Those Micheal Jackson Rock or what

Started by Oscar P, October 08, 2005, 02:47:00 AM

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Those Micheal Jackson Rock or what

No he sucked make a real pole
1 (16.7%)
I never really liked him
3 (50%)
He's Alright
0 (0%)
His songs are pretty good
1 (16.7%)
MJ rules I mean who could beat "Bad" and 'Smooth Crimanal"
1 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Oscar P

You know at the bottom of your heart he rules
HaHa In New Zealand were like 12 hours ahead of you and always will be
Hey im the old Blademaster and I suppose that I better fill my signature so here is

Kick butt Quotes:

Nobody listens to Techno-Eminem

A he he who, shamona-Micheal Jackson

Oh man? im so high I don't even know whats going on-Towlie of South Park

More to Come!!!!!!!!

Ashyra Nightwing

I never really liked him much... Alien Ant Farm's cover of Smooth Criminal was better.

Oscar P

Peole don't like MJ this fourm is wrong! :? :? :? :?
HaHa In New Zealand were like 12 hours ahead of you and always will be
Hey im the old Blademaster and I suppose that I better fill my signature so here is

Kick butt Quotes:

Nobody listens to Techno-Eminem

A he he who, shamona-Micheal Jackson

Oh man? im so high I don't even know whats going on-Towlie of South Park

More to Come!!!!!!!!


Maybe if your grammar made sense.......
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Oscar P

HaHa In New Zealand were like 12 hours ahead of you and always will be
Hey im the old Blademaster and I suppose that I better fill my signature so here is

Kick butt Quotes:

Nobody listens to Techno-Eminem

A he he who, shamona-Micheal Jackson

Oh man? im so high I don't even know whats going on-Towlie of South Park

More to Come!!!!!!!!

Gen. Volkov

Bah, Michael Jackson, frickin pedophile.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

wolf bite

Quote from: Gen. Volkov on October 08, 2005, 05:29:23 PM
Bah, Michael Jackson, fXXXXXX pedophile.

I don?t get it, maybe he is and maybe he is not. If he is, then he deserves everything he has received.

But then there is just as much evidence that he is not as there is that he is. The news only reports the sensational and tends to overlook things that are not as shocking. Don?t get me wrong, I don?t believe everyone that gets found ?not guilty? is really not guilty (cough OJ cough). But there was not one solid bit of evidence that the Jackson is anything more then a little nuts.

If some kid told me about a person that lived a block down, I would be kicking down some doors myself before the police had a chance to arrest them.

But when a kid only shows up after they had been finically cut off, then hired an attorney to try to get money damages before reporting it to the police, I will not believe the kid unless he has some, ANY, evidence to back up their story.

Lets just assume Jackson is not guilty, he did not deserve the cost he received. He spent millions of dollars defending himself, not to mention a year of his life. He could no longer afford his ranch and had to sell it after not working for a year. All the contracts he had to make money were canceled. He had to sell off his rights to the Beatles. And still he now owes more then he owns for the first time in his life. His songs are rarely even played on the radio. His reputation is gone. He can?t do booked out shows. His life has been destroyed.

It does not make sense that people don?t want to be seen buying one of his CDs because of something he was found not guilty of. The Beatles used LSD and had sex with a lot of people, many assumed to be underage. Does this make their talent any less? Ben Franklin had a lot of children out of wedlock, some of the woman were married to other people, does this reduce the good that he did?

Bill Clinton was a pervert, Rush Limbaugh was addicted to drugs, John Belushi and Jimmy Hendrix overdosed and died, Pete Rose gambled on the baseball games he played in, Lady Dianna was a band groupie before she married the Prince, Tim Allen got his start in prison comedy shows, Marlin Brando had the FBI?s most wonted as a house guest, and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. All of them really did the crimes. But people do not overlook the good they did.

But we have Jackson who may not have really done anything wrong, and people will not listen to his music that they once loved.

I think this poll is whether Jackson is a great artist.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Abby The Rat

Well said, Wolfbite. Never really liked him thou, maybe aside Triller but that was it. And really, he didn't need all those nose-jobs.
Not around, please ignore.

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'dude looks like a lady'

creepy..  have you seen pictures of him as a kid?   he went the complete opposite..  black male to white female..

and if you knew there were reports of him molesting children, would you let your child stay at his place?  heck, why would you let your kid stay at some star's home in the first place?  somthin wrong with the parents if you ask me...
and I think it was confirmed that he did sleep in the same bed as the children, even if he didnt molest them..  bah..

never cared much for his songs either.. 
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

Quote from: windhound on October 11, 2005, 12:57:00 PM

... have you seen pictures of him as a kid?? ?he went the complete opposite..? black male to white female..

I knew him as a child and recall what he looked like.

... And no, I would not let my kids sleep in anyone's bed.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Never heard much of his music so I don't really care for him, but WJIFJFPAFADF DIDHEDOTOHIMSELF?!?!?!

Oscar P

Belive it or not I did my speech on 1/2 Micheal Jackson and 1/2 Violence in Video Games(I was being serious)

He was beat as a child in the band "Jackson 5" if he din't make enough money and never had time to do childrens things like play or have sleepovers and these people accused Jim Carrey of Child molesting( but didn't sue him) his once great life is in tatters. Wolf Bite I totally agree with you.
HaHa In New Zealand were like 12 hours ahead of you and always will be
Hey im the old Blademaster and I suppose that I better fill my signature so here is

Kick butt Quotes:

Nobody listens to Techno-Eminem

A he he who, shamona-Micheal Jackson

Oh man? im so high I don't even know whats going on-Towlie of South Park

More to Come!!!!!!!!