A bad week

Started by wolf bite, May 22, 2006, 10:02:22 PM

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20 fragments :-o omg painful
hope it will heal soon

wolf bite


It has been a bit of time and I thought some may be wondering what has happened to me.

Redwall has been a big part of my life for will over 3 years. My relationships with the members span all types. Most I treasure the growth and accomplishments I see from our members. Sadly I have missed reading posts for over a month now.

I may be at least 2 times almost everyone?s age, but I have been healthy all my life. 20 year olds have had trouble keeping up with me on hikes. Years of martial arts and yoga has left me quick and flexible. I am often mistaken for being 15 years younger then I am. I had no idea that I could have my behind kicked so badly over this injury.

The accident was almost 6 weeks ago. The pain is now tolerable and I only take pain killers at night. The doctor says I am not allowed to take a step until I hit the 10 week mark. Only for about the last week have I been fully mentally aware and back to being sharp. I have lost over 20 pounds. My leg now can almost fully bend. My muscles have become flabby and even a bottle of water seems heavy. My leg cannot be lower then my chest for over 5 minutes or it swells up. Hobbling to the kitchen requires a nap and recovery time. I have only been out of the house for non-doctor reasons 2 times. I have not shaved and looking more like a wolf each day. I can manage using energy in small 10-minute intervals a total of about 2 hours in a full day.

That all may sound rather bad, but a far improvement over just a week ago. Each day there is improvement. Based on the severity of the injury, I am actually ahead of prediction. I have kept a good attitude.

Most important is to find the life lessons from this. I believe it is the mortality of the human body and it frailty. When all is going well, we overlook that things can change quickly. We don?t take care to protect ourselves nor treat our one and only body with the respect it deserves. Only by this few month trip of what it must be like to be almost completely dependant on others has the realizations of what it would be like to be handicapped or even what the elderly must endure constantly. I can think of no reason to want this, but a million reasons to protect from ever being here again.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

Doesn't sound like it could have happened to a healthier person of your age. and i don't just mean physical health, i know a 40 yr old who had a back injury, and he has become completely depressed... Might sound a bit lame, but he now plays world or warcraft full time when he's awake - depending on his wife to make money/food/and raise the kids. he used to play sports and have a job.

anyways, thats all well and good, and life lessons rock... but you've missed the one thing we all wanted to hear about... What about the hot nurses?!?!


*cough cough*  Pretty sure all the girls & myself could really careless about the "hot" nurse.

But its good to hear that you're improving everyday & well on ur way to a day of pain-free sunshining days, even though that's still nearly 11months or so away...
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