Goatee lovers, unite!

Started by Menatus, February 24, 2003, 09:11:43 PM

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 On AIM today as I was trying to force multiple people to grow goatees, I realized that almost everyone on this forum does not like goatees. Now, that offends me :P Well, not really. But I do love goatees!

Anyway, does anyone here actually LIKE goatees? And for all of you who don't or who don't have one - grow one! Er...guys of course. I've already gotten like 7 people to grow goatees.

To show off my goatee-obsession, my e-mail is now tania@goateemail.org. *grin*

Ummm...yeah. Grow a goatee. Because...they rock. Or, if you're like Stonewall Jackson, grow a beaver!

~Goatee-lover Beaverhosen


 I'm perfectly happy with my babyface, thank you...

*looks in the mirror* Hmm... not this morning, it's not...

~Shy, Myuh!

Curse you, Hemingway!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)


 Yeah, I'm trying to grow a goatee. My progress isn't spectacular, but considering how genetics are on my side (100% Russian, baby!), I should be able to cover my entire face in hair... Not like I will. :lol: A small moustache with a rugged goatee would be sweet. No sideburns, though. I don't see how anybody likes them. :blink:
"Of course I can do it. I'm a Gundam pilot, aren't I?
Guard of Autumn, #99
~*~Local Gaming Freak/Terrouger~*~


 *sigh* I didn't want this open or anything, but I didn't mean calling Ad a girl...my internet is really stupid, and all pictures are 1 inch wide, so I couldn't tell... not to mention this:  *pokes Bloodwake*

Shadow Giant

 i'm not old enuff to grow a goatee...*sniff* :( maybe late, menatus.
Don't you wish you were more like me?
Admit it. You do, don't you?

"A wise monkey doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey."

To pass the time: Sit in your car in a parking lot with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.

I throw peanuts at old ladies!

"What the h*** is this?
DVD Dad.
People want to see us on DVD!
Yes Dad."
          From the Osbournes commercial for the DVD

*#sincerely, Shadow Giant#*
The best west of California.
(I live in Hawaii, Okay?)


  :D  :D  :D Umm... goatee: They aren't cool, in my opinion.  What is cool: Long hair.  NOT legolas long hair, but Kasey long hair.   :D  :D  :D  


 I have a mustache, and used to have a goatee... I'm considering re-growing it.
A Departed Hero...

The First Emperor, Stormclaw, called by history The Noble, Longest-Ruling of the Eight.

General Austin

 I like goateesn alot, just not waxing legs. ICK :rolleyes:  
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 What kind of facial hair (if any, for that matter) do girls like? Rather, the girls here like?
"Of course I can do it. I'm a Gundam pilot, aren't I?
Guard of Autumn, #99
~*~Local Gaming Freak/Terrouger~*~

The Lady Shael

 Hmph. None for me. That's just MY opinion, though...if I ever get a boyfriend with facial hair, I'm going to make him shave it off, urgh.... <_<  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.

TR Shadow

 I am sooo with ya Shael.  I hate goatees.  I prefer no faciel hair.  It's yucky.


 Grrrr!! You people! The goatee I like most is without a mustache, just the lower lip beyond the chin. *applauds Misha* Thanks! At least someone here likes em...

As for mustaches, I just don't like them. If they're with goatees, okay, but alone they don't look good. So Stormclaw, you should grow back the goat.


 Actually, from most girls I talk to, they like the scruff... at least once they're out of high school...

~Shy, scruffless... short hair... no chance, Myuh!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)


 Goatees are cool. I could have one or not... but they're cool. I'm with ya, Menatus!
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Thanks, Deathclaw. See? Someone agrees with me! On that note, I say you grow one.