How's everything going here

Started by Death Eater, November 06, 2005, 06:13:09 PM

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Death Eater

I haven't stopped by here in a long while. Hows it going? Whats the activity like? Any new code changes?

I may think about playing again sometime soon
user posted image


Oh, it's going.

Nothing worth noting in the code.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


Quote from: Juska on November 06, 2005, 06:20:50 PM
Oh, it's going.

Nothing worth noting in the code.

lol *It's Going* lol yeah!  But anyways, yes it is going well, good to have you come back.  Looking forward to seeing you play!
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991


The # 1 Turbo Playa'