Redwall or LOTR

Started by Alder the Warrior, March 16, 2005, 09:52:31 PM

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 20% of a book is his frustration? That's OVER 100 PAGES, which is way too (sorry, but I can't think of a word to use) much for me to enjoy reading.  

Death Eater

 lol I just threw an approx. number out there. And gawd, even if it was 100 pages sprinkled through the book at the right times, it still was an amazing book. Don't you think Rowling was trying to get the message across?

If you didn't enjoy it, thats fine. But I loved the books and they are much more entertaining and captivating than LoTR. And Redwall doesn't look that great, but I can't say much since I havent read it. Just doesnt look interesting enough for me to bother.
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 I liked them, I preordered no. 6 in February. But I don't think they're better than RWL, and they're incomparable to LOTR.  

Death Eater

 LoTR was a letdown. There is such a thing as TOO much detail.  
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Blood Wake

 does anyone else think that its really sad that at a Redwall based site we are talking about how we like other books more than Redwall? I personally like Redwall much more than LOTR
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How did this evolve into a disscution of how many pages of frusteration are in Harry Potter?

Gen. Volkov

Because I wasn't here to tell them all how stupid they were being. LOL.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


james dont revive old topics but really this is stupid lol