose with many many many thorns.  The young girl was the daughter of the best weapons dealer in the entire country of far far to the south.  She was code-name, Little White Patch.
   One day Little White Patch's mother received an order from her grandmother on the other side of the river.  A shipment of guns and machetes were needed to supply the Guerrilla's she took care of.  Little White Patch's mother had so many supply orders that she could not make the delivery herself; so she told Little White Patch to follow the path to her grandmothers house to bring her the order.
   The next morning Little White Patch took up her lunch basket filled with guns and machetes, and set off for her grandmother's house.  The paths through the jungle of far far to the south were thick and hard to follow and soon Little White Patch became lost.  Walking deep into the jungle struggling to find her way she soon stumbled across a wolf.  This was no ordinary wolf she could see by the way he stood on his hind paws and looked at her with all too yellow eyes.
   ?Why little girl, what would bring you so far into the jungle?  Have you lost your way my precious?? Came the all too sweet voice from the wolf.
   ?I was just on my way to my grandmother's house on the other side of the river to give her some of my mothers special cookies, but I lost my way.  Could you tell me where I might find the bridge to cross the river??  Asked the little girl, her face wrinkled in her plea for help.
   ?Why yes little girl, I know where it is.  Go straight ahead until you see a large stone, from there turn right, if you walk straight ahead you will find the river.  If you follow the river due east you will soon find the bridge.? Lied the wolf.
   ?Thank you kind sir! You were most helpful.? And so Little White Patch followed the path the wolf had told her to follow.
   The Wolf was sly however, and loved cookies.  I told her the longest way to get to that small house on the other side of the river.  I will beat her there and take all her cookies for myself.  Thought the devious wolf as he set off in the direction of the house.  When he arrived he made quick work of Little White Patch's grandmother, threw on her night gown, and jumped into her bed pulling the blankets up high.
   Many hours later in the dark of night, Little White Patch found her grandmothers house.  Inside only a single lamp was lit, casting dark shadows all around the room.  Little White Patch saw her grandmother laying in bed with the cover up high.
   ?Why grandmother its so warm, are you not hot in that cover?? Asked Little White Patch.
   ?No my dear, I am just ill.? Replied the crafty Wolf.
   ?Why grandmother your ears are so large.?
   ?All the better to hear you with, now will you give me one of your cookies??
   ?And grandmother your eyes are so yellow.?  Said Little White Patch.
   ?All the better to see you with, now would you give me one of your cookies??
   ?Why grandmother your teeth are so large and red.?
   ?All the better to eat you and those cookies with.? Said the wolf leaping from the bed with his mouth open to snap off Little White Patch's head.  But Little White Patch was too fast for the wolf, pulling an AK-47 from her basket, she unloaded a clip into his skull.  The wolfs blood covered the room, and coated Little White Patch from head to toe, every bit of her, including her white hood.
   When she returned to the villa, her white patch now dripping in crimson, her name became Little Red Riding Hood, and she grew to become the best arms dealer in far far to the south.

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."

Gen. Volkov

ROFL. Nice. Very funny. I like it. One small error though.

QuoteI will beat her there and take all her cookies for myself.  Thought the devious wolf as he set off in the direction of the house.

Should read:

"I told her the longest way to get to that small house on the other side of the river, I will beat her there and take all her cookies for myself.",  thought the devious wolf as he set off in the direction of the house.

Just to make that sentence more clear.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES