Ho Ho Ho

Started by wolf bite, December 17, 2004, 11:11:56 PM

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wolf bite

 Ho Ho Ho

No one seems to be able to tell the story of Chanukah. We all know the story of Christmas.

Who can, in story form, tell the story of the first Santa?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Gen. Volkov

 Stupid Flood control.... meh whatever. I actually know the story of the first santa.. and I will tell it in a littel bit. Currently I don't really feel like it and have other things to do.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Ooh, I know Chanukah! The lamp that was lit for 8 days. Who doesn't know that?

Of course...I was in like, a fabric store one day, and there was a bunch of dreidels, and the people who worked there had no idea what it was. "It's some Jewish thing...you're supposed to make a wish on it or something."

My cousins are Jewish. Anyway, no idea about the Santa thing though.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Uh.. St. Nicholas passed the house of some poor people and threw some coins in through the window, they landed in some stockings that had been left there to dry? I think that's it..


 Pfft. Anyone that's watched, "SAnta Claus is Comin' to Town" knows how Santa got started.  :D  


 I thought it was Hanukah. o_O


 Ah, but it's a mere week from Christmas.  


 It's said Hanukah...my cousins type Chanukah, and I find it amusing cuz I always think it pronounced that way. ^_^

wolf bite

 Since no one seems to have a story:

Sit around young boys and girls, I will tell the story of the first Santa Claws. There are many stories as to when the good Saint Nick was first to appear on the seine, but I will tell of the story that I like most.

Around 500 or 600 years ago, in a small polish town, lived an old furniture maker. He was in deed a craftsman as he made all hand crafted fine furniture for the town. But he was also a loner and lived far out of town. He was a tall man, thin, and had a big gray beard. His name was Kris Cringle.

At night when it was to dark and late to work in his shed, he would take small wood chips and whittle them into small animals by candlelight. Over the years he had made a large collections of very wonderful figurines that he kept on his mantel. Then one Christmas eve, he was looking at them and thinking that he has no visitors and no one can appreciate the beauty of his creations. He then thought of all the children in the town that could enjoy playing with his wooden animals.

So good old Kris Cringle charged off from his home late Christmas eve through the blustery snowstorm. We went to each home that a child lived and left a wooden toy on their doorstep.

In the morning all the children rejoiced at having a toy and Kris Cringle became very popular in town as a giver of toys. So old Kris had to cut down on the amount of furniture he would make the next year so he could pick up on toy production, which he would give out each year for free.

As the years passed, and his mortal body died, he moved to the North Pole, hired a bunch of little people, got fat, and department stores have praised him ever sense.

(Note: There are many versions of this story and I recite this from memory. I welcome other versions.)

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 It's spelled, "Chanukah" but pronounced "Hanukah.  


 Really? XD

Anyone seen the Nightmare Before Christmas? You gotta love Sandy Claws.


 Funny, since I've never seen it spelled Chanukah... only Hanukah.  Maybe Chanukah is the original spelling.

Oh well.


 Well, really, how many times have you seen the word?


 Um, more than once?


 Well the people that spelled it w/ an "h" more than once were wrong.  :P