Wooh. Hail Josh.

Started by Menatus, February 22, 2003, 02:41:24 PM

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 Yup. Suppose he is. This forum's getting boring. Can't there be some topics that AREN'T about how WONDERFUL! Josh is and how much of cheaters the Blade clan are?

I just might have to find another forum. On that note...Draco is cool.

Heheh...been a while. Let's see...new topic, new topic...

How many rats does everyone have in relation to stoats? No wait, what's everyone's general O/D points?

I have... (rounded)
Old Server : O: 47 D: 81
New Server : O: 15m D: 20m

Such is the word of Tania.


 rounding my O and D would be:

O: 33M
D: 32M

oh and my realtion of rats to stoats is 5:3 i do believe.


 Ranks 3 and 4 are like 20mil NW apart. I don't think I'll ever make it past. I have about 1.5:1.


 Yiss yiss, it's kinda like Fenix is #1 and a good ways away from Warhammer and I, who are really in a close fight for #2 and #3. Then there is a nice sized gap, the the rest of the top 10 and below are all in a close race. So really the game is going pretty well and it's kinda funny to see how many times someone is in the top 10 then is out of the top 10 then back in again, lol.



 Yeah...it's like 60m, in the 50s...my 30m...then all these people between 20 and 15 or so.  So there's like 3 or 4 new people in the lower half every day.


 I was in the top ten for a day....until the Blades clans ALL converged with an allied assault upon me......they shall pay...

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 And shall I help pay them back? ^_^;;

Germania 4

 Well apparently if you just use one unit, you don't stay in the top 10 for too long...


 I usually float in and out of the top ten daily. My O/D rounded:

O = 6 mil
D = 8 mil
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


 I just got pushed out of the top ten...  wayyy out of the top ten...  owies...  I was hovering around 6-7...  now...  ick...  rank 37...  NO LANDFATNESS!!!
lol, kinda funny really....  oh well...  
heh, if anyone would be so kind as to send me rats right now it would be greatly appriciated, as I am, um, quite low...  I'm #17  :)   *looks hopeful*  

my current points are:
Offensive Points: 3,685,314
Defensive Points: 2,787,826

...too lazy to round...  and yep, I'm kinda weak as of now...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 I'm pretty rounded, except that I don't have 5,000,000 rats like everyone else, and I don't have a million skiffs...but I will soon.


 hmmm my O/D is 10M/9.7M

I was ranked #9 this morning at one point... then got back on again tonite and I was #12 again. But hey-I've now been in the top ten! *dances* And yes, I took a screen capture.

*is a dork*


 I was the first person to be ranked 10!
~Royal Fighting Corps, #10
I will not deleted this

Mysterious Guy

Wolf bite reigned (was in the top 10) for 20 minutes yesterday. THen Warhammer logged in. :)


Mhmm, (Mhmm's an inside (Also note that I'm not on the outside again) joke)
I'm sitting underneath Calria, at rank 12...
I will not deleted this