
Started by Trident, February 24, 2005, 08:42:45 PM

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QuoteYou don't want that on your conscience, do you?

Nice try. :P  


 It's ok if somebody out there thought I was geek, though untrue.  They haven't seen what I look like, so I can't blame them.  There needs to be a different genra of people...  Because I can't really classified as one.

-3.6 GPA
-Soccer and Track
-Loveth Classic Rock
-Favorite band is Motley Crue
-Usually wear darks shirts, but not decked out completely in black
-Never does 2nd year Spanish homework, though gets an A- in the class
-Draws and occasionally writes poetry
-Is Christian
-Will back up friends in a fight
-Loves butterflies and flowers
-Likes guys who are skaters

There ya go.  You can't really say I'm a geek, not really a prep, not quite gothic, sort of punk, kind of sporty...  I think that's what most of us are, unless we label ourselves as just one or two "normal" types of people.  Hybrid geek/punk... lol you're great, Razorclaw.  


 Like I said, some geekiness is required to play this. And, anybody who is attracted to people because they are skateboarders is definitely a punk. Wait, you said "skaters". I'm quite skilled at skating, Trident...  :D  Actually, I am good at skating, but the statement was a joke.  


 So are you accepted into all social groups or excluded from all of them? :unsure:  


 Depends on which universe.  :blink:  I get along with all but the jerk-punk crowd and drugees. Get along with punks, athletes, geeks, average-ers, video game addicts, rich people, poor people, etc. Nobody can resist my likeability.  :P  


 I'm straight as straight can be, single because I just broke up with my boyfriend in January, and not a geek or a punk or part of any other group that can be labelled; I'm just me, and I hang out with all types of people.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

TR Shadow

 I think labels are stupid.  They cause you to judge a person too fast.  Thus, I can not be classified, and I try not to classify others.


 *points at Julie* Penguin-lover! *points at Teufel* Averager, or "Doesn't-want-to-be-labeled-er"!


 *Becomes quite scared*
That's the strangest emoticon I've ever seen...
*Wanders off to listen to more AC/DC*


 Averager?! Hah! If you must know, I'm a bit of many things: punk, nerd, video gamer, insane-psychotic-weirdo, good girl... the list goes on. I'm not average; I'm balanced.  ;)  
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


Quote from: AqualisI'm unbalanced.
Quite true  :snicker:  


 Want wierd emoticons? Hehehe... Here goes nothin'! (do not read on if you are faint of heart)

And others that I shall not post so as to not be subjected to the ban hammer.  


Quote from: Gen. VolkovAm a geek though. You all are too. Even if you won't admit it, you are.
Nope, not me. I'm prep/soccer player (soccer is big in my town, high school team is tenth in the nation). Definitely not geek, though.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 What the elk is prep?

I'm so proud of you all right now, having a DISCUSSION.  :)  
I will not deleted this