RWL Trivia Quiz

Started by The Lady Shael, October 14, 2005, 08:17:33 PM

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The Lady Shael

So, how informed do you think you are?

Some of these questions are no-brainers for even the newbies, but I think many of them are very random questions, and I have to admit even I don't know the answers to some of them.

So, let's see if we can put answers to all of these questions. (after we finish these, you guys can post questions of your own)

I was going to have you all just PM your answers to me, but I have no prize to give you. So reply with as many answers as you can. If you really want to test your knowledge, then don't look at everyone's answers. If you know where to look, some of the answers are on this forum. (but that's still considered cheating)

Grading scale- (give yourself half a point for the questions you were able to only partially answer)
0-10 - Newbie - You probably haven't been for long, or you just have REALLY bad memory.
11-20 - Frequent Visitor - Eh. Maybe you should stick around more.
21-30 - Resident - Not bad at all, you're a true RWLer.
31-40+ - Hopeless RWL Addict - Your knowledge about RWL is frightening. I don't think there's any hope for you.

I'm a Hopeless RWL Addict, by the way...XD. Big surprise, I made the quiz. But I didn't make it over 35. (these questions are seriously insane)

Here's the questions: (40 in all)

1. Name the Rulers of First Era in order, with their titles.

2. What does the TR in TR Shadow stand for?

3. Who created RWL?

4. Which RWL member lives in Australia?

5. How long did RWL's very first forum last?

6. What date is considered RWL's birthday?

7. Name the game expansions in order.

8. Who was RWL's first and only RWL president?

9. In First Era, what was the name of horde #2, and which member was that?

10. What year was RWL born?   

11. Name all the RWL mods.

12. How many forums have we had? (including temp forums)

13. Tarsonis is also known by what other two names?

14. Who was the first RWL mod?

15. What has been the biggest RWL fad, and who started it?

16. What extremely minor administrative action inspired a huge uprising of RWL members campaigning to reverse the action?

17. Name as many ROME members as you can.

18. Who founded TBV, and what does it stand for?

19. Who coined the term 'HPR', what does it stand for, and why is it used?

20. What does CAFIPUBEC stand for, and who started it?

21. What was the name of Retto's first horde?

22. Who created the Delor accounts?

23. Who owns the copyrights to the word 'stomple'?

24. Who once submitted a picture of himself/herself drinking coffee?

25. Who is known for ending his/her posts with "*Walks into shadow*"?

26. Who owns the most forum accounts?

27. How often do we have Commanders?

28. Estimate how many account numbers you think we had in the First Era.

29. Try and see if you can name who owned these account numbers in First Era, and what their horde name was.
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -
#4 -
#5 -
#6 -
#7 -
#8 -
#9 -
Extra credit - (one extra point for every three hordes) name as many First Era double-digit accounts with the owner's name and horde name as you can

30. What do you remember about Badbranch?

31. What does OSOBO stand for?

32. Which RWL members are friends in real life? (can be from the past, or now)

33. What argument sparked a debate about evolution and everything else that grew to be 14 pages long?

34. Who owned The Hexans, and what was the account number?

35. Name as many members as you can who had 'claw' in their name.

36. Which member was always throwing skittles?

37. Which member plays the cello?

38. Who is known for adding "-eth" onto the end of words?

39. Who had the hypnotizing little squares avatar?

40. Which RWLers have met other RWLers in real life?

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


1. Name the Rulers of First Era in order, with their titles.

~Ragefur the deciever
~Stormy the somthin

2. What does the TR in TR Shadow stand for?

~Team Rocket

3. Who created RWL?


4. Which RWL member lives in Australia?

Holby!  and..  wots his face..

5. How long did RWL's very first forum last?

~what, 8 months?

6. What date is considered RWL's birthday?


7. Name the game expansions in order.

~EX, BAX, BAXX  (really, I havnt a clue)

8. Who was RWL's first and only RWL president?


9. In First Era, what was the name of horde #2, and which member was that?

~Northland Raiders, Nevada Cow's

10. What year was RWL born?   


11. Name all the RWL mods.

~past/present?:  windhound, Teuful..

12. How many forums have we had? (including temp forums)


13. Tarsonis is also known by what other two names?

~Fenix, banned

14. Who was the first RWL mod?


15. What has been the biggest RWL fad, and who started it?

~Cheese.. ish.  Ashyra I believe, we also had a member called cheeesy

16. What extremely minor administrative action inspired a huge uprising of RWL members campaigning to reverse the action?

~underlines in the forum, caused by Shael ^_^

17. Name as many ROME members as you can.

~Nero, Sparticus, *blanks*

18. Who founded TBV, and what does it stand for?

~Ereptor, The Brotherhood of Vermin

19. Who coined the term 'HPR', what does it stand for, and why is it used?

~Ragefur, Happy Pony Raiser

20. What does CAFIPUBEC stand for, and who started it?

~Campain ... Forgot Its Purpose ... But Eats Cheese

21. What was the name of Retto's first horde?


22. Who created the Delor accounts?

~Stormy, Shael was Daughters of Delor.  There was also a spree of 'Second cousins of delor' 'penguins of delor' 'pets of delor' etc.

23. Who owns the copyrights to the word 'stomple'?


24. Who once submitted a picture of himself/herself drinking coffee?


25. Who is known for ending his/her posts with "*Walks into shadow*"?


26. Who owns the most forum accounts?

~Julie most likely

27. How often do we have Commanders?

~used to be monthly

28. Estimate how many account numbers you think we had in the First Era.

~about 2000

29. Try and see if you can name who owned these account numbers in First Era, and what their horde name was.
#1 - Hair Raisers -Holby
#2 - Windhounds -windhound
#3 - Aruela Corps -Kalamath ?
#4 - Daughter of Delor -Shael
#5 - Ereptor's Raiders -Ereptor
#6 - Northland Raiders -Nevada
#7 - Bogfoot's Impailers (was that first era?) -...
#8 - Jedi?! -Josheph
#9 - Sons of Delor -Stormy
Extra credit - (one extra point for every three hordes) name as many First Era double-digit accounts with the owner's name and horde name as you can

30. What do you remember about Badbranch?

~Badrang (?)  member of the RWL news thing we had, concidered slightly annoying

31. What does OSOBO stand for?


32. Which RWL members are friends in real life? (can be from the past, or now)


33. What argument sparked a debate about evolution and everything else that grew to be 14 pages long?


34. Who owned The Hexans, and what was the account number?

~John, 411?

35. Name as many members as you can who had 'claw' in their name.

~Deathclaw, Barkclaw,

36. Which member was always throwing skittles?


37. Which member plays the cello?


38. Who is known for adding "-eth" onto the end of words?

~windy..eth...  there was another wasnt there?

39. Who had the hypnotizing little squares avatar?


40. Which RWLers have met other RWLers in real life?

~TJ has met a few..
~Aus met Ad

I rushed through that..  will go back and correct obvious mistakes later ^_^
Lessee your answers Shael ^_^

edit:  and good idea on the color thing..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

The Lady Shael

Meh, I think you misunderstood question 29, I meant who had account #1, which was Boze, (Boze (Admin)), who had account #2 (Nev, Northlands Raiders), etc, etc, etc. (sorry, I just watched 'The King and I' today.)

If you haven't filled out the quiz yet, please restrain yourself from looking at other people's answers, I'm curious to see how much people really know.
For that reason, I'm posting my answers in a hard-to-read color. (highlight to read)

1. Name the Rulers of First Era in order, with their titles.
Stormclaw the Noble
Spigot the ?
Shael the Benevolent
Ragefur the Deceiver
Orcrist the Pretender
Bogfoot? the ?
Raine the Liberator

2. What does the TR in TR Shadow stand for? ...

3. Who created RWL? Boze

4. Which RWL member lives in Australia? Holby

5. How long did RWL's very first forum last? two months (Oct '02 to Dec '02, because we got the second forum on Jan 7, '03. I have no idea how I remember these things...)

6. What date is considered RWL's birthday? October 14

7. Name the game expansions in order.  ?, DEX, BAX, BAXX, I really have no idea

8. Who was RWL's first and only RWL president? Kilk

9. In First Era, what was the name of horde #2, and which member was that? Northlands Raiders, nev

10. What year was RWL born? 2002

11. Name all the RWL mods. Teufel, Shael, windy, Xenocide, TJ, Sha, there's probably more

12. How many forums have we had? (including temp forums) 5?

13. Tarsonis is also known by what other two names? Fenix, Josh

14. Who was the first RWL mod? Ad

15. What has been the biggest RWL fad, and who started it? cheese; Coolclaw, it was actually the first-ever role-play topic on the forum

16. What extremely minor administrative action inspired a huge uprising of RWL members campaigning to reverse the action? underlines to links

17. Name as many ROME members as you can. Domitian, Constantine, Nero, Titus...meh

18. Who founded TBV, and what does it stand for? The Brotherhood of Vermin; Ereptor

19. Who coined the term 'HPR', what does it stand for, and why is it used? Ragefur; Happy Pony Raiser; to show that this game is Redwall:Warlords, not Redwall:Happy Pony Raisers

20. What does CAFIPUBEC stand for, and who started it? ... ; Beatles and Holby

21. What was the name of Retto's first horde? Deran-Jed Pumer Clan

22. Who created the Delor accounts? Beatles (yeah, I wasn't talking about either me or Stormy)

23. Who owns the copyrights to the word 'stomple'? Kilk

24. Who once submitted a picture of himself/herself drinking coffee? Ragefur

25. Who is known for ending his/her posts with "*Walks into shadow*"? Ereptor

26. Who owns the most forum accounts? Julie

27. How often do we have Commanders? every month?

28. Estimate how many account numbers you think we had in the First Era. 1500?

29. Try and see if you can name who owned these account numbers in First Era, and what their horde name was.
#1 - Boze (Admin) - Boze
#2 - Northlands Raiders. - Nev
#3 - Sons of Delor - Stormy
#4 -
#5 - Hyperion - Griever
#6 -
#7 - Aurelia Corps - Klamath ?
#8 -
#9 -
Extra credit - name as many double-digit account with the owner's name and horde name as you can
#55 - Shael - The Black Raiders
#60 - Kilk - Kilk's Mauraders
#98 - Germania
#21 - Retto - Deran-Jed Pumer Clan

30. What do you remember about Badbranch? he was annoying (I definitely meant Badbranch, not Badrang)

31. What does OSOBO stand for? One Short of Being Odd

32. Which RWL members are friends in real life? (can be from the past, or now) Ashy and Arguia

33. What argument sparked a debate about evolution and everything else that grew to be 14 pages long?
nothing is impossible (between Raine and Shael)

34. Who owned The Hexans, and what was the account number? John; 611?

35. Name as many members as you can who had 'claw' in their name. Coolclaw, Razorclaw, Deathclaw, Wickedclaw

36. Which member was always throwing skittles? Beem

37. Which member plays the cello? Mark

38. Who is known for adding "-eth" onto the end of words? windy

39. Who had the hypnotizing little squares avatar? Aqualis

40. Which RWLers have met other RWLers in real life? TJ & Cal, Ilse, Bloodwake;
Ad and Cal, Ad and Aus, probably more

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


a note:
{color = #CCCCCC} {/color}
produces this with the proper brackets
if you wish, put your posts in this color so its less obvious

and yeah, I thought you just meant name 10..  not 1-10..  I wouldnt have had a clue there..  'cept the admin account and nev's. . believe stormy was a single-digiter..  maybe..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Somehow I didn't think to right them down, but if you care to trust me, I got 33-34 answers correct.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


I don't! XDDD My memory is terrible, TERRIBLE! So I'll probably disgrace myself. If there's a question about me I'll probably get it wrong. And I've been here for, what, 2 years, 9, 10 months?

1. Name the Rulers of First Era in order, with their titles.

- Stormclaw, Sons of Delor
- Ragefur, Romantics Tribe (I mean Ratimatics)
- Orcrist no order, Retto, Shael, Raine, and one more. Did Josh make it?

2. What does the TR in TR Shadow stand for?

Team Rocket

3. Who created RWL?


4. Which RWL member lives in Australia?


5. How long did RWL's very first forum last?

Like, a few months. XD Precicely!

6. What date is considered RWL's birthday?

Oct. uh....12? 13?

7. Name the game expansions in order.


8. Who was RWL's first and only RWL president?

Umm...Peace Alliance?

9. In First Era, what was the name of horde #2, and which member was that?

I forget, but it was Nevadacow.

10. What year was RWL born?   


11. Name all the RWL mods.

Counting admins or not?

12. How many forums have we had? (including temp forums)

3 or 4.

13. Tarsonis is also known by what other two names?

I fergit.

14. Who was the first RWL mod?

Uhh...Ragey. I dunno!

15. What has been the biggest RWL fad, and who started it?

Cheese? Happy Pony Raising?

16. What extremely minor administrative action inspired a huge uprising of RWL members campaigning to reverse the action?

Oh! Underlines.

17. Name as many ROME members as you can.


18. Who founded TBV, and what does it stand for?

The Brotherhood of Vermin, I think it was Ereptor.

19. Who coined the term 'HPR', what does it stand for, and why is it used?

Ragey, Happy Pony Raising, to forage and loot and live happily and prance with the ponies and not attack much.

20. What does CAFIPUBEC stand for, and who started it?

Something cheese related, probably Ashy or Holby.

21. What was the name of Retto's first horde?

Oh darn, I knew this one.

22. Who created the Delor accounts? probably Beatles made the other 30.

23. Who owns the copyrights to the word 'stomple'?


24. Who once submitted a picture of himself/herself drinking coffee?

Dunno, haven't looked at the album in a long time.

25. Who is known for ending his/her posts with "*Walks into shadow*"?

I should know this one...

26. Who owns the most forum accounts?

Umm...Beatles? :D I wouldn't be surprised.

27. How often do we have Commanders?

I dunno, I've never played it/wasn't here for months at a time.

28. Estimate how many account numbers you think we had in the First Era.


29. Try and see if you can name who owned these account numbers in First Era, and what their horde name was.
#1 - Nation of Truth? Admin? Bozeo?
#2 - nevadacow's first account. It had a period at the end.
#3 - Sons of Delor, Stormclaw
#4 - Ratimatics Tribe, Ragey
#5 - Retto's first account?
#6 -
#7 -
#8 -
#9 -
Extra credit - (one extra point for every three hordes) name as many First Era double-digit accounts with the owner's name and horde name as you can

Too laazzyy.

30. What do you remember about Badbranch?


31. What does OSOBO stand for?

Don't know.

32. Which RWL members are friends in real life? (can be from the past, or now)

All the ones from Canada. And Ad and Cal every now and then.

33. What argument sparked a debate about evolution and everything else that grew to be 14 pages long?

Oh, I remember that one. But I don't remember who started it. Probably Raine or something.

34. Who owned The Hexans, and what was the account number?

John, 811.

35. Name as many members as you can who had 'claw' in their name.

Stormclaw, Mystclaw, Deathclaw, Wickedclaw, Clawclaw...wait...

36. Which member was always throwing skittles?

I think I got skittle'd by Ashy once...

37. Which member plays the cello?

Not me!

38. Who is known for adding "-eth" onto the end of words?

Doth not remembereth.

39. Who had the hypnotizing little squares avatar?


40. Which RWLers have met other RWLers in real life?

Ad and Cal, Ad and Austin

Dang, no questions about me! 3 faithful years, and no respect. *sobber*

Did you know I cheated back in the first era? I had two accounts, and with one of them I schooled John (Hexans) on how to play.

The Lady Shael

Aaah, I didn't forget you Tania. I wanted to add a question "Who were the First and Second Empresses of RWL?" but I already had 40 questions. You did pretty awesome though, you remembered a bunch of things I didn't. Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure that Tarsonis was an Emperor, and that threw me off, because I thought there was only 7, but I think Raine makes eight. And I forgot Ragey was #4 in First Era...and it slipped my mind that Stormy had "-claw" in his name. >.<

These are the questions that we haven't answered, or fully-answered, or I'm not sure if we have the right answer.

1. Name the Rulers of First Era in order, with their titles.

7. Name the game expansions in order.

11. Name all the RWL mods.

17. Name as many ROME members as you can.

20. What does CAFIPUBEC stand for, and who started it?

28. Estimate how many account numbers you think we had in the First Era.

29. Try and see if you can name who owned these account numbers in First Era, and what their horde name was.
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -
#4 -
#5 -
#6 -
#7 -
#8 -
#9 -
Extra credit - (one extra point for every three hordes) name as many First Era double-digit accounts with the owner's name and horde name as you can

32. Which RWL members are friends in real life? (can be from the past, or now)

35. Name as many members as you can who had 'claw' in their name.

40. Which RWLers have met other RWLers in real life?
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


1. Name the Rulers of First Era in order, with their titles.

~~~Before my time.

7. Name the game expansions in order.

I think we have credits somewhere......

11. Name all the RWL mods.


17. Name as many ROME members as you can.

I fought them does that count?

20. What does CAFIPUBEC stand for, and who started it?

Guess I missed that topic

28. Estimate how many account numbers you think we had in the First Era.

Wish I was here for the first era

29. Try and see if you can name who owned these account numbers in First Era, and what their horde name was.
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -
#4 -                                      meh
#5 -
#6 -
#7 -
#8 -
#9 -
Extra credit - (one extra point for every three hordes) name as many First Era double-digit accounts with the owner's name and horde name as you can

32. Which RWL members are friends in real life? (can be from the past, or now)

Don't know

35. Name as many members as you can who had 'claw' in their name. Deathclaw, Stormclaw, Wickedclaw, RazorClaw, Black Claw. Black Claw The Feared, Bloodclaw, Claws'n'Paws, CoolClaw, RazorClaw (In Ohio), Razorclaw2, Clawbeast, Mortclaw the Bladeslayer, SWARTT SIX CLAW, Avenger Claw, 
Rhiclaw, Lord Redclaw the trickster, and Barkclaw2

I just searched memberlists for these, guess it's cheating so i made em really small so if anyone really doesn't or really wants to know the answer there it is. I suppose Shael already did that though.....

40. Which RWLers have met other RWLers in real life? Same  as 32

As for the other questions, let's just say I did alot worse than Menatus.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


I remember on the old RWL server there was a list of all the emperors, their titles, and how they got their title. (What Ragefur did to become the deciever, etc).

Some answers, cheatery:

#20: CAmpaign that Forgot It's PUrpose, But Eats Cheese

I looked it up and found it being said by Holby, one one of my old forums. Good thing he capitalized things, or I'd never figure out HOW that makes CAFIPUBEC.

Stormclaw the Noble
Ragefur the Deceiver
Shael the Benevolent

How could I forget Josh was Tarsonis? Slipped my mind, I suppose.

I looked up "stormclaw ragefur retto shael" in hope to find the list on google, and the first link is to an unworking page on my website. XD

That's all I could find.

The Lady Shael

Aww, you still did fine for not being here in First Era, Juska. We still consider you somewhat of an oldbie. Or I do, at least.

Heh, I cheated too, I found the list of First Era rulers on this forum because I knew it backwards and forwards a couple years ago and I remember posting it all over the place.

Stormclaw the Noble (Sons of Delor, #3)
Spigot the Conqueror (Deran-Jed Pumer Clan?, #21)
Shael the Benevolent (Daughters of Delor, #679)
Ragefur the Deceiver (Ratimics Tribe, #4)
Orcrist the Pretender (Blueeyes, #60?)
Haruvar the Great (Revolution of Valiant Light?)
Tarsonis the Tyrant (Tarsonis, #?)
Raine the Liberator (The Sovereign Guard, #237)

For those who didn't know, I'm pretty sure that Retto was both Spigot and Haruvar. ^_^

[edit] Added the accounts to the list, just trying to see if I remember.

By the way, if you guys have any RWL trivia questions of your own, feel free to post them. Or make your own quiz. XD
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Wow, Retto was emperor twice? I know Revolution of Valiant Light (ROVL!) was him, and of course the other. Oh, yeah, now I remember. Wow, he got emperor twice before I got it once.


I will not deleted this

Badrang the Tyrant

Quote30. What do you remember about Badbranch? he was annoying (I definitely meant Badbranch, not Badrang)

1. Name the Rulers of First Era in order, with their titles.
That's all I know

2. What does the TR in TR Shadow stand for?
-No clue

3. Who created RWL?

4. Which RWL member lives in Australia?

5. How long did RWL's very first forum last?
-Errrmm....7 months?

6. What date is considered RWL's birthday?
-Oct. 14

7. Name the game expansions in order.

8. Who was RWL's first and only RWL president?

9. In First Era, what was the name of horde #2, and which member was that?
-Northland Raiders, nev

10. What year was RWL born?   

11. Name all the RWL mods.
-Ad, windy, Teufel, Shael (methinks)..and that's all I'm guessing

12. How many forums have we had? (including temp forums)

13. Tarsonis is also known by what other two names?
-Fenix, Josh

14. Who was the first RWL mod?

15. What has been the biggest RWL fad, and who started it?
-There are too many...But I'll go with Cheese, and Ashy started it

16. What extremely minor administrative action inspired a huge uprising of RWL members campaigning to reverse the action?

17. Name as many ROME members as you can.
-Nero, Titus, and other Roman names

18. Who founded TBV, and what does it stand for?
-Ereptor, The Brotherhood of Vermin

19. Who coined the term 'HPR', what does it stand for, and why is it used?
-Ragefur?  Happy Pony Raiser, people were content to store food and cash instead of using armies to fight

20. What does CAFIPUBEC stand for, and who started it?
-No idea what it stands for, but it has to do with cheese, and again Ashy?

21. What was the name of Retto's first horde?
-Deran dude

22. Who created the Delor accounts?
-That Beatles guy

23. Who owns the copyrights to the word 'stomple'?
-Kilk (I just looked through the photoalbum the other day  :-D)

24. Who once submitted a picture of himself/herself drinking coffee?

25. Who is known for ending his/her posts with "*Walks into shadow*"?

26. Who owns the most forum accounts?

27. How often do we have Commanders?
-Supposedly once per month

28. Estimate how many account numbers you think we had in the First Era.

29. Try and see if you can name who owned these account numbers in First Era, and what their horde name was.
#1 -Admin (Nation of Truth)
#2 -Nev (Northland Raiders)
#3 -
#4 -
#5 -
#6 -
#7 -
#8 -
#9 -
Extra credit - (one extra point for every three hordes) name as many First Era double-digit accounts with the owner's name and horde name as you can

30. What do you remember about Badbranch?
-Notathing, but his name is close to mine...

31. What does OSOBO stand for?
-No clue

32. Which RWL members are friends in real life? (can be from the past, or now)
-Josh and sh0e, Holby and neobaron (I think), Ad and cal, Ad and Aus

33. What argument sparked a debate about evolution and everything else that grew to be 14 pages long?
-Heck if I know

34. Who owned The Hexans, and what was the account number?
-John, #411

35. Name as many members as you can who had 'claw' in their name.
-Stormclaw, Badclaw, Coolclaw, Wickedclaw..

36. Which member was always throwing skittles?

37. Which member plays the cello?

38. Who is known for adding "-eth" onto the end of words?

39. Who had the hypnotizing little squares avatar?

40. Which RWLers have met other RWLers in real life?
-TJ and half the community!

Ashyra Nightwing

1. Name the Rulers of First Era in order, with their titles.
1. Stormclaw the Noble, Spigot the Conqueror, Shael the Benevolent, Ragefur the Deciever, Orcrist the Pretender, Haruvar the Great, Tarsonis the Tyrant and Raine the Liberator (and I didn't even cheat on this one. =D)

2. What does the TR in TR Shadow stand for?
Easy. Team Rocket.

3. Who created RWL?

4. Which RWL member lives in Australia?
Holby! (and Baska)

5. How long did RWL's very first forum last?
Til Feb 7th.

6. What date is considered RWL's birthday?

7. Name the game expansions in order.

8. Who was RWL's first and only RWL president?

9. In First Era, what was the name of horde #2, and which member was that?
It was Nevadacow's horde, I can't remember the name...

10. What year was RWL born?   

11. Name all the RWL mods.
Aus, Teufel, TJ, Sha...

12. How many forums have we had? (including temp forums)
Lots. Er... *counts on fingers* 6?

13. Tarsonis is also known by what other two names?
Fenix, Josh.

14. Who was the first RWL mod?

15. What has been the biggest RWL fad, and who started it?
CHEESE. The Beatles started it, not me.

16. What extremely minor administrative action inspired a huge uprising of RWL members campaigning to reverse the action?

17. Name as many ROME members as you can.
Er... Kilk, windy, Peace, Volkov... I found out most of the Rome members, I should know more than this..

18. Who founded TBV, and what does it stand for?
Ereptor, The Brotherhood of Vermin

19. Who coined the term 'HPR', what does it stand for, and why is it used?
Ragefur, Happy Pony Raising, To describe my Commanders strat. (XD)

20. What does CAFIPUBEC stand for, and who started it?
The Campaign that Forgot its Purpose but Eats Cheese. The Beatles started it.

21. What was the name of Retto's first horde?
The Deran-Jed Pumer Clan. (#21)

22. Who created the Delor accounts?
Nobody will ever know...

23. Who owns the copyrights to the word 'stomple'?

24. Who once submitted a picture of himself/herself drinking coffee?

25. Who is known for ending his/her posts with "*Walks into shadow*"?

26. Who owns the most forum accounts?

27. How often do we have Commanders?
Once a month?

28. Estimate how many account numbers you think we had in the First Era.
Hm. 1100?

29. Try and see if you can name who owned these account numbers in First Era, and what their horde name was.
#1 - Admin?
#2 - Nev, Northland Raiders
#3 -
#4 -
#5 -
#6 -
#7 - Klamath, Aurelia Corps.
#8 -
#9 -
Extra credit - (one extra point for every three hordes) name as many First Era double-digit accounts with the owner's name and horde name as you can

30. What do you remember about Badbranch?
He was The Beatles. I can picture his avatar, too.

31. What does OSOBO stand for?
I can't remember. Shame on  me.

32. Which RWL members are friends in real life? (can be from the past, or now)
Me and Arguia... There's got to be more. I remember some of Dead Eye's friends were playing at some point...

33. What argument sparked a debate about evolution and everything else that grew to be 14 pages long?
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Ah, the good old days...

34. Who owned The Hexans, and what was the account number?

35. Name as many members as you can who had 'claw' in their name.
Coolclaw, Barkclaw, Stormclaw, Wickedcalw..

36. Which member was always throwing skittles?

37. Which member plays the cello?

38. Who is known for adding "-eth" onto the end of words?

39. Who had the hypnotizing little squares avatar?
40. Which RWLers have met other RWLers in real life?
Ad, Calria, TJ, Ilse, me (XD) Julie, Aus..

...How come I wasn't in more questions?? =P

Gen. Volkov

I'm a hopeless addict, but I don't know anything in the middle parts, basically late 02 to early 04, so I scored low. I could tell you the stuff from the early game though.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES