A few questions about Redwall Warlords

Started by Zelnen, January 12, 2006, 02:30:41 AM

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Ok thanks for ansering the questions below, i have a few more questions that i forgot to put on the list so here they are.

. What do we do with our leaders?

. How can i find out the cost of stuff, eg. towers

.How can i make ally's and what are clans for?

.How is it that i make my troops stronger?

Ok i'm new here and i found it really complicated and confusing. I went to the guides for help but there not that great. So i have a few questions that are proboly really simple to anser so can you please help me.

. How to gain more troops?

. What shall i do to survive?

. Should i attack other warlords? If yes how should i do it?

. Is there anything that i should be doing?

.How to make my Hoarde better and stronger?

. How does are Tax rate work

. What things should i construct?

. Can someone tell me how to manage my army really well?

Ok if i missed anything or there is something i should know please please tell me.


when you go to the construct page you should have little "?" marks next to each type of structure.  click on those and at the bottom of the page a small box will appear that should tell you what each one does.   You have to regulate everything so its balanced, so that you have enough income of food and money to support the troops you have, and keep everything happy and positive.   Most things in the game will have the question mark next to it that will tell you about it some.

Go ahead and attack other warlords, but try to be somewhat courteous and not attack them a lot unless your clan is at war with them.   Some might take it personal.   

Making your horde stronger and better comes with time.  Income, troops, food, land, structures, all these things need to be balanced in your own way to achieve what you are looking for.

Construct according to what you need.  if you are low on income, make markets, need more soldiers, barracks, leaders, huts, boosted defense, maybe some towers.  It's really up to need, and each individual player style.

Best advice is to really just tinker aroudn with things and see what the outcome is, and build off mistakes and successes.  It will help you learn the game better and faster that way.   
I hope this helps you some!

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."

Peace Alliance

Hey Zelnen, welcome to the world of Redwall! In the future, when you have questions, post them in the help forum (usually they'll get responded to there faster anyways, since some of us check the help forum first every day... 'lease i sure do)

lemme answer your questions:

. How to gain more troops?

To gain troups, go to your Construction page and put some of your free land into Barracks. If you don't have any free land, try scouting. Attacking is another way to get land. Also, if you go to your manage army page, you can control what troops you make

. What shall i do to survive?

Raise an army to defend your land

. Should i attack other warlords? If yes how should i do it?

Sure you should. they have what you need; land! also, its fun... and they call it "warlords" for a reason ;)

. Is there anything that i should be doing?

The goal essentially is to get to first place. Theres plenty of things you'll have to be doing to get there. Attacking, to get more land to build more buildings. Maybe making allies to help you. raising a strong army. Making leaders to perform leader missions that can benifit your horde

.How to make my Hoarde better and stronger?

raise an army, get more land.

. How does are Tax rate work

One way to make money is by having a lot of workers. the lower your tax rate, the more workers will come, but the less money you will get from them. You can also get more money by building Tents. Workers, however, are only one way to make money. you can also make markets, or build huts to make leaders. With leaders you can perform missions that will get you money

. What things should i construct?

I'm hoping i've covered that already, heres a list:

markets: make money
Tents: bring in workers
Barracks: raise an army
Camps: lower the cost of your army
huts: make leaders
Foragers: make food
Towers: help defend
City: makes food, money and leaders. its a combination of tents huts and foragers

. Can someone tell me how to manage my army really well?

you'll figure that out by playin around ;)

wolf bite

I would also like to welcome you.

Just a few notes:

It takes some time to get an understanding of the game, stay with it.
Ask people in the forum and in game for help, most will.
Click on the name of people's clans, read what they say, click on the leader of the one you like, ask to join.
90% of the people that offer to help you really want to, don't get mad if you run into that 10%
Tax rate? For being new, keep it at 11%.
Don't over build your army unless you can make the food and money to pay them, or they will leave.
Have lots of fun!

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Ok thanks that's really helped, i'll go start raising my army now.

The Lady Shael

Hopefully someone else will come along and answer these questions better than I did, because I haven't really played the game for more than a year. So these responses will be kinda interesting.

What do we do with our leaders?

When you construct buildings, you can build huts which increase your leaders. If you have a decent proportion of leaders to your networth, you can do missions (and succeed at them) such as loot, travel, heal, etc, etc. Usually you can tell if you're going to succeed in your missions when you take turns and your leaders stop increasing. (meaning, there's a 0 next to leaders in your turn output)

. How can i find out the cost of stuff, eg. towers

I never thought it was necessary to know the cost of buildings. Because it tells you how many free acres you have, so I would just build enough buildings to equal the number of free acres. And it won't let you build if you start running into debt, I think. Then all you do it loot for more money. I think.

.How can i make ally's and what are clans for?

You can make allies by being active in the game, making friends through the game, and even by being active on the forums. You can join a clan for further protection. If I remember correctly...if your clan is allied with other clans, those people can't attack you. If your clan has another clan that is set to "Enemy" (or whatever it was), then you can attack them an unlimited amount of times.
I know there's still more stuff about clans, but I can't remember anymore. You can check the Help guide, there might be more stuff in there.

.How is it that i make my troops stronger?

Build barracks to increase their numbers...that's about all I know. Make sure you keep them well fed too, by foraging. ^_^
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.