Started by Shadow Giant, February 24, 2003, 08:26:45 PM

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Shadow Giant

 First on the list:
Why would you name useless emails/posts/etc after a meat alternative?

Is there a real definition to "spam"?

Who coined the phrase?

How many of you like spam?

How many of you like spam (the food)?

What is the meaning of life?


"I hate spam. It is stupid"

"Spam is cool"

"Spam makes it impossible to navigate threads"

"The next person to spam will be beaten, thrown in the back of a car and taken down to the river so we can tie junk mail to his/her feet and throw him/her into said river"

General Info

This is your official topic for all things spam! Want to rant? Go ahead! Want to rave? Go ahead! Want to participate in a fully engrossing and interesting discussion on the aspects af spam? Go ahead! Have at 'em boys! (and girls)
no really i'm serious lets just all get it out of our systems.

Don't you wish you were more like me?
Admit it. You do, don't you?

"A wise monkey doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey."

To pass the time: Sit in your car in a parking lot with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.

I throw peanuts at old ladies!

"What the h*** is this?
DVD Dad.
People want to see us on DVD!
Yes Dad."
          From the Osbournes commercial for the DVD

*#sincerely, Shadow Giant#*
The best west of California.
(I live in Hawaii, Okay?)


 I've never done spam in any of your listed ways.  *Some people argue it different , but they don't see the brilliantness in a few words*  

TR Shadow

Quote from: Shadow GiantFirst on the list:
Why would you name useless emails/posts/etc after a meat alternative?

Is there a real definition to "spam"?

Who coined the phrase?

How many of you like spam?

How many of you like spam (the food)?

What is the meaning of life?


"I hate spam. It is stupid"

"Spam is cool"

"Spam makes it impossible to navigate threads"

"The next person to spam will be beaten, thrown in the back of a car and taken down to the river so we can tie junk mail to his/her feet and throw him/her into said river"

General Info

This is your official topic for all things spam! Want to rant? Go ahead! Want to rave? Go ahead! Want to participate in a fully engrossing and interesting discussion on the aspects af spam? Go ahead! Have at 'em boys! (and girls)
no really i'm serious lets just all get it out of our systems.
1. Sewage Potrayed As Meat

2. Who knows?

3. I sure don't

4. Yet again, I don't

5. That anyone who answers "42" should be burned at the stake.


 Personally, I like the food Spam. :D

      Really, though SPAM is annoying. I've noticed on this forum that many people are very harsh to those who SPAM, but many times the person yelling at them for SPAMMING writes a one line post just to do so. I feel like this is SPAM as well. In fact, the person getting on to them about SPAMMING gets on my nerves more than the person who SPAMMED in the first place. In my opinion, people who SPAM should be ignored, not given more attention.  
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

 I like the food Spam too...
Anyway, have you actually seen that post war topic? Someone posted about 20 times, just saying the word 'w00tness.' That is the worst spam I've seen so far...

The Lady Shael

 Q:Why would you name useless emails/posts/etc after a meat alternative?
A:Hm, no idea.

Q:Is there a real definition to "spam"?
A: This is what my dictionary says:
Spam, trademark, a canned food product consisting esp. of pork formed into a solid block. (Okay, for real now... :P )
DEFINITION OF SPAM- A disruptive message posted on a computer network. (other defs.) Ref. to a comedy routine on Monty Python's Flying Circus, Brit TV series. (No seriously, that's EXACTLY what my dictionary said....)

Q:Who coined the phrase?
A:*shrugs* Noah Webster? Or maybe not...

Q:How many of you like spam?
A:Not me, I assure you, I can't think of anyone who would like or benefit from spam except the spammer. No wait, the spammer WOULDN'T benefit because he'd be banned....

Q:How many of you like spam (the food)?
A:*shrugs again* Fine with me. I probably wouldn't eat it every day though.

Q:What is the meaning of life?
A:Ooh, ooh! I know this one.......42! Yes! *cheers and dances*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

TR Shadow

Quote from: The Lady ShaelQ:What is the meaning of life?
A:Ooh, ooh! I know this one.......42! Yes! *cheers and dances*
I got an idea!  Lets burn Shael at the stake!

Anyone with me?

*Cricket chirps*


The Lady Shael

 No, they're all Arthur Dent lovers! *cheers again* Hee hee...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

TR Shadow

 ...I don't get it.  Who's Arthur Dent?

The Lady Shael

 *gasp* How can you possibly know the meaning of life without knowing who Arthur Dent is? He's from the book "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", by Douglas Adams. He's the main character really. And they all find out the meaning to life and the answer to all questions is 42! Yay! It's a terrific book...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Mysterious Guy

 "Due to a deficiency in my public-duty gland, my doctor says I am excused from saving Universes."

"Arthur pressed the red button. A sign popped up, saying 'Please do not press this button again.' He looked away."

Arthur: "How do you know it's new? Have you got an exotic device for mesauring the age of metal?"
Ford: "No, but there's brochures on the floor"


The Lady Shael

 Yeah! Ooh, ooh, look at my sig! *points* The quote in blue letters, that's from the series...I'm even making a site just for AHGTTG quotes and excerpts, it's not finished yet, though...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 I gotta question...  thoes lil boxes under out avatar/namesy thingsy,,,  how often do we get another box added to it?  hmmm.  And spam plots our destruction.... ^_^

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."

Shadow Giant

 sapm is evil. and the cute little blue boxes with the big big words on top are/is (?) your post rank. it depends on how many posts you've made. and my english teacher had AHGTTG but i thought it was a book on really i did. :o so now i'm gonna read it and discuss it with you all!
Don't you wish you were more like me?
Admit it. You do, don't you?

"A wise monkey doesn't monkey with another monkey's monkey."

To pass the time: Sit in your car in a parking lot with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.

I throw peanuts at old ladies!

"What the h*** is this?
DVD Dad.
People want to see us on DVD!
Yes Dad."
          From the Osbournes commercial for the DVD

*#sincerely, Shadow Giant#*
The best west of California.
(I live in Hawaii, Okay?)


 I hate SPAM for body parts I dont have :blink:  
Old server:Silven Deathwinds:Reborn. (Locked ATM.)

Turbo Server:Silver Deathwinds: Reborn. (#60)

Old names:

The Silver Ones (Old OLD server.)
Silver Deathwinds (Turbo)
Silven Deathwinds (Regular)


Married to:


user posted image Yes, I'm drunk.
user posted image HELP! I'M ON FIRE!
user posted image My..Arm..Will fall off if...]
user posted image Oh, a borg!
user posted imageBurp.

user posted imageEkk!

If you wonder who I am, anything with silver would be a near-safe guese.