How is this acceptable?

Started by Peace Alliance, February 04, 2005, 11:48:48 AM

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Peace Alliance

 The stoat: pressgang ability is BROKEN. and has been broken since the rediculas update retto made like half a year ago! How is it acceptable that we just let our game go on being BROKEN? retto still hasn't even made comments on all the new topics in the developement forum... he is completely neglecting RWL, and although i've always felt that he is trying his best 'cause he's a busy guy, i honestly think that he's not trying at ALL. He's slowly drifting away, such as Boze did, the only problem is that he isn't leaving us with a programmer who can fill his shoes.

Furthermore, he has completely forgotten about commanders! sign ups were supposed to start on the first, and the game was supposed to BEGIN TODAY! How come i feel like i care more about this game then the guy running it?  

Maximus Preliator

 Peace, although I agree on many things you say, Retto is an admin. And I gurantee one of our admins/mods, probably TJ or Wolf will move this topic. There is a discussion like this in VI right now. One of the admins promised to get back to people on a special thing, but when some one complained, he yelled at them. Luckily, another admin came in and gently told his counterpart that as an Admin/Minister, it is expected for him to do his duty. If he can not handle it, get some one else to and retire. Unfortunatly, we have no programers I see. Veranor can code, and so can Beatles. Both are...disliked by Retto. Can you code? And if you think this, tell Retto. But I stand with Peace. We need an active programer. Shael is an active regular admin, but to my knowledge, can not code.


 oh, I agree peace..  with the other races' special ablitiles down everyone takes marten, 8 out of the current top ten of turbo are martens, 4/5..
the marten isnt really all that great, but its special rocks, and if you're another race with a broken ability that means you're at a huge disadvantage..

it would be nice to have a seconday programer, but thoes who can that we had are at now at FAF..  nev, vera, beatles, devari...

there's not much use griping about it, I'd be scared to touch the code for fear I'd break it..  wolf said he hasnt coded since dos..  shael I dont think can code..  
we're players, not developers, and while I'd love to learn, no time..  as I'm sure is the case with about everyone..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Peace Alliance

 Vera is capable, and responsible. You can't say somebody isn't up to the task unless you've already put that task forward to them, which we haven't.

I'm not griping, but you have to understand, i'm not going to let RWL die just because retto is neglectig us. And yes, i DO think its that serious, because without a programmer, ANY promisance game will die.

The Lady Shael

 I'm learning a little programming, but not enough to manage the game alone, yet I'm willing to help out, and more than willing to learn more programming. If Retto is willing to let me manage the code, and if you all are willing to bear with my unskillfulness and help me along, I'd be glad to take on the extra duty, but it's Retto's decision. And sort of your guys' too, if you don't want me fooling around the code or anything. In case it explodes or something. ^_^
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Yellow Eyes

 Retto, I've worked with you're code, you ever need anything, just yell.

As for what you guys are really have no idea how hard it is to manage something and have a life. I run a site called Injected Designs, GoWirz, and my Rerisen game. It gets very time consuming. So give retto a break, he's done quite a lot for the game, and you should be happy.  :lol:  

Gen. Volkov

 Yes, but Peace makes a valid point. We need at least one active programmer to be online to fix stuff. Retto just isn't doing so. I realize its hard, and I have given him alot of slack, but we need SOMEONE to code. If not Retto, then someone else. I would do it, but A) I don't know how, and B ) I barely have the time to play. So Retto, PLEASE, FIND SOMEONE! Boze did! Now its your turn!
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Vera, but he wouldn't do it.
I will not deleted this


 I agree and i wish they would do something about cities.  it has been bugged for a while when you try to take cities and cities themselves are really more trouble than they are even close to being worth.  i know retto asked for suggestions for cities, i hope something is changed because they are pretty useless at this point.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 I see the everyone's online bug has reappeared on commanders, wish beatles would come and exploit that one too.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 I identified the bug (pressgang) awhile ago and would take 2 seconds to fix.

And I would do it. If Retto doesn't want me to touch the code then he can IM me and I can help him.

wolf bite

 * walks past carrying a 10 foot pole *

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 Shael, to do ANY programming on rwl, you require advanced knowledge of the language, and structure of the code... but i mean, if your up to it thats good.

and yellow eyes, i reolise it is time consuming, thats the first thing i said in my post is it not? (it might not actually be, i'm honestly too lazy to scroll down and look....) but what i'm saying is he has begun to ignore us all together, and RWL will die without an active programmer... its simple enough, the game grows, but if the code doesn't, the game will die. plus he is the only one who can do resets and start commanders, and he is always late. he's been late for a lot of the recent turbo resets, he totally forgot about commanders untill last night.... i reolise its hard, and i'm not saying he isn't trying his best, but i'm saying that he needs to pass the torch if he can no longer run with it.


 Or at least get someone with somewhat good programming skillz to help him and do basic things (reset Turbo, start Commanders, etc.)


 Pressgang has worked the past three times I just tried it on Commanders.
The 'ittle otter,