Peace alliance...Great Player? or cheap loser?

Started by Blankshots, February 07, 2005, 01:53:23 PM

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 I present to you exhibit A:

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1510 Acres of Land and destroyed:
306,776 Rats
You managed to destroy:
179,886 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1705 Acres of Land and destroyed:
131,125 Rats
You managed to destroy:
308,642 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 291 Acres of Land and destroyed:
268,874 Rats
You managed to destroy:
97,177 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1177 Acres of Land and destroyed:
208,616 Rats
You managed to destroy:
104,029 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 118 Acres of Land and destroyed:
120,355 Rats
You managed to destroy:
178,428 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1531 Acres of Land and destroyed:
135,748 Rats
You managed to destroy:
198,762 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 407 Acres of Land and destroyed:
152,894 Rats
149,696 Food
1,152,919 Cash
You managed to destroy:
212,801 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
105,681 Rats
You managed to destroy:
141,478 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
50,998 Rats
You managed to destroy:
157,920 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1258 Acres of Land and destroyed:
155,935 Rats
You managed to destroy:
203,805 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 467 Acres of Land and destroyed:
140,820 Rats
You managed to destroy:
133,019 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1030 Acres of Land and destroyed:
154,625 Rats
You managed to destroy:
115,399 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1110 Acres of Land and destroyed:
168,777 Rats
You managed to destroy:
55,834 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 874 Acres of Land and destroyed:
130,361 Rats
You managed to destroy:
128,765 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 311 Acres of Land and destroyed:
128,833 Rats
You managed to destroy:
94,954 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1025 Acres of Land and destroyed:
123,171 Rats
You managed to destroy:
58,558 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 611 Acres of Land and destroyed:
67,394 Rats
You managed to destroy:
141,789 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1126 Acres of Land and destroyed:
83,970 Rats
You managed to destroy:
152,657 Rats

0.2 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! You held your defense and your enemy was repelled, but you lost:
89,418 Rats
You managed to destroy:
115,024 Rats


Now my question to you he good or a cheap player? This warlord thinks cheap, you decided.
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.


"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


 I agree as well!

I wasnt in a run but i was online 2 minutes from running once i checked all my ratios

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 942 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 31 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
1 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 93 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 331 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 797 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 1082 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 313 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
4 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 144 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
3 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 986 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 212 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 373 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
4 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 303 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
1 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 934 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:
2 Rats

0.7 hours ago PeaceAlliance (#5) attacked you! Your enemy captured 461 Acres of Land and destroyed:
You managed to destroy:


 My problem with Peace is not that he does this, but that he whines and complains when other people do it to him, then says "tough" when other people complain.  


 Tough, go cry somewhere else you losers.

Online attack him back, form together and std him into the effing ground stop whining.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance

 My problem with you razorclaw (well, other then the fact that i don't think you could possibly BE any stupider) is that you will blindly believe things you read, and then use those things to form opinions of others that are most likely untrue, and bias.

I will post the message log between me and Blanknuts tomarrow 'cause i can only log on at school. That will explain exactly what happened.

as for other online attacks people have accused me of? Most of them, are after an espionage showing me that they have 0 turns, thus it is perfectly FAIR to attack them, either that or they logged on WHILE i was attacking, and of course i never noticed. one guy this season sent me a message to tell me to stop, and as soon as i saw the message, i stopped... then he sent me ANOTHER message getting even more mad because he didn't reolise that after cleared his front page and then went to write the message, it would have kept attacking him 'cause i didn't HAVE the message yet... then he got his friend, and i think that was Blacknuts himself to send me threatening message, and we ALL know how well i respond to idiotic newbs who thing they can threaten me!

Anyways, Yes, i am strongly opposed to online attackers. No, i don't whine, but i do make a huge stink about the fact that they are playing stupidly, and it doesnt' benifit either themselves OR the guy they're attacking...  

Should you guys get even more worked up over this, i will be forced to make even MORE long winded posts explaining myself, and that IS a threat!


 First, your an idiot, just thought I should clarify that. Good now that that is out and in the open.  Why are you even espionaging people when they are online? That right there is online attacking, the rule of thumb is, no astrix next to their name, fair game. And you, a seasoned "idiot" should know that.  As for your newb remarks, your again an idiot.  

I will repeat those remarks till I reitre from this game, Peace you are an idiot. You whine and complain when people attack you too much and online I might add and then you make these long post's where as you try to justifie your actions by slamming other people, in an attempt to reduce the swelling of your bruised ego.

Now if you put as much effort into your class work as you do by boring people with your long winded post's you might actually increase your IQ to above 10,

By all means post our convo, let the people see how you are an IDIOT.
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.


The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

wolf bite

 Seems all sides are making personal attacks against people. Now stop!

Lets not assume ones stupidity ratio or the length they have played (newb). Both are against the rules.

Talk about the fairness of actions is allowed. So lets keep the convo to that.

If I have to come back in here to pull you guys apart again, I will do Bad things.

*Does not edit as no actual swear words were used*

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Online attacking is fine. Part of the game. Deal with it.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 So this means no more idiot comments? *shakes head* what is the world comming too when freedom of speech is impaired.
I have a 75 lb pitbull, and he will eat your face, haha yes, eat your face.

What's the worst part about telling your parent's you ride a skateboard? That your gay, yes you are.


 You have the right to say whatever you want as long as it doesn't conflict with anyone else's rights.

Calm down, Peace explained himself.  Do whatever you want in the game, but you've both made your points and this board discussion is over.


 Peace, honestly, taking stupid personal attacks on the person who is the least insulting of you is by no means "smart". Peace, I have oftentimes taken acitons while I have no turns. Waiting for turns to give aid, buying troops, changes %s, etc. Admittedly, it does not mess them up a whole bunch, but it's still online, no? And as to your obvious counter, "Then everyone would just sit online", anyone who would refresh a page every fifteen minutes on a text-based online game is a loser with no life. Period. Peace, I just think it's kind of funny that you, who have cussed out, threatened, and whined to people about being online attacked, and now you are defending your actions for doing so... And Peace, why is it that you take every oppritunity possible to insult me? What's the point? You wasted 30 seconds of your short life to insult someone you don't know for little to no reason? Sad.  

Peace Alliance

 I have a LOT of resons to insult you razor, and ALL of them are on these forums. If you want me to go through and take out all the stupid comments you've ever made, just so i might prove that you are in fact stupid, then i'm going to have to quit school, quit work, quit sleeping, and book of the next 20 years of my life in devotion to that very cause. if i have to take 30 seconds out of my busy life, to make it clear to you that you are in fact one of the dumbest people in the world, thats fine. But i won't spend half my life trying to get it through your adjevtive head.

AS for you Blacksnots, you REALLY haven't said anything that proves i'm an idiot... i mean, i reolise it was kind of easy for me to just say razorclaw is an idiot and leave it as that, but at least i based it on some true fact, and i semi-explained what in fact makes me call him ain idiot. You on the other hand, have no reason to call me an idiot (other then the fact that your really just making this post to try to stir up trouble with me) because i haven't done anything particularly stupid or idiotic.

Oh, and let me explain WHY it matters that they have 0 turns razorclaw.
1) people DO sit online so that they don't get attacked, and i've seen them do it for hours. Text based game or not, its a compeditive game, and people often take it seriously.
2) if you have 0 turns, and you've still got moves to do, then YOU'RE the one who's too late. Often times i've got 0 turns and have stuff to do still... but if i get attacked right then, i won't blame them for it, its my fault i didnt' finish my run in the right amount of turns.
3) the MAIN REASON, and i've stated it 10000 times, that online attacking is a bad thing is as follows and i don't want to have to repeat this another 10000 times:

When you attack someone who is in the middle of their run, chances are, you will screw over their entire run, and they will be angry with you, meaning they will immediatly retaliate. Then, you will immediatly retaliat, resulting in an online duel which in the end amounts to losses for BOTH WARLORDS.

HOWEVER, if one of the warlords have 0 turns, then this online duel will never take place, thus, there is a great arguement that it is not only strategically smart, but ethically FAIR because you had your chance for those 450 turns to make the move you wanted to.

And lets clear this up, Wolf Snares online attack on me, is pretty much the ONLY one i've made a big stink about, and i was in the middle of a very sensitive run, and he ruined me completely because of it... i haven't made that much of a stink about the other 100 times i've been attacked online, and i CERTIANLY haven't made a big stink about the 1000000 other times i've been attacked with my star there (and my run OVER)

is everyone clear on the issue now? GOOD! if you have anything to say that argues with what i've presented, thats fine. but if you just going to blindly stick your nose up and say "well i know your wrong peace, 'cause your a poo poo face" then stick it somewhere else, okey?


 The main thing i think people don't realize about online attacking is that it is not as negative as some are portaying it.  Online attacking doesn't always ruine someones "run".  If you use a strategy that is similar to ones i use then online attacking does not really affect you much.  Many of these people complaign about online attacking don't want to change their strat because of people like me who use a different strat and online attack.  If you use a strat that is particulary vulnerable to online attacking then you really have merit to complaign, but that is about it.  Complaigning is everyones right.  Just remember who picked the strat you are playing with..... *wink*
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*