So, like, Star Wars...

Started by Menatus, May 27, 2005, 10:57:53 PM

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Blood Wake

 hehe, dad, nothing happened in any classes, no teacher even took role

(was afraid of posting that, lol)

you guys don't have your dads playing this game, its different for me, lol
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:


 "And if I was watching my best friend dieing, I would either kill him and put him out of pain, or take him with me to try to help. The Evil OB1 Jedi just walked away."

Obi gave him a chance at life.

Stupidly, because Vader killed him anyway.

Other than scheming to take over the world, succeeding, murdering little children, and blowing up entire planets, the Sith are pretty good!  


 *gasp* Shannara, you ditched school for movies!  Shame.  
I need info about you guys visiting!!

*ahem*  Star Wars.  
There's a novel in the Expanded Universe that tries to put out the idea that there IS NO Light Side or Dark Side of the Force, it's all just a matter of perception.
One of the major characteristics of being a part of the Dark Side is having and showing emotion.  A Jedi must cast off emotion in order to succeed at being one with the Light Side of the Force.  Are you emotionless, willing to not show happiness or sadness, willing to never love or be loved?  If you said 'no,' congratulations!  You've succumbed to the Dark Side!  
What does joining the Dark Side really mean?  As far as I can tell, it means one simple trade... You are ALLOWED to use many different forms of the Force, allowed to show emotion, allowed to really do whatever you want... And all you have to do is use a red lightsaber.  Aye, there's the rub.  If you wanted a spiffy green or blue or whatever lightsaber, tough cookies, red's the limit.  Not even different shades of red... Just plain red.
Now, I said ALLOWED to use different forms of the Force, right?  C'mon, you know darn well that a Jedi can use lightning and the Force choke.  It's not out of their reach... Being a part of the so-called Light Side just puts limits on what you're allowed to do, not what you're capable of doing.  
I'm probably rambling at this point, so I'm done for now.


 Well, after Jedi, Luke has his own Jedi order and lifts the ban on no marriage. The Dark Side succumb to attachment, which is selfish, and the Jedi are supposed to love unconditionally. In my opinion, selfishness is the worst thing possible. So George Lucas has the right idea with that.  


 The Light Side: There idea is to love selflessly and protect those weaker then themselfs. They do what is best for the Republic

The Dark Side:Belive Hatred, Anger, Revenge are all powerful emotions to be harnessed and channeled .They do what is best for themselfs and their leaders

P.S:that guy wasn't any ordanairy Sith he was the Emperor
My warlord name is Bladefang(#536) and I am proudly in the Mythic clan
Halo 2 rules!
And so dose New Zealand
My old fourm account was Oscar(the guy wth the smiley face for an avatar) but I didn't have Internet for a couple of months and forgot the password


On a totally irrelevant note, I worked with Ewan McGregor's brother at Edinburgh Castle this year (he looks a lot like his brother and is a pilot in the RAF. He was a nice guy).

Gen. Volkov

Cool, Raine.

How could I have missed this thread? Musta been on one of my leaves of absence from RWL. Ah well. Well, anyway, I thought the third movie was crap. Better than the second, worse than the first. Plus they ruined Vader.

Also, will someone please explain to me how Obi-Wan goes from early middle age to old as [haties] in 20 years? I mean really, Luke is like 20, max at the beginning of episode 4, but Obi-wan looks 50 years older than he was at the end of episode three. And how in the [haties] does it take the Empire 20 years to build the first death star, and like 5 years, max, for them to get that close to completion on the second?
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Seen all 6 :-D my favourite charecter are:
Darth Vader
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

pippin the mighty


Who here thinks they should make episode 7-9? I read the scripts, and there corny, if they re-wrote them I would like that because I like star wars. :-)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

pippin the mighty


Quote from: Gen. Volkov on September 02, 2007, 08:05:47 PM
Cool, Raine.

How could I have missed this thread? Musta been on one of my leaves of absence from RWL. Ah well. Well, anyway, I thought the third movie was crap. Better than the second, worse than the first. Plus they ruined Vader.

Also, will someone please explain to me how Obi-Wan goes from early middle age to old as [haties] in 20 years? I mean really, Luke is like 20, max at the beginning of episode 4, but Obi-wan looks 50 years older than he was at the end of episode three. And how in the [haties] does it take the Empire 20 years to build the first death star, and like 5 years, max, for them to get that close to completion on the second?
Very good points, but remember at the time the 4,5 and 6 were made they hadn't made the 1,2, or 3rd.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


This is a gentle nudge....Pippin you need to contribute more to your posts to keep them on topic other than one word responses....If I posted everything that came to my mind we'd have a random jumble of one word postings all over the forums making it difficult for anyone to find anything worth commenting on.

Secondly, why was this topic brought back?  Sure its not that old, but its not been touched for 2months its clearly a topic that nobody has interest in anymore...So make sure that you keep to the topic when you do this and say something so that it will make more people, other than ur little friend in mischief, post.

~Mod Duties
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