Is this considered cheating? ? ?

Started by Ereptor, February 18, 2003, 08:06:09 PM

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 I voted yes, because its in the rules not to share or let anyone use your account...
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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 Sounds to me like a case of Whinging Git.  

Even if account sharing WAS allowed (which it ain't), Ereptor's attacking the guy's ACCOUNT, not him personally.  & since it was the King of Hearts account that had a go at Ereptor, it would be the King of Hearts account you'd retal against.  Duh.

Besides, attacking dosen't even need justification.  I can see that someone's being anal, here, but it sure isn't Ereptor.


 NOTE: This was made a loong while off. I'm just saying that it was back even when our wolfy decided to do some cheating ;)


 Never cheated?
Never used my account either buddy 'ol boy.

Warriors of the Ancient:
You remember using it. I know you know.

I like the evidence brought up. That's pretty.

"Lock this topic"
I look like a moron.

So it's Wolf Bite's word against his son's word. Sure thing, your "son" is just making it all up. He didn't want to be attacked so he lied.

A likely excuse.

You told me "King of Hearts" was your roomate when we made our run together. He made the clan for our attacks, you said you just woke him up.

The truth will surface.

Eventually I'll find the old conversations.