Happy 3rd Birthday, RWL!

Started by The Lady Shael, October 13, 2005, 11:11:08 PM

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The Lady Shael

We love you so much.

:- )

It's past midnight where I am, so I'm figuring it's okay to post this. So, people, old and new members alike, gather round and wish RWL a happy birthday. I'm not sure if any actually drew pictures or did anything creative, (you still can, quick, open MS Paint!) but here is where to post those things.

We'll see how many old members we can get to walk through the door as well, we've already got quite a few.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


Picture I drew for Ragey oh-so-long ago.

XD Menatus from even longer ago. Yeesh!

A really ugly Ragey.

And this can be RWL related if you think deep and contemplate life.

11:52 here, so no birthday yet.

Gen. Volkov

4AM here. I'm not creative in the sense that you mean it, so Happy B-Day RWL.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


It's nearly over here, hehe.

You know it's your birthday... It's my birthday too, yeah! The Beatles 4eva.

I will not deleted this

wolf bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Ashyra Nightwing


...Has it really been three years? O_o


As we are celebrating the arrival of the third birthday, shouldnt we look to improving the game and recruiting more players.  where are the admins?
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Arguia Zsah

Quote from: Ashyra Nightwing on October 14, 2005, 11:05:28 AM

...Has it really been three years? O_o

Ashy! email me!!! XD how are you getting on?

Happy Birthday RWL!



Unfortunately, I was unable to create anything special due to ... unwilling electronic components. Neither GIMP nor Photoshop will install. Something about corrupt files.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


wolf bite

There are links to the emails and IMs to those that should be here but are not. As an Admin I can't say that it would be very wise of people to use those to reach some old friends to have them post today. *Hint*

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Wow 3 years...nice ^_^

Good to see you all again.

RS-Wolf Methos

Peace Alliance

We're so old... lol

But never fear! RWL never wrinkles!


If Ragefur and Klamath didn't forget, they'll be posting sometime soon.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


Three years...wow. Just, yeah.
The 'ittle otter,