Got massing questions

Started by Derfasciti, May 10, 2005, 09:56:17 AM

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 I've been thinking about massing like 90% of rats from day one. They seem easy enough to come by.

My question is can rats fight against skiffs, weasels, etc. if they choose a certain attack?

Like can a bombardment attach pit weasel vs. rat or does it have to be weasel vs. weasel?

Peace Alliance

 You can standard strike with your rats and it uses all your troops against all of theirs.

Thing is, rats are really good at breaking rats, but they're quite lousy at breaking anything else.  


 Oh, so if someone were to attack with a weasel attack, the rats could fight them in defense?

Peace Alliance

 only if they attacked with standard strike


 We outta have a turbo wher eu have to standard attack, or surpirse.