So, like, Star Wars...

Started by Menatus, May 27, 2005, 10:57:53 PM

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 Who else saw it? Anyone? Love it? Twice? I did.

Wow, it felt so weird typing in Menatus as my user name. It's always either Tania or Forever Endeavor on anything else. Sweet! I miss RWL but it did steal a lot of my time, so...meh.

So I made this.

And heres a HUGE SPOILER for anyone who hasn't watched the Star Wars DVDs...

wolf bite

 Sorry, can't reply now as I am watching #1 as I get ready to see then all before going to #3.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 *dies* I really want to see it, but I haven't had the time (my dad would be miffed if I went without him <.<). I've seen all the others about a million times (give or take a few thousand). I  <3  Star Wars!
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

The Lady Shael

 I just saw it last night, and I thought it was rather good. I didn't think it was one of the most spectactularly brilliant movies in the history of movies, but I thought it definitely did the Star Wars saga justice, and the effects were pretty awesome. Dialogue...could've been better...

Spoiler sort of stuff:

"Ray shields? How did this happen? We should be smarter than this."

Ani: "Pain........suffering........."
Me: Death?
Ani: "............death."
Me: No kidding.

Padme: "Anikin....I'm pregnant."
Obnoxious person behind us: With Obi-wan.

Me: Oh no, he's not actually going to...
Darth Vader: *hands up* "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

Ah well. I liked the movie, and I do want to see it again. I need to watch all the others first though. I haven't seen any of the others for a couple years. So I barely remembered enough to follow along on this movie. Those are awesome pics, by the way, Tania.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Shael, you forgot.

"You're so beautiful,"
"It's only because I'm so in love,"
"No, it's because I'm so in love with you!"

And then...

Oh, Ani, there's something you must know. I'm preggers.


I'm sorry. I love that satire. No, but I loved it. It wasn't better than Empire or Sith, but definately worth watching.


 I saw it...twice (once for the midnight showing with friends, then with my parents that weekend. Whee for being home). It was good - entertaining. You definately got the impression that it could have been done much better, if only they could have gotten a good writer.

I doubt any of you have seen Dune the miniseries, but I was delighted to see Dune's parade of funny hats have some reuse.
The 'ittle otter,


 I'm going to see it tommorow.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Peace Alliance

 Very true, its quite well agreed that although the movie rocked, the dialog was far from the bees knees. Perhaps they didn't have a very original, or artistic writer, but the world they did on the scenery, and the special effects was what won the movie over for me. In fact, take away the plot AND the characters, and probably would have been able to sit through the entire 2 and a half hours just looking at the amazing scenery.

The city alone was something that amazes me, they much have had a team of 30 designing that city alone, it was magnificent!

heh, i've seen it twice, first one i saw two days before it came out (don't ask, i've got connections) the second time was to take my GF who couldn't come along the first time.
I laughed my HEAD off, each time, when vader shouted NOOOOO... it was the lamest, most oblivious move lucus could have made. I don't know what he was thinking... actually, he was probably thinkin the same thing he was when he decided that frodo should have a 30 minute goodbye scene with sam where they kiss passionatly and cry... who the heck wants to end an amazing trilogy like THAT?


 George Lucas didn't decide anything about Frodo. Peter Jackson directed Lord of the Rings.

Anyway, George Lucas strives on cliches. Things that at some point were serious in a movie and are now something easy to make fun of (e.g. the "NOOO!") are what he likes best. Bad dialogue is staple for Star Wars anyway. I don't nitpick as much as everyone else. Sure, they're not as good as the originals, especially not Menace (ugh), but Sith I really liked. Highly entertaining. I'm gonna probably see it again. Whenever someone tells me they haven't seen it I decide they must come with me.

Also, the person behind you obviously wasn't very clever, Shael, because if Padme was pregnant with Obi-Wan I must wonder what he's doing out of the womb.


 I've been telling my brother for the last week to use the force. I think he's scared of me now.
I will not deleted this


 You've probably been opening shopping center doors with the force as well, I assume.

I admit, when a bottle has been hard to open, I think of saying, "the force is strong with this one," and when my father told me "Star Wars isn't going to help you with school," and I said, "Yes," "How?" "The Force."

Sad, sad. :P I liked Hayden in this one. Just watched Clones earlier, and I like him much more in this one. Obi-Wan's my favorite and he stole the show, but Anakin's receeding hairline was cute. :D

Peace Alliance

 you think thats impressive? I had 10 minute light sabre fights with friends at school, and none of us have light sabres. I've made a reference to star wars in every conversation since the movie, and me and my friends have gone on talking like yoda for hours at a time... haha, i'm not a nerd... i swear!


 I'm constantly referencing, too. I can't say "awww" without adding, "but I was going to Toschi station to pick up some power converters!".

Some kids where having flashlight duels when my art teacher was like, "HEY! What are you kids doing!'re doing it all wrong!" and he whips out two flashlights and starts dueling with them. XD Then he got in trouble with the administration, as usual.

Peace Alliance

 oh yeah and my GF keeps going "remember back on nabu at the lake?" and stuff, hahaha

we have nerdy teachers too!


 Naboo, Peace.

I've seen it. Very good, much better than the last two.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis