Coalition Against the Blades

Started by Kilkenne, February 23, 2003, 02:16:51 PM

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 I am hereby founding the Coalition against <=={= and their follower clans. Clans that have come to me speaking and that I have spoken to about the Clan of Flaming Blades are as follows: SMiTeYoU, RFF, LL and of course, KM.

I ask that representatives from those clans post here, just to let yourselves be known to each other. Other clans are welcome to join.


 I'd like to see them fight me, now...

The Lady Shael

 I'm not sure what Raine has to say about this, but I can tell you that Empire is at war with both Blade clans...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


griever know I'd join you guys, but right now might not be the best time for me....


 Ya, Raine hasn't been on but Empire has been fighting Cland Blades here and then and I think we would like to join your coalition but then again, maybe Raine should give the final word or something. Not sure.


 My clan and I are in on the action. 290 is nice and land fat for all of you who care.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 looks like you are trying to get others to do for you what you can not do for yourself. I don't think the blades have really attacked anyone hard, but you.

The Lady Shael

 In the Redwall series, are warlords and vermin honest? This game is not about friendly and kindly destructing other clans...yes, sometimes deception and unfairness has to be called for....
In the words of Ragefur the Deciever: "This is Redwall:Warlords, not Redwall:Happy Pony Raising."

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

General Austin

 no, I don't think they're honest...Maybe....*thinks*
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 I've been attacked greatly by other members of Coalition Against the Blades. I NEED AID!
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Other members can attack each other, there's nothing wrong with that, as long as the job gets done, and we know who's against who.

kitty - All I have to say is: Quiet, newb.


 The RR are with you people two I hate the Blade clans there the ones who destroyed my first guy that I made up Im saying keep attackin the bandits and destroy  B)  B)  
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Badrang the Tyrant

 Yes, RR is at war with the blade clans. And I too hate both (or all 3 of them, if you count the Better Blades) for they attack only weak people....


 Hey, I don't even know what started this war.  
I'm the leader of the Clan of Evil Blades and I was on vacation for awhile due to myself being ill, and then I come back and I'm told by my assisstants that we're at war with this clan and that clan, and I've been told so many different stories I'm not sure of who to believe.  
I've been told that the war was started because some members had been accused of multi accounts then I was told that it was because Clan of Evil Blades was gloating when they where at the top dominating the game, and so many different things that I've almost lost my mind.
Yes, I've been fighting against KM and whoever else and trying to stand up for my clan, why you ask?  Because I had no other choice but to believe them and help them...I'd rather all this crap be over with, because I'm really getting sick and tired of all the crap thats flying around.
I'd like all this crap to be settled through simple conversation instead of through an all out war.  The only reason I've been attacking anybody is to go up in the rankings, to help protect my clan, and to gain back what I lost through being attacked.
I've no problem with all you people playing the game how you want and combining your forces to take someone out, but I'd rather it be done with everybody having the correct facts about our clan and it's members.
And many of you are confused on what clans we are and there are only two clans that represent the true Blade name, and that is The Clan of Evil Blades and Join Clan of Flaming Blades.  As for the origin of the Clan of Better Flaming Blades, I've heard quite a bit about them as well.  I've been told that they're a clan created by the members of KM, and then I've heard that KM didn't create the Clan of Better Flaming Blades, but if the Clan of Evil Blades created the Clan of Better Flaming Blades then why would we have them attack us, bringing our rankings down even farther??

So, could I somehow get the straight facts on why Clan of Evil Blades is being attacked by KM, Hope, Empire, RR, and whomever else.
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