Ho Ho Ho

Started by wolf bite, December 17, 2004, 11:11:56 PM

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 3 entries found for Chanukah.
Ha?nuk?kah or Ha?nu?kah also Cha?nu?kah

So apparently it's spelled several ways. XD


 But it's spelled "Chanukah" by Jews. And it's their holiday. Who are the people on Webster to waltz in and change the spelling? Jews! Whiny people that have nothing to do with religion but enforce every religion except Christianity! (i.e. Liberals)! Rise up! Destroy m-w! Destroy m-w!

wolf bite

 Well, the people that wrote the story that should know how, spell it with CH, but then that is in the OTHER TOPIC where you should be talking about that.

You guys are messing up my Cringle story, grrrrr.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 *hides in corner from Wolf's loud admin growl* Sorry...

Gen. Volkov

 HAHA. Um yeah.. that's pretty much the story I heard Wolf.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 This is the person that is saying I am a huge spammer. A "HAHA" and a small string of words to try and make the post seem un-spammish. The polar opposite of my post, which was a sensible apology for screwing up Wolf's thread, along with a goofy joke so that it wasn't merely a one word post.  

Gen. Volkov

 Silly Razor. That wasn't spam. THat was a meaningful post, although rather short. I was just pointing out that you amassed a rather large amount of posts in a short time. Not really saying you spam, you just took it that way. Please calm down. And how exactly is my post that much different from yours anyway?

Gen. Volkov Posted on Dec 18 2004, 07:07 PM
HAHA. Um yeah.. that's pretty much the story I heard Wolf.  

RazorClaw Posted on Dec 18 2004, 06:41 PM
*hides in corner from Wolf's loud admin growl* Sorry...  
*Compares* Not really much difference. The laugh or HAHA was in response to your post. The second part was addressed directly to Wolf Bite. Yours was a short part addressed to Wolf Bite, and a joke.. not all that different Razorclaw. I suggest you stop trying to prove you don't spam and admit that you do. I admit that I do. But the vast majority of my posts contribute in some way to the conversation. Also, I didn't exactly have the time to post much more because I had friends coming over.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Don't Christian-Jews celebrate Chrismakah?

I saw that on the O.C. on Thursday.


 .... No O.C conversation here.

*further murders topic*

Who's seen those Verizon commercials?  Chrismahanukwanzakuh is it?


Quote from: wolf biteWell, the people that wrote the story that should know how, spell it with CH, but then that is in the OTHER TOPIC where you should be talking about that.

You guys are messing up my Cringle story, grrrrr.

Wolf Bite
I honestly didn't know that. I thought it was made up by the card companies to make more money. Hmmm... have to remember that to tell my son when he is older.


 Personally, I don't know much about Santa Claus besides the Saint Nikolas story that they taught us in Sunday school and the story on that claymation movie from the 60's or whenever.

My parents didn't think that teaching kids about Santa was right-- said it was demonic and sinful because it took the spotlight off of Jesus. Somehow, I always felt slightly gipped about that. ;-;

Then again, I always knew exactly who to whine to when I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas.


 Calria's household: "Dad! You (bleep)er! Why didn't you get me that barbie playhouse?!?!?!?"
Razor's household: "Hm. Well, Santa must've forgot that I wanted a Gameboy, not this. But I still love you, dad. *huggles*"


Quote from: RazorClawCalria's household: "Dad! You (bleep)er! Why didn't you get me that barbie playhouse?!?!?!?"
Razor's household: "Hm. Well, Santa must've forgot that I wanted a Gameboy, not this. But I still love you, dad. *huggles*"
...actually, it was usually more along the lines of:
"Dad! You (bleep)er! I only get a $100 gift certificate for Toys-r-us? There's no way I can get BOTH RC cars with that much!"

I already had the Barbie Playhouse... and over 200 Barbies to go in it.
I was WELL spoiled as a child.


 Whoa... So that's how she's developed into the person she is today. Really, Cal, you're not too much different w/ us... Demanding, in our faces, while at the same time making moral and sociological errors. *hides*


Quote from: RazorClawWhoa... So that's how she's developed into the person she is today. Really, Cal, you're not too much different w/ us... Demanding, in our faces, while at the same time making moral and sociological errors. *hides*

Bah. I love you too, dearie.