Race flaw

Started by wolf bite, April 08, 2006, 06:07:28 PM

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wolf bite

Race flaw

Opps, my apologies. I did a bad dismal point thing with the change in the powers of the Stoat race. Instead of giving them a 1.24 ability of producing armies, I gave them 1,240.00 !!!!!! Basically the stoat was making 1,000 times as many armies per barrack. Only one person picked that race by chance. Sadly I had to blow it up. They are welcome to restart with my apologies for my mistake. I have now fixed that race.

You guys have to keep me away from buttons.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)

Edit: made more readable. WB
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance


"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


I know for real, that gotta really suck for that guy.  Who was it anyways?
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991

Email: Lockedapimp12@yahoo.com

The # 1 Turbo Playa'

Peace Alliance

Wolf, whats feuling atilla the huns NW? I can't catch him!

i think he's massing stoats... 'cause i can never break him with stoats. but still 100 mil? thats like.... 10 mil stoats and i take him down below 20k every run...

ah well


Lol. It's all in the race stats. Specifically, the fact that a rat's only negatives are to leaders and loyalty.

He doesn't have the insane cash or food costs others deal with, and he does have insane indy and build power. Therefore, a very high net.

Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward

Wolf Snare

run out of protection..... now. I'll see you up there in a few days rudder.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Only if you're a rat. I seriously doubt there'll be anything but rats at the top of this thing when it finishes.

But, meh, was it that easy to guess who I was?
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward

Wolf Snare

Quite. I knew you'd be leading the round.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

wolf bite

Checks all races, Finds minor flaw in Rat. His cost to build buildings was very good. Fixed it. This should not have given much of an advantage.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Wolf Snare

darnit rudder, bragging about our race only results in demotion :-(

1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Meh, I was only telling the truth.

Besides, like wolf said, the building isn't the main thing. The real problem is the fact that everything has been exponetially increased, making rat a worse dominator then marten...

Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward

Peace Alliance

I think whats angering me is the fact that you only go down the 20k in between runs, and i start every run at 6k land.

bah! rwl has a vendetta agaisnt peace alliance


Meh, my running twice a day, normally, helps.

That, and the fact that I get 45 - 50k per run, which makes it harder to take me low in only 21 - 30 attacks (Depending on how much my max drops between attack runs against me).
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward

Peace Alliance

Baaaah!!!! How many bloody stoats do you have ruddertail! do you know how hard it is to go from 3 mil stoats and 20k land to 8,446,227 on 44k and i still can't break you?!?!?! AAARRRrrrggghhh!!!