building idea

Started by Knuckles123, January 09, 2005, 03:39:26 PM

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 What if each race also had its own type of building that would give them more power with something.

For example crows can have nests, which can be like camps but a little stronger

give you idea about this topic plz

Peace Alliance

 your example for a building with crows would be the exact same thing as just giving crows a workers bonus...


 Not really.  It'd take buildings, and therefor would be much more effective.

Peace Alliance

 giving a workers bonus would be more effective... camps and cities use workers. making a new building that is the same as an old building but better would be pointless, it would be the same just to replace the tents for that race with the improved building, which is the same as simply giving it a racial bonus...

and this should be in the developement forum *moves*

... wait... i still can't move... and why do i keep trying?

... man that joke gets old.


 Peace Alliance = Mod Wannabe  :P And as for giving it a slight racial bonus, that would be pwnsome! Species that work well with leaders get special huts, Martens get special markets, all of which have, say, a 15% increase in production. Rat could have two, so it wouldn't be quite so bad.  


 Well, Crows are supposed to be for the people who want to be challenged and have no other advantages.