Started by Blood Wake, January 10, 2006, 04:55:58 PM

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did you see the Narnia movie? what did you think?

8 (57.1%)
yeah, it was pretty good
5 (35.7%)
yeah, but I didn't like it
0 (0%)
yeah, It was terrible
1 (7.1%)
I didn't see it but I want to so bad
0 (0%)
I could go for seeing it on DVD
0 (0%)
I don't like the Narnia books
0 (0%)
it looks really stupid
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Blood Wake

I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:


I saw it, but I didn't enjoy because I had two or three people near who felt they needed commentate or predict the movie to their friends..

So I just put pretty good, since I'm not really sure.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Gen. Volkov

It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Saw it, it was good, must say tho there could've been some parts that were better
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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Blood Wake

I think the first hour is a bit slow and cheasy but after that its just plain awesome.
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:

Gen. Volkov

But but... they completely ignored the allegory! That's the POINT of Narnia. Bah. Unsophisticated heathens.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Blood Wake

yeah.. uhh.. I don't know what Alegory means
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:

Gen. Volkov

*Blank stare* Allegory? You don't know what allegory is? What in the name of God are they teaching you in schools?????? *Throws up hands in disgust and walks off*
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Blood Wake

schools don't teach things that matter. like math past the point of division, its worthless
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:

Gen. Volkov

LOL. You may actually find yourself needing algebra one day. Other than that, prolly not.  Allegory is a literary device where events and characters in a story are equated with meanings outside the story itself. It's basically a story with two meanings, a literal one and a symbolic one. The literal story of Narnia is what they have on the screen, the symbolic and more important part of Narnia is as an allegory of Christ's life and other Christian themes. They basically left it out of the movie. The only place you see it is when Aslan dies and comes back to life. What they did with Narnia is a travesty, it became a kiddie version of LOTR. Which is not what it's supposed to be at all.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


I found the alegory came through quite clearly. Aslan dying to save Edmund, then rising again to defeat the Whitch is really the only alegorical portion, the rest is just an adventure story.
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward

Gen. Volkov

Umm, have you read the book RudderTail? That part of the allegory did come through clearly, they practically smacked you on the head with it. But they left SO MUCH out.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


I've read the book several times. I didn't find any alegory beyond what I mentioned, though it's possible I missed it.  And leave out the caps in the tail, please, Volkov.
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward

Gen. Volkov

You did. It's riddled with allegory. But they cut most of the allegory out. Just gone, like that, the Emporer and the Deeper Magic... and they simplified it and condensed it and trimmed it down until there was nothing but the heavy sodden mass of cotton candy that lays undigested in your stomach, making you regret the $6.50 you paid for it.

And you are not an Admin here, and I'll write in caps if I wish to do so. If I wish to emphasize a point, I will use caps. I don't see why it would bother you much anyway.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


OMG it was great i have also read the books