Redwall or LOTR

Started by Alder the Warrior, March 16, 2005, 09:52:31 PM

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Alder the Warrior

Hate is a choice. Love is a gift. An edict. A command. Love doesn't understand names or labels. It doesn't ask premission. It demands obedience. Hate can change. Love cannot.


 Redwall. Tried to read LOTR, never finished the first one.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Very different stories and styles of writing and plot. I don't really think I can pick between them.  


 Definitely prefer LOTR above Redwall. LOTR is more mature as far as the writing style, the storyline is more complex and they actually make me think while I'm reading them.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 I couldn't get through the first one, it isn't nearly as good as Redwall.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 The first one sucks!!!!!!

But the last 2 are better than all the Redwall books combined.

Just skip the first one.
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 I doubt that they are better than the Redwall books, the Redwall books are my favorite series by far.
Glory, Glory, Man United!

Alder the Warrior

 I thought the LOTR books explaied the surrondings way to much. He'd make a paragraph about one tree or something like that.
Hate is a choice. Love is a gift. An edict. A command. Love doesn't understand names or labels. It doesn't ask premission. It demands obedience. Hate can change. Love cannot.


 It's called poetical language. Hence why I said LOTR has a more mature style of writing. For the most part, you either have to be older or be somewhat of a poet to appreciate his descriptive style of writing. For me, all the excellent description in his books gives a more real feeling to them. I can vividly picture what he's writing as if I were there.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

Alder the Warrior

 Um..Okay, sure. So your saying I'm not mature enough, RIGHT!
Hate is a choice. Love is a gift. An edict. A command. Love doesn't understand names or labels. It doesn't ask premission. It demands obedience. Hate can change. Love cannot.

Death Eater

Quote from: Alder the WarriorI thought the LOTR books explaied the surrondings way to much. He'd make a paragraph about one tree or something like that.
my thoughts exactly. I read a book for a few reasons. One is escapism. Two is entertainment. Three is for extra knowledge. If the book cannot provide on at least 2 of those 3 things, than I can't enjoy it as much. Really, I don't care if its poetic or not, I'm not into that.

The first LoTR book was absolutely terrible. I wanted to see what the hype was about sooo much that I literally forced myself to read it. I ended skipping paragraphs at a time. Even the movie was terrible. The second two were quite a lot better, but I found it went in cycles. You'd get some great parts of the book, and then it would hit a terribly dry spot. Frankly, I don't give a dam about a describing a leaf to perfection, keep the book moving!

I haven't read the Redwall books so I can't comment.

However, some books I really do enjoy are Harry Potter. The first 2 and maybe the 3rd were a tad childish, yes, but I love reading them anywayz. The 4th and 5th book are definately not childish, and are amazing books. I rank them higher than the LoTR books in the 3 categories I listed.

My fav. author is Micheal Crichton (Jurassic PArk, Congo, Sphere, Prey, State of Fear, Disclosure, Five Patients, etc)

You gotta read some of his works. He's not so much fantasy, but he uses actual science to create a great story,
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 The first three books were the only GOOD ones. The new ones are basically all about how sad Harry is and how he's so frustrated as a teenager. I'll write an autobiography and read it if I want to her a teenager whine about his/her problems.  


 I think all the Harry Potter books are good, but not as good as RWL.
Glory, Glory, Man United!

Death Eater

 probably 20% of the 5th book and 10% of the 4th book were about Harry's frustration, I don't know what your talking about. They were definately amazing books, better than the first 3.
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 I think they were all amazing books.
Glory, Glory, Man United!