Favorite Sport

Started by Deathclaw, February 28, 2005, 07:45:51 PM

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Alder the Warrior

Hate is a choice. Love is a gift. An edict. A command. Love doesn't understand names or labels. It doesn't ask premission. It demands obedience. Hate can change. Love cannot.


Quote from: DeathclawRC - I have played goalie for hockey in my friends driveway which is wider than a soccer goal and saved a good amount of them, I could handle goalie in hockey.
What level of hockey does your friend play? Were you in full gear? On ice? Using a puck? If not, then it does not matter! I've played A soccer and it was easy to play goal. I doubt you can say the same for hockey, if you were to come CLOSE to making an A team. DE, beach voleyball's no good to play, and it's no fun to watch men's.  :P  


 You can't prove to each other, or anyone else that one sport is better or requires more than another. Each is very different, requires different skills. You have to be physically fit to play them. But you can not judge which is the more taxing merely by saying "We have to do this!" and "Well we do this, and you couldn't!" It's ridiculous. You can say, however, that to be a good player in any sport you have to be fit, strong, blah blah. But not one against the other, it's ridiculous.

I will not deleted this


 But Holby, soccer players are stronger, fitter, etc. than hockey players. Our conditioning is harder, and they could not handle it.  
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Have you gone through hockey conditioning?

If not, you have no basis for that claim.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


 I'll bet he hasn't ever seen a hockey player try to do soccer conditioning, either.  


 Come to one day of our soccer conditioning. You would pass out before you finished.  
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 You have never gone through hockey conditioning. You don't know if they would pass out. You don't know how hard they train. You don't know if you conditioning is tougher.

Your run, they skate. It's a completely different motion. The kick a ball, the wack a piece of rubber with a stick. Completely different skills.

You can't say whether or not you are more condition that RC unless you actually go head to head with him.

I could say that I am in better shape than either of you. I could say the I could take more physical abuse than both of you put together, but there is no way we can know that unless we were to actually go head to head in some sort of competition.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


 I've seen some hockey training that my friends have done, and mine is harder. Also, to equal soccer training they would have to do many times our stuff, since they skate, which is much easier on your body than running. I would know, I've skated on both wood and ice. Neither is nearly as hard as running.  
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 You have not skated in a game or practice situation on ice. Do your friends play AAA? Do you watch ALL of their conditioning practices?  

Death Eater

Quote from: DeathclawBut Holby, soccer players are stronger, fitter, etc. than hockey players. Our conditioning is harder, and they could not handle it.
Soccer players are STRONGER? FITTER? than HOCKEY!!!

Alright, you obviously don't know what your talking about. Soccer is a great sport anmd all, but honestly, its obviously you've never played hockey.

And beach volleyball is no fun to play? Maybe if you suck at it, but I play on a tour and its so much more fun than any other sport I've played before. And I've played a lot, competitively.

Try soccer, basketball, indoor vball, hockey, tennis, martial arts, etc.

All competitively. Beach volleyball owns.
user posted image


 I like volleyball, just not beach. I get sunburn.  :P