Online attacking....

Started by Ereptor, December 30, 2004, 03:09:38 AM

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 Heh.  thought some of you might find this amusing, or maybe not.

I signed on and saw this fellow with a horde full of land and started attacking.  These messages soon followed....

From: Gorg Gaz (#5)

From: Gorg Gaz (#5)
you know better then on line attacking

From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
sorry i don''t know who you are. you have land and i am taking it. thats all i know.

From: Gorg Gaz (#5)
That was so low, way below some that HAD such a good reputation.

From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
heh heh. You can''t stop me by threating me with something i care nothing about. you all are so worried about reputations. I will never change, i have always been Ereptor.

Silly Gaz your so shallow....

From: Gorg Gaz (#5)
making friends into enemies is not the way to stay on the top, sometimes keeping someone form the top is more emportant then being on top.

From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
I told you, i don''t know who you are. How can you be my friend if i don''t know you. Stop with your idol threats lest you truely become my enemy and that my so called friend is not something i think you want to become.

From: Gorg Gaz (#5)
nor do you want to be my enemy

From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
Threaten me one more time and you will.

From: Gorg Gaz (#5)

there is no more need to do anything, the momment you on lined attacked me as I was taking turns, everything changed. Go for it chris!

From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
So it is.

Notice the silly chap still doesn't tell me who he is, yet he uses my real name.  ohhhhh spooky
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Yipes!  looks like i stepped on something that was quite important because now i have upset holby.  It is a pitty the first message i receive from him this round starts off with such a bad tone.  I guess this is what i get for painting myself as the bad guy.  Oh well comes with the job i guess....

From: Golden Slumbers (#31)

You don''t know what you''re doing Ereptor...

From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
hey holbs, sorry bout those leaders. shesh i don''t know who anyone is. :P i don''t have aim at home cause my parents don''t like it on their comp. if you want any aid in turn for taking those leaders i will gladly aid you. :)


From: Golden Slumbers (#31)

I''ve set a bounty on your head. If you join a clan, I''ll kill you myself. I also intend to make your lifehell as long as you play on this account.
Have a nice day.

From: Golden Slumbers (#31)
Not taking a polite tone in this Ereptor, online attacking stirs my b l o o d up. You give that land back to #5, I call off bounty.

From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
I am not sure you know what your doing. I have always considered you a decent player. You speak h a t e  in your words. I do not have a agenda nor am i planning on joining a clan. I am not trying to stop what ever it is your doing.

You must realize this holby. That i usually work alone unless someone comes to me. And so far i have declined every offer thus far. I am on no ones side. But if you wish me to be your enemy, then i will respect your decision and prepare for war. I never thought you would be the type to place a bounty on someones head. Especially without warning or just cause.


From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
Oh, so it is online attacking that is why u r mad. Hmm, i don''t pay much attention to that most of the time. heh heh. always heard other promiance gamers complaign about online attacking. sorry if i messed up your plans. just doing my own thing.

But i do not appriciate the threats, nor the tone you are using with me. Tread lightly my friend, lest you find yourself in deep water.

From: Golden Slumbers (#31)
You know online attacking has always been frowned upon, you can not pretend to ignore it here. And you know very well who''s online or who''s not, you attacked me, who had no land, and was a threat because he was online.
You have not played for a while, maybe you''re somewhat out of touch. But no matter, I have always been able to handle you. You can take that as a challenge.

From: Ereptor''s Raiders (#50)
and i shall. i attacked you because you had leaders. and you were being attacked with weasles which you were weak in. i shall consider you both as working together and at war with me. so i accept your challenge.

Unfortunately holby is wrong about some things.  I have been playing rwl.  I never stopped, i just post less and use other in game warlord names.  And i also don't care if people think that online attacking is frowned upon.  Ereptor attacks people online.  hmm maybe i should put that in my siggy.....
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*



testing words you can't use...

h a t e and b l o o d

what kind of dumb rule is that?  you can't use those two words?  what other words are taken out and replaced by blank spaces.  this is really annoying.  makes a post take much more time than needed, when you have to try and find out why words are missing and what words they were.  

SIGH....*glances at admins*
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 That's funny Ereptor, cos ya know, I sent that first message before you attacked me. So you knew what you were doing. But there are some overwhelmingly funny things I have yet to mention. Note your tone in dealing with me initially in comparison to Gorg Gaz. You don't try to push people around who you know can be a danger to you. Pity you do from people you don't know at all.

Quotemake you a deal, you don?t over attack me, and i will not over attack you. you don?t sack me, i will not sack you. you don?t attack me on line, i will not posion you 1000 times.

have a happy day

I would have read that closely first- Gorg Gaz's notice.
I will not deleted this


 wrong again holby.  my tone is different to people whom, (number 1) i don't know and who ( number 2) are threatining me.
I gave you a chance to calm down and talk resonably, because i knew you.  but you blew your chance.  Also i got 3 messages from gaz when i received your message and i didn't catch that yours was in the middle of them.  But your jumping to conclusions and setting bountys allready so none of this will have much affect on you anyway will it.

The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


Quote from: Ereptorwrong again holby. ?
How can I be wrong again? Where was I wrong first time? O.o

Quotemy tone is different to people whom, (number 1) i don't know and who ( number 2) are threatining me.
Seeing as you kept asking for his name, and seeing as how he was not threatening, but protesting, and see as how you have posted this here to be "amusing" you obviously treat this person differently because you don't know him.

QuoteI gave you a chance to calm down and talk resonably, because i knew you. ?but you blew your chance. ?
Or rather, you were worried at what I could do. You weren't "giving me a chance" you were trying to justify yourself to me for your wrongs. How can you be the one giving me a chance when you caused the trouble!?

QuoteBut your jumping to conclusions and setting bountys allready so none of this will have much affect on you anyway will it.
I didn't jump  to any conclusion. You attacked me online and captured my leaders. You knew what you were doing. Setting a bounty is not jumping to a conclusion, it's my way of saying I won't be trifled with, and putting you out of action in the process. And I intend to pursue that endeavour myself.

You're trying to make it look as if I've done something wrong here. You are at fault, you online attacked me, you dishonour me in publicly posting my conversation with you, you try to mock Gorg Gaz...

I don't remember an Ereptor like this.
I will not deleted this

Yellow Eyes

 I agree with Ereptor. I mean, you're supposed to battle it out, and it makes it better when you're actually there, because then you can battle it out. If this game is to be anything like a real war, then, during WWII, did the American's say to the Germans, "Oh, you can't attack us because we're awake?" No. I don't think I see anything childer here, which, thinking of it, was the reason I left this game in the first place. Stupid rules, overpowered Admins(at the time, not so much now), and just a lack of order. This is one of those stupid rules. People have a right to do whatever they want in their game, and if retto has a problem w/ it, add this code in the military section:

if($enemy[online] == 1)
  TheEnd("You cannot attack someone online, cuz they're little babies who think this is only about playing and not getting attacked.");

And that's all you'd need. Cased Closed.

Death Eater

 Its fine if you attack online, but if you know that the person your attacking doesn't accept it or will become pissed, then you should expect them to retal. They can do whatever the (hades) they want if their personal boundaries are crossed. However, doesn't mean you can't cross them.

And yellow eyes, that analogy is can't attack when their awake...wha...

If anything, it would be saying you can't attack while the enemy is healing their men and sending it new supplies, etc.
user posted image


 The biggest mistake you made holby is that you assumed.  I HAD NO IDEA WHAT YOU WERE DOING.  none what so ever.  I signed on, saw land and attacked.  u had the leaders and no weasles so that was an easy steal and he had the land.  thats about all i feel like defending myself for.  i am not worried about you, nor will i ever be.

Threatening and putting bounties on peoples head without warning or even talking to a friend is not how i remember Holby.....
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 You shouldn't attack while they're online, they're just taking they're turns. Gorg wouldn't have attacked you while you were online if he had the chance.


 that will be the day when ereptor listens to people tell him when not and when he should attack people.  
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Wolf Snare

 I'm with Ereptor. Holby murdered me to put his little friend into first. I know somethings up, and suddenly Holby is trying to put those who threaten his cause out of power ASAP.

I had NO background with you holby since the day I started this round. Why would you murder me?
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 What's the big problem with online attacking? That's the best way to go!

*suddenly attacked by everyone*

Come on, that way you can get the person back while they're still losing health.

wolf bite

Quote from: Wolf Snare
I had NO background with you holby since the day I started this round. Why would you murder me?
I don?t really condone murder and poison without a reason, such as revenge. You would have to get Holby to tell you why he murdered you. I can kind of guess. Last week he unexpectedly went on vacation (?holiday? for you European speaking people). During that time you netted over his emperorship and there was nothing he could do as his account sat there with full turns and him being gone. Not really your fault, someone would have anyways, but I can see the reasoning. He did however have 2 weeks on top and is now Emperor Holby.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Gen. Volkov

 I dunno, online attacks rather irritate me. I mean you are sitting there running turns and all the sudden your econ is screwed. I generally retal online attacks quite heavily. Far be it from me to tell such lofty personages such as Ereptor what I think but I will anyway, because he DOES treat only those he sees as threats with respect. Have you noticed what he did when was b i t c h i n g about my clan's attacks on him? 11 puny attacks and he's all up in arms. Now he online attacks and suddenly its no big deal because its a war game. So which is it Ereptor? A war game or should we accord respect to one another?

As to you Holbs... I think a bounty this quick is a littel excessive... and what's with the murders? You can't let Wolf Snare become emp? I think your both in the wrong here in different ways. But hey thats just me and since when does anyone listen to a non-power like Volkov?

Buncha hypocrites.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES