Hey kids

Started by ohmyjapan16, August 10, 2005, 12:17:22 AM

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You shall perish, mortal.  Are you playing Reg?


hawkng is the most financially stable strat for me (once you get used to it, it's easy) just basically earn for loyalty (and gaining hawks, when you've just gained huts), then use them up on your hawks by foraging for food, and looting for money, and use your troops to attack. of course, do full huts, etc. I NEVER rely on markets for money, that's as bad as being a peasant in the streets XD (and nohc, he's not gonna tell ya if he's in reg or not if you say he's gonna perish, lol)



XD >_>

I like how markets are never the best way to make money...


Markets kick butt, I outta break out the strat on rwl and see how it goes, it rocked vahall and they use 450 turns. But I'm indying. Maybe on turbo.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19




Yea, I'm playing reg. I like the amount of land going around.


how do u get to play faf ive been wondering if i could try that to -_- lol ive heard alot about it and have been interested in how to gt to the site to play it 8)

I am Alazar The Axe

Badrang the Tyrant


yeah, just go there, sign up, then look at your email for the password, then goto the server you signed up for (you can sign up for all four of them btw) and put in the username and password, then uncheck the "Use cookies" box, then login! (also, don't forget to visit the forums!) you uncheck the "Use Cookies" box, because on some computers (usually because of firewall) it will just put you back to the login page because the cookies have been blocked. (don't forget to go to manage empire and change your password when you log in)




were the men play.

I run a cashign strat there(markets) I consistanly place top 15 with it, and if you wondering top 15 their is like 3rd here.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Oscar P

Congratulations for joining RWL. Weasles are quite rarely used in this game and not very powerful
What is your reg name?

HaHa In New Zealand were like 12 hours ahead of you and always will be
Hey im the old Blademaster and I suppose that I better fill my signature so here is

Kick butt Quotes:

Nobody listens to Techno-Eminem

A he he who, shamona-Micheal Jackson

Oh man? im so high I don't even know whats going on-Towlie of South Park

More to Come!!!!!!!!


Noteable diffrences between RWL and FAF:
RWL's sack is far weaker than FAF's Attack for Reasources. This makes reasurce hoarding far different in RWL. In RWL, you can hoard cash and food in your account, and use just leaders for protection, which you couldn't get away with for long at FAF (though troop sacking is relatively rare in both games).

RWL's troop ballence is different than FAF, though not by much. Both have 2 trooptypes that have the most power on offence, 1 that could go either way, and one that is only good on defence aginst standard attacks. Rats, Stoats, and Skiffs, in that order, are the most commonly massed troops at RWL.

Landfat is concidered EXTREMELY important here, perhaps too much so. If you have a high land/networth ratio, exptect to be attacked heavily. A high land/networth ratio is seen as a sign of weakness here. In my own experiance Ragefur's thesis on landfat is highly overrated, and the only reason it still applies is that it is a self propetuateing theory. If you don't follow it, you are attacked heavily, makeing you weaker.

On a similar note, nearly all stragities (at least the last time I was around) depended on leader-looting to support purchaced troops, as a result of the lack of land.

And on a final similar note, offence is far more powerful here. In FAF, you stand some chance of holding your defence with well placed troops and guard towers. In RWL, there is no chance whatsoever of holding your defence aginst supermassers with a far higher networth than you.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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mm..  I played around with starburst's defences on reg for a while
managed to hold off all but Peace and Ereptor..  maybe one more got past..  quite a few bounced off though
problem being once a troop type is broken (esp. rats, high death rate) most others can then break with that type.. 
but point being its not all that hard to put up a defence..  I usually have zero defence 'cept for my one troop type, and for me to beable to setup a defence that can hold off nearly everyone in a run or too 's not bad..  just not everyone bothers 'cause the troops are a drain..  which is the reason I'm droppin them.. 

FAF seems more blood thirsty as well, just the players..  reg. rwl is still fairly well under control as far as attacks..  hit somone 4x get 6x retal, somtimes 1 - 1, depending
on FAF if I hit somone 4x I got 10x in retal..  if I then retaled 12x I got maxxed..  escalation is a bad thing..  then again, I got hit 15x right after I came out of protection last time I played FAF..  so its not nessisarily escalation...

Landfat is kinda important, simply because it takes land to make the things needed to make networth, which is the main point of the game = )
if somone has more land then they should at their networth, it usually means they cant hold it, and it is easily removed
if somone has a high networth and low land it is not only less profitable to take the land, but it could be harder to get at that land


leaders are a popular strat 'cause its easy.  well..  relitivly easy..  need cash?  leader loot/goldmin, need food?  leader feast.  otherwise you have to actually work at keepin things equal and worry when your cash and or food get low ^_^  lazyness is popular

A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


It is also unrivaled. Indy's would be demolished. They don't produce as much either.


 The Indy's are not dead
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19