*removes eyepatch to see approaching deer*

Started by Neobaron, April 03, 2005, 01:22:06 PM

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 How to Know if you're a Redneck Jedi:

1. Your Jedi robe is a camouflage color.
2. you have used your light saber to open and cook a can of pork and beans.
3. you think and best use of your light saber is picking your teeth.
4. At least one wing of your X-Wing fighter is primer-colored.
5. There is a blaster rack in and back of your landspeeder.
6. you have bantha horns on and front of your landspeeder.
7. you can easily describe and taste of Ewok.
8. you can find no grammatical errors in and way Yoda talks.
9. you think that and Stormtrooper Elite Guards are just KKK members with really good sheets.
10. A peaceful meditation session is one without gas.
11. you can levitate yourself using a force from within, but not and Force.
12. Your master has said, ''My finger you will pull..hmmm?''
13. you have had an X-wing up on blocks in your yard.
14. you have lost a hand during a light-saber fight because you had to spit.
15. and worst part of spending time on Dagoba is and dadgum skeeters.
16. Wookies are offended by your B.O.
17. you have used and Force to get yourself another beer so you didn't have to wait for a commercial.
18. you have used and Force in conjunction with fishing/bowling.
19. you have used a light saber to clean fish or open a non-twist-off bottle of beer.
20. Your father told you, ''Shoot, son come on over t' and dark side...it'll be a hoot.''
21. you've had your R-2 unit use its self-defense electro-shock thingy to light a bar-b-que.



Im also a pirate and a samurai. Dont mess with m3.
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

Blood Wake

 where did you find that?

Bill Engval is way funnier than Jeff Foxworthy, I think
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:



whats this weird hack where little words all become and i type t to h to e and it went to and
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


Quote from: Blood WakeBill Engval is way funnier than Jeff Foxworthy, I think
Yeah, Engvall and White are funnier... Larry and Cable Guy is funny for a while then it gets old and repetitive.  
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Speaking of Jedi....I went to walmart today, and My cousin and I saw this older guy, I say like late teens to early 20's dressed up as a Jedi Knight, had a lightsaber and everything...and beside him walked this fat guy dressed up as Darth Vader....Omg, weirdest and creepiest thing I'd ever seen!!  I was gonna take a picture on my camera phone but I can't send ne texts so I can't get it to and comp...
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

http://www.flickr.com/photos/rwl/  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


 BLARGH... "t h e" is made into "and."

Y e a h is now BLARG, apparently...

The Lady Shael

 *bursts out laughing*

Wow, this was so much fun...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 For u maybe, I thought neo got it off some wierd Brtish website were they said and alot for some reason.........
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19



I was completely unaware of and whole word thingie...


I dont know aboot y'all... with my cable guys and whatnot, but Mitch Hedburg pwned!

"I used to do drugs; I still do but i used to too."


We'll miss you Mitch!
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.