So, like, Star Wars...

Started by Menatus, May 27, 2005, 10:57:53 PM

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Peace Alliance

QuoteHow come Yoda does not flip around with a limp?
Yoda knows the force well. Conserves his energy he does. When he is walkin around normally, he isn't using the force, however, when he fights, his entire body's movements are carried by the force :)

QuoteCould the ?dark side? really be the good guys and they just picked a bad name for themselves?
i donno... could slayer?


QuoteWhen Skywalker came back to see his wife, he said he had been gone for a long time, how come he was not upset that she was recently pregnant?
apparently lightspeed travel does odd things ;)
plus, its his kid(s) (vader doesnt know 'bout twins, till I guess it was #6) =-P

QuoteHow come none of the Jedi sensed that she was going to have twins if they can sense life forces.
how come they couldnt tell the senetor guy was a sith?  sittin right under their noses  :blink:
possibly the lifeforce of padme overpowered what was in 'er belly

QuoteHow come Yoda does not flip around with a limp?
'cause Yoda rocks ^_^

QuoteWhen space ships blast off next to a workky (sp), how come people are not gagging on the smell of burning hair?
oh, they certainly do, the gagging ones are erased from the film though (be glad we dont have smellovisions yet ;))(and I think its wookie)

QuoteCould the ?dark side? really be the good guys and they just picked a bad name for themselves?
yep.  powers like lightning shooting from your hands and strangling people using your mind are perfectly good powers =-P

A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

Quoteyep. powers like lightning shooting from your hands and strangling people using your mind are perfectly good powers =-P

I would think those powers were good if the ?good guys? had them. I don?t see some ways of killing your enemy to be more evil them others, after all, yoda killed two guards by shrugging his shoulders. Just think about it, we have two opposing ideas in interplanetary leaderships, what would make one better then the other? The sith are stronger and more powerful then the Jedi, so maybe that is an indication they are better. The Jedi killed their enemy and those around their enemy that may have not been all bad people, only following orders, so the dark side and not be plamed for doing the same thing.

The only things I can see that the dark side did wrong was skywalker killing the Jedi kids and the other sith unarmed.

But then as a Jedi, Skywalker killed a family because the men of the tribe killed his mother, but still he did without punishment form the Jedi. Lets face it, if you broke into an alien base and you found the nest of eggs that would be more aliens, would you toss a grenade in? So knowing that the young Jedi would become evil Jedi and he would have to fight them in 10 years, better to get raid of them now.

Then as far as skywalker killing the other sith unarmed, if in a battle to the death, you disarm the enemy and he has not surrendered and still has powers to kill you, would you hand him his light saber back? Even the Jedi council was going to slay the counselor when he was unarmed.

The Jedi were trying to use their own vanity of being ?Masters? to force the leadership to be run the way they thought was best. Although they ?say? they were against people taking power, they themselves were fighting for power both inside of their own organization and the council. They were frankly very uncaring as to the predicament that Skywalker was in. They forbid their members from having close attachments and families. Then when Skywalker was suffering after being burned, OB1 could have put him out of his misery, but no, he left him to suffer. Then when their side had lost, they could have kept fighting in small ways and on planets were they would not be found to save lifes and lead the resistance, but they both went off to live in caves for 20 years.

Maybe we could change the ?Darkside Party? to the ?Enlightened Ones? and people would not be so mean to them.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 OB1 couldn't bring himself to kill Anakin. The sith aren't stronger, they just get strong quicker. And usually they turn to evil.  

wolf bite

 Sith are stronger, one Sith took on 4 Jedi Masters and killed 3 of the four in no time. He only let the leader live long enough so Skywalker could see that the last one would kill in cold blood and was evil. Seems the Sith wanted to save poor Skywalker from being an evil Jedi.

And if I was watching my best friend dieing, I would either kill him and put him out of pain, or take him with me to try to help. The Evil OB1 Jedi just walked away.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I would like to think that Obi-Wan would have put Anikan out of his misery at the end, but then the other Star Wars would not have been even remotely as good..  Darth Vader was a spiffy villian..  ;)

Whos to say the gaurds Yoda got werent dead, but simply stunned?  the movie never showed them again, so its impossible to say..  

the Dark Side built a planet-destoying ship..  planet destorying ships tend to destroy planets, which usually are inhabited by people, and a large % of thoes people are probably innocent.

Obi-Wan, after learning that the evil-robot-guy-who-had-a-name-I-cant-remember was on this particular plant could have simply bombed the place and everything would have been simple.  Sure, the large amount of innocent beings would have been killed, but the objective would have been take care of..  
instead he went in with an incredibly cool lizard and fought the thing who was wielding 6 lightsabers (which was rather spiffy).

The Jedi tend to protect the innocent, while the Dark Side doesnt really care, as long as what need to be accomplished is done.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

 I think OB1 did not randomly blow up the planet where the guy-with-a-lot-of-arms lives was for different reasons. First, the power to blow up planets did not exist without a death-star. Then we look at that most of the planet was guys on his side, with only a few (comparatively) guys on the other side. But then most important, there were cool lizards that you could ride around on that planet.

But then talking about Death-stars, later when the Jedi blew that up, did the Jedi check to make sure there were no innocent people on it before they blasted it?

From starting out as a joke, I am really now seeing that either side could be seen as being evil depending on your viewpoint. One side sees that a council of representatives should run the planets. The other side sees the council as completely ineffective because of overdone politics and wants a dictatorship to bring the planets together. Both sides will do whatever they have to do make their side win. Maybe the ?dark side? sees that there are acceptable losses to save the many? Could you imagine if they made Star Wars 7, 8, and 9 and we found out the dark side was the good guys all along?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


the Dark Side will remain Evil in my books

if the jedi wanted to they could have used one of their massive destoyer ships..  I mean, Obi-Wan tracked him to the exact canion, and went in by himself so it could be accomplished quietly with minimal fuss..  A could of blasts from a starship's main cannon could have easily done the same thing, but with more loss.  (also, big ships have bigger engines, thus they could have gotten there quicker, killed the evil robot, and been done with it...  but then the lizzard would not have appeared in the movie.  that may be the real reason..  they had to show off the lizzard..)

The DeathStar was not a planet, it orbited one =-P  
it stands to reason that the only people onboard it would be the people needed to operate it.  They would not want to hold hostages on it, they didnt need it leaking out that such a thing existed (even though there were rumors) much less its location  (till it was finnished that is (complete with hole to the very center of the ship, so that the core could be shot by a small fleet of ships =-P)

The motto of the Dark Side is "There is only Power, and thoes too weak to seek it"  (or equiv)

(oh, and lighning shooting from fingers is just kinda evil to me..  the ones casting the lighning's face gets all mad and stuff..  Good people just chop off heads with a clean swipe of the lightsaber..  evil people torture with lighning first :P)
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Well, you can argue that Yoda is somewhat freakily evillish looking...

I will not deleted this


 900 years of wrinkles will do that to ya
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 McGregor was good, sure, but Ian was the real star of the show. "I am the Senate!"

Heh, oh, that Palpy...  

Blood Wake

 well I honestly didn't like it that much, and today was the last day of school for me, (tomorrow there is school too but they lock us out of the building, lol) so after my first period me and like 9 friends went to the movie theator to see Star Wars and I didn't want to see it again so me and 2 others broke off from the group and saw the Longest Yard (second time seeing it) its way good, better than Star Wars

edit: well, better than episode 3, nothing can beat the original 3, don't get me wrong
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

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wolf bite

 *Pretends he did not hear that you ditched school to see a movie*

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: windhound*coughs*

This is the real pic... I told you he was evil.
I will not deleted this