Too lazy to think of a good title.

Started by The Lady Shael, December 15, 2004, 06:06:53 PM

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The Lady Shael

(Funny how I can always find a Linkin Park song that reflects how I feel when I'm depressed.)
Well, this has been unpleasant. I was planning on leaving for about a week, but before I do, if I still feel like it, I really have to make this post. (I didn't even break my record, it's been....less than a sad is that?) You're lucky, I was rather angry and I wasn't planning to be accomadating for this post, but I took out all my anger when I practiced my piano this afternoon, so all's good. (You have to feel sorry for my piano though, I sacrificed it for you.)

Am I angry? Yes, I'm angry. Even though I took my violent anger out on my piano, I'm still angry. I'm also angry at how you treated Kilk and Tania, but you've already seemed to retract your anger from them and point it towards me again. Good.

I want to make it clear that Peace's BBU campaign was completely a joke. The underlines are such a small matter, and no one even really complained about it until Peace did. I was amused at first that you would take a joke campaign so far...I thought you were all playing along with Peace's joke, so I didn't take you seriously. Unfortunately, you mistook this for adamant stubborness, and became angry at me.

I was planning just to ignore the whole underline thing until it died out, but eventually I realized some members actually took this seriously. After people started stabbing at me for misuse of admin powers, I decided to leave altogether before I did something I would most certainly regret. (I was very close to taking away my own admin powers, but I didn't think history should repeat itself.)

You're right, I should have listened to you. I didn't think you were being serious, but after I realized you were, I should have done something about it.

The comment I made about Kilk in the new Reg forum was completely in jest, I didn't know you would take that seriously too. I should start adding disclaimers to my sarcastic jokes.

Speaking of the Reg forum, I'm really surprised what a big deal it all caused. The idea of creating a separate forum for Reg discussion has been long brewing among the admins, and if Kilk didn't outline in his plan, it would've happened anyway. I would never, ever, EVER carry out an administrative action just on Kilk's word. I'm shocked you came to that conclusion, and I'm almost disgusted you did.

The members of this forum voted on who they wanted to represent them, and Kilk won. Maybe we should have told you we were making a Reg forum, but I think you would've agreed anyway.

It seems to be just recently when members want to be in control of the way this forum looks and is run. Why? In the past, admins have made hundreds of decisions and changes but the members never demanded that the admins should have consulted them first. What's the point of an admin? We were chosen because we were active members, well-liked by the forum members, and we had fair judgement. (BEFORE you yell at me again about the underlines! Refer back to the 5th paragraph) We would be able to make decisions on our own to make the forums a better place.

I don't want to have to ask the members every time I want to do something, "Do you like this idea?" The underlines went a bit far, but it wasn't that much a deal, I didn't think anyone would mind. Yet in the future we'll post something somewhere about the things we're planning so that you know what's coming. If you don't like it...bear with us as we decide what to do. Most things are possible, but for all the members of this forum to be satisfied with everything about the forum is not one of them.

I've said it a thousand times, but I took the underlines off because I thought the forum would look cleaner and easier to read. It took me about half a year to realize Arguia's name didn't have a 'q'. The title "RWL Rep:" in front of Kilk's and Nev's usernames looked easier to read without the underlines. Apparently, that's all a matter of opinion. I thought of maybe compromising, and putting underlines on only the hover links, but that wouldn't solve anything. It feels like no compromises will be accepted. Therefore, I'm putting the underlines back.

I'm sorry for this whole ordeal, and I apologize to anyone I insulted, ignored, turned away, laughed at or belittled. I really, really love this forum. There's just no words for it. I log on more than 5 times a day, and I never get tired of reading your posts. You've made me laugh when I've felt the most depressed I've ever been. To see you interact with each other, either when you're just playing around, or talking seriously about the game, makes me very, very happy. Every so often, there are events like this, but they're just part of a never-ending roller coaster. Sometimes I feel like I hate you all so much, and I can't understand why I stick around here at all. So it's a love-hate relationship. But I've always liked love-hate relationships, because they seem to have the strongest kind of bond. This one seems to be particularly strong, because I've been here for two years, and been an admin for a year.

Sorry for babbling. But it's true.

And sorry about all the Linkin Park lyrics too. I felt they were necessary. >.< I got the Meteora album for my 16th birthday and I'm listening to it now. But anyways, I'll leave it here, I have to start studying for an Anatomy exam tomorrow...but knowing me, I won't get around to it for another couple hours, I'll be wasting time around here. ^_^

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

wolf bite

 * Takes Shael out for ice cream*

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Hey, I was mentioned! Heh...always makes me so proud.

It must have been pretty bad, Shael, I mean, they were getting mad at me just for defending you or trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Anyway. Hope you stick around.

I wish I could play the piano...I can't read music, though. I taught myself (partially) how to play F?r Elise, part 1, and watched someone play part 3 and then learned it. I can also play Hall of the Mountain King...kind of. But everyone else gets annoyed cuz I keep playing 2/3 of F?r Elise over and over again... XD Anyway, I'm so off topic and we're only on the 3rd post.


 *gives Shael a trophy of pwningness* UNDERLINES!!! W00T! VODACIOUS! SHAGGADELIC! BOY AM I CLICHED, WOOHOO!  


 And I'm too lazy to read that much.


 *agrees with Shael completely* So be mad at me if you're mad at her. ^_^

Peace Alliance

 mhm, the BBU was certainly intended to be a joke, and had it not been taken seriously, then it would still to this moment be a joke...

the whole underline thing was just something that fed the angry, it wasn't the cause, it was the feul.

and btw, lincon park lyrics work when your depressed because they intentionally wrote the lyrics to appeal to teen angsters.... i'm not saying your just being angsty, i'm just saying thats what depressed lyrics are for  <_<

sorry for the trouble, we both know it was my fault for supplying the feul.  


 peace u really need a spell check...
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...

Peace Alliance

 no... i was just spelling it in canadian spelling!  <_<  


 And I continue to refresh this thread.
Bio homework is going to kill tomorrow if I don't do more of it today.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 Shael, it must have been hard for you to write that. Know that my intent is not to upset. Most of the time I'm not a monster ;) And although I would very much like to reply to your post in terms of a few things, it's not a healthy thing to do- However, I would like to ask that a discussion be set up to determine the future of our reg board.
Thanks for your post.
I will not deleted this

Gen. Volkov

 I would like to reply to a couple things you said in your post Shael, but I don't want this to continue much longer. Please do leave, I assure you it was never my intention to get you to leave, I just wanted to be heard. And yes, I realized from the very first that BBU was a joke, but somewhere along the way it became serious. Which I am sorry for, because I encouraged the thing to continue even when I saw seriousness creep into it. I'm not trying to be cruel, and I would jus tlike to take this chance to apologize to everyone I may have insulted or spoken harshly to while this was going on. Especially Kilk and Holby, they didn't deserve that.  :(  It seems like every time I come back, or I'm here, big nasty things tend to develop.. maybe I should just leave again. Even though I will really have time for RWL for the first time in months with winter break coming up. Last exam today! w00t!  Meh. I dunno. *Ponders* Anyway I would like to see a discussion board set up for the reg forum and such. It always seemed to me that when Retto makes changes he wants us to like them. OK. All done with the serious for awhile here. Heh.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Volkov, don't leave! Peace, Canadian spelling is like "colour", "vapour", "zed", etc.  ;)  

Gen. Volkov

 Wow.. someone actually read the whole thing. I'm impressed. Ok. I'll stay for awhile anyway.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES
