Video Games

Started by Sonoras, December 27, 2004, 03:11:45 PM

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Quote from: Rough Raidershahaha you say im an idiot that has no idea what im talking about? your the one who said that a computer doesnt compare to a dreamcast when in fact THEY ARE BOTH COMPUTERS... however a PC is the best of all gaming systems but thats not why we are arguing here.

one game that is better than zelda for N64? any game that i can think of basicly... but just to name one, Ratchet and Clank(any of the games in the series)

uber graphix
awesome storyline
fully playable characters
great weapons

I have had arguements similar to this one and we have come to the conclusion that PS2 has way better RPG's than GameCube because like DE said, who wants to see mario jump around for the 5000th time. they keep bringing back games and they dont get any better. RTS shouldnt even be mentioned because they are mainly for the computer due to online capabilities which GameCube DOES NOT HAVE. I have a computer that was appx $1500 and i play video games on it all the time. I have no life and i spend it playing video games on the computer. you dont need a 5k comp to have it be better than dreamcast or gc because it already is and always has been no questions asked.

and if you think im
you are clearly the only idiot because you are the only one who thinks so and thats the only thing you can come up with after losing an arguement

you just lost an arguement to a 2year old, congrats at sucking at life
First of all, you assume you have won a debate. This is a debate on opinion. All we can do is make other people believe our side won the debate, by sound arguments, reasonability, and GOOD SPELLING AND GRAMMAR. Now, to directly counter your post...
Any game you can think of (basicly) is better than Zelda? Have you even played Zelda? No? Won't sink to "kiddie" games, I suppose? Zelda has all those (Ratchet and Clank's "uber graphix" aren't as good as the new Zelda coming out, and don't touch Fable's (it's for Xbox. PS2 is being beaten by Xbox for RPGs. Sad, eh?). Mario is in a grand total of 2 RPGs for Gamecube and N64. So that argument is void. Also, computer games don't have as good of graphics as the system. Try playing LOTR ROTK first for PC, the PS2, then GCN, then Xbox. The graphics increase in quality each time you switch. You needn't tell us you have no life. If you had a life, you would have gone to school and learned to spell better than a second-grader. Actually, my little brother spells better, and he's in second...

Bladetail the Ferret

 I really only like xbox because of Halo/Halo2 sorry to those who love xbox ;)  


Death Eater

 No problem, Bladetail. But you are really missing out on some amazing games. You know what game I forgot to bring up? Crimson Skies...AMAZING game only for Xbox, awesome online play.

To be honest, there aren't many good games on the GC that aren't cartoony, bar Resident Evil 4. I wasn't particularly impressed with Metroid Prime either. Though I heard Paper Mario was suppose to be a great RPG.

Razor, you are right that GC is focused more on RPG's and adventure/platformer games. For one thing, the Gamecube is the ABSOLUTE worst system for a sports game, as it has NO ESPN Sega Sports game (The best sports series right now). EA Sports isn't bad, but GC missed out on some quality sports games.
user posted image

Gen. Volkov

 Razor... you've used that same argument three times now. Its flat wrong. I might be willing to admit Xbox is better than PS2 in some areas, but aside from a few games, Nintendo is just no longer seriouisly in the running. Zelda? Your talking about ZELDA now? The game that has been reincarnated so many times they can't even actually use LINK anymore? They had to use a KID that had been imbued with his soul are whatever in the most recent game. Zelda and Mario... those two games just shouldn't be counted anymore. They are so overused its just not even funny. And starfox.. that came out for what super NES? It was good the first time people! Stop bringing it back already! As to wow I love this game.... I have yet to see one that I actually have said that about for GCN. As to RPG's... I can't even think of good one that it has that Sony didn't make first. Final Fantasy is a Playstation game. As too Resident Evil...  does that meet your exacting FPS standards Death Eater? When I say equivalent games I mean a game that's on the same level of play and whatnot as the other system's game. So far the only game no system has an answer too is Halo, though if Star Wars: Battlefront had been released for PS2 only as orginally planned(I read that in a game magazione months ago) that would be PS2's answer to Halo. As is, both systems have it. Halo is prolly the only game I have yet played that wasn't for all the systems that made go WOW, this game ROCKS. Well no I take that back, but you guys wouldn't agree with me because you don't like the same sort of games I do, and the graphics were horrible. But I will say this, Playstation and PS2 is still the king of RPG's. RTS for any system is negligible. So you are left with PS2 and Xbox contesting for top spot in FPS. But that's all just my opinion as is most of your argument Razor, as is most of your argument Death Eater. So I could be wrong. And I am done with this subject. Bugger it. I have better thing to do that argue about something as meaningless as console game systems. I like my PS2 and I'm sticking with it. I don't like Xbox and GCN I like little better. Thank you, good night!
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Death Eater

 Gen. Volkov, if you say PS2 is close to Xbox in the FPS category, please name one decent FPS that Ps2 has which Xbox doesn't. And I mean FPS. That's all I'm asking.

If you say GTA:SA or Racket and Clank, than please say ACTION game. Its not being picky, an FPS and an action game can be COMPLETELY different.

Anywayz, it seems I scared volkov outta this convo. Yet another victory for Xbox, lol. :D  
user posted image

Peace Alliance

 Metal gear solid 2 and now 3.

Death Eater

 Again, not FPS. Those are stealth action games. Try again.
user posted image

Rough Raiders

 WOW GUYS I UPGRADED FROM TWO YEAR OLD TO SECOND GRADER! I will tipe and shpell as badley as i wante two razerclawh.

hey death eater, you will be happy to know i have found a halo killer! :) HALO 2!!!! heh i thought it was funny <_<
killzone would compare to any xbox game if they delayed it and took as much time and thought that Bungie did w/ halo 2. as a matter of fact, i wasnt nearly as impressed as i thought i would have been. sure it is an awesome game but i was expecting more.

as for fps for ps2, ill name a few however they are nowhere near halo....
SOCOM II        (you may consider these not first person shooters because they are 3rd person but they are first person shooters in my opinion)
Red Faction
Red Faction II
No One Lives Forever (was a fun game in my opinion)
Half Life (was for ps2 i looked it up)
Timesplitters 2
Timesplitters Future Perfect
and last but not least
Quake 3  ;)
i also am not fond of the ESPN series games. im more of a madden guy :)

i have no arguement with Death Eater because i am an Xbox fan as well but i am also a "PS2 Fanboy" .

also, a computer would have way better graphix than a console due to the fact that you can download drivers and INSTALL NEW VIDEO CARDS WHEN NEW TECHNOLOGY IS AVAILABLE. try playing a game such as Planetside or City of Heroes on a GC. yea your GC would explode

this also isnt as much of an arguement about opinion as it is about which console it better.

QuoteAny game you can think of (basicly) is better than Zelda? Have you even played Zelda? No? Won't sink to "kiddie" games, I suppose? Zelda has all those (Ratchet and Clank's "uber graphix" aren't as good as the new Zelda coming out

i gave you one, also you cant compare a game that hasnt come out yet to a game that has because it makes no sense and you havent played it yet have you? I have played Zelda, infact one of my best friends is a big fan of Zelda but if i ask him he will say Xbox of GameCube any day. one game that is better than Zelda is simple

the game of the year GTA:SA
obviously if its the game of the year then zelda isnt better than it.

Case and Point.
Official Forum Acorn Thrower
Holbs is the Master Slicer of MY Acorns with Twin Katana Swords
Leader of the TMNT Alliance


lets keep the personal attacks to a minimum please

and yep, as Rough Raiders said, you can infinatly upgrade a computer..  plop a 3GHz processor and 256mb video card in and it'll blow away anything else out there...  (all assuming the other pieces are also up to date ;))  

Halo is pretty much the only FPS I've played..  as up till now I've been confined to only PC..  which isnt bad, the NFS games are rather good...  hydro thunder rocks too, but very few people have that..  mostly see it at arcades..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Rough Raiders

 but personal attacks make it intereseting!
Official Forum Acorn Thrower
Holbs is the Master Slicer of MY Acorns with Twin Katana Swords
Leader of the TMNT Alliance


 take it to AIM, YIM, MSN or what have you..  
the forum doesnt want to see your argument

A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Gen. Volkov

 You didn't scare me out, I just got tired of an endless round and round argument. Also, Please define FPS. Ratchet &Clank, Jak and Daxter, MGS 1,2, and 3, GTA 3, GTA VC, GTA SA, all fit the definition of FPS. Are they first person? Yes. DO you shoot? Yes. What else do you want? Besides, Halo doesn't fit the definition of you are going to say that METAL GEAR SOLID isn't an FPS. It seems like you won't accept anything that has a plotline as an FPS. But fine. How about Tomb Raider? LOL. Joking of course. Whats the one with the dinosaurs? Time Crisis isn't it? That's a decent FPS. Now I really am done, because this stupid thread has gone on long enough.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Rough Raiders

Quote from: Gen. VolkovYou didn't scare me out, I just got tired of an endless round and round argument. Also, Please define FPS. Ratchet &Clank, Jak and Daxter, MGS 1,2, and 3, GTA 3, GTA VC, GTA SA, all fit the definition of FPS. Are they first person? Yes. DO you shoot? Yes. What else do you want? Besides, Halo doesn't fit the definition of you are going to say that METAL GEAR SOLID isn't an FPS. It seems like you won't accept anything that has a plotline as an FPS. But fine. How about Tomb Raider? LOL. Joking of course. Whats the one with the dinosaurs? Time Crisis isn't it? That's a decent FPS. Now I really am done, because this stupid thread has gone on long enough.
ratchet n clank , jak, GTA are all third person... ;)  
Official Forum Acorn Thrower
Holbs is the Master Slicer of MY Acorns with Twin Katana Swords
Leader of the TMNT Alliance


 If you don't enjoy things with new plots, new gameplay, but old characters, you don't read books. Starfox had one game on NES. It had one game on N64. It had a ground-based game on GCN. Now it'll have a mostly vehicle-based game on GCN. OMG, 4 games! That's way too many, that's like reading the Hobbit AND the ENTIRE LOTR Trilogy!!oneone111!  :rolleyes: Rough, you didn't even point out the website/mag that gave Ratchet and Clank "Game of the Year" and besides, it's still just an opinion from whomever. PSMagazine will say that SOME PS2 game is the best. What I said originally was, GCN has all the good RPG genres of PS, and more. MAten Kaitos, ToS, etc. Fire Emblem is an old series, but it's still fun. You say that SW Battlefront is as good as Halo? No, it SUCKS! It uses characters from almost 30 years ago! By your logic, therefore, it is bad. Something from ten years ago is awfully old, eh? First SW game came out around the same time as Starfox, and about 25 games have been made based on it. Isn't Star Wars old? No, because it supports your argument. Games like Tom Clancy and MoS are more "Sneak around and don't get caught" games than Bond and Halo "Blow up those badguys, man!" games.  :D  That is a FPS. Now, Ratchet and Clank is becoming a TPS, rather than an action/adventure game that pwns Zelda?  


 Oops. We're supposed to end this. Anybody have Mirc?  :D  I don't have any other IMs...