Definition of 'friend'

Started by The Lady Shael, March 06, 2005, 05:35:15 PM

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The Lady Shael

 Don't look it up in a dictionary or anything.

What is your personal definition of a friend? What are the qualifying characteristics, and how far can a friend go? When is a friend not a friend? Are friends temporary or permanent? How long does it take to make a friend? What's expected of a friend?

We need more discussions in here. *prods everyone*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

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TR Shadow

 A person you can count on not to desert you when you need them most, especially if it's inconvenient for them to stay.


 Friends are people that you like.

Friends should help you out, and not hurt you much.

You can make a friend in seconds.  But that's it.

Friends should stay unless one of you changes or something you're not in control of seperates you from them.

Friends should have things in common with you.  So they're not necessisarily the best people to be around.  (Gangsters have gangster friends, nerds have nerd friends, nice people have nice friends {unless they're exploited XD})


 A true friend is Julie's definition. A friend is simply a person with whom you have more like/affinity with than most other people.  

Ashyra Nightwing

 People who are nice to me, and I am nice to them back. :)


 Ashy, you must have a lot of friends. Receptionists, teachers, bellhops, waiters...  :D  

Gen. Volkov

 Friends? A friend is someone you have formed an emotional attachment to. A deep friend is someone you have a more intense attachment too. That's my definition.
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Quote from: TR ShadowA person you can count on not to desert you when you need them most, especially if it's inconvenient for them to stay.
I like that definition, it fits perfect.
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Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: RazorClawAshy, you must have a lot of friends. Receptionists, teachers, bellhops, waiters...  :D
Well, yeah, I admit that mine was a very loose definition. Julie's one is a lot better. =D


 A friend is someone who accepts me the way I am, but will also tell me when I'm being a jerk and need to straighten up.  

My friends have quite a few things in common with me (i.e. interests, thought process, ideals).  Personally, I would do pretty much anything for my friends, even die for them if the situation called for it, but I wouldn't do anything illegal for them, and I'd like to think they'd do the same for me.  

Any friend who betrays my trust is not a real friend.  

Friends can definitely be lost.  For me, it's mostly because I've moved around so much that I can't keep in contact with all my friends.

I sort of have this classification system when it comes to friends:

Friend: Someone I like to talk to or hang out with.
Good friend: Someone I like to spend time with and will confide some things in.
Close friend: Someone I spend a lot of time with and confide almost everything in.
Best friend: Someone I spend most of my extra time with and confide everything in.
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