Waz up yall

Started by American White Boy, December 13, 2004, 11:53:00 PM

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 *stares* WELCOME NOOBIES!  I'll be your tour guide for the remainder of your noob-ism!!  


AHem ahem!...  Neways now that's over with Welcome to RWL, umm...hint of advice don't call people noobs if they've basically got 1000+ posts on the forums, this usually means we've been here for a VERY VERY LONG TIME.....I've actually been here for 2yrs. now....wow that's scary.....Wonder where I'll be in the next two...not here more than likely, if so congrats for me...neways...

M'name is TJ, and if u look in my siggy that drunk-lookin dude surrounded by the red border is me....Tho if u ask me I think I look more high than I do drunk...Eh, whatever I wasn't either so doesn't matter.

We've got something called The RWL Photo Album, within it are member photos which can be sent to me via various ways (Email, yim, aim, msn) or they can also be sent to The Lady Shael...The images are actual images of members, and we DISCOURAGE pornographic (Shirtless, bottomless, etc) photos from being sent to us....*points at Josh* tsk tsk...

Okay neways you can find a link to The Album in my signature.  And ur welcome to contact me if you've ne questions.  Oh btw, I can spell general too, tho I'd more than likely just do it as gen. as I prefer using acronyms opposed to spelling out words.

My Email:  Fireball_2006@msn.com    or   @verizon.net
AIM:  Savage Park03     or    MonicaAndTJ4ever
YIM(Yahoo):   Scarwake88
MSN:  Fireball_2006@msn.com
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

http://www.flickr.com/photos/rwl/  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

Peace Alliance

  :rolleyes: and now you've met one of our biggest admin wannabes  :snicker:  


 They used it as sweetener? Is lead actually aweet? Try it out for us DE, make sure you put alot in :)

Well, Rome because they got to used to luxury, over extended themselves, and didn't do their own fighting, and well some of them were crazy.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance

 pffft, we all know the downfall of rome was all holbys fault.


 It was your fault somehow, Peace! You Liberal wackos are always messing things up!  :D  


 *points at Peace*  That wasn't very nice.....Just because u get blamed for the downfall of Rome and I don't doesn't mean u gotsa go and get all big & huffy about it.....Gosh what be this world coming to, but a realm of moritory torment?

Umm....yeah, neways...who cares ROME I HATE and I do therefore not like....I could care less for rome....Neways must say Slayer was better....*pats Slayer only because he was in it*

And then of course there is the Legendary Clan of Evil Blades, sooo old and soooo beautiful.....oops was day dreamin again, lol
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

http://www.flickr.com/photos/rwl/  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

American White Boy

 I see you are noob just because you haven't written 1000 messages on the forum some how i don't think thats fair, oh well w/e

Sign Off
     American General

Gen. Volkov

 Um no... you are a n00b because you are new to the forums. 1000 posts plus just means it would annoy that member to be called a noob because they have been here for quite awhile. Like me.. I've been here for oh i guess about a year now... since I came back that is. Some people get too 1000 posts faster than others *Points to Razorclaw and Ashy* But they've still been hear for quite awhile.

Um yeah... so NOT the Rome we mean you goofs. We mean the actual Roman Empire that existed a thousand years ago or so. And yes, lead poisoning was a contributer to the downfall, but the biggest reason is actually twofold. One part is that a new way of worshiping and living came with the birth of Christianity (One of the last Roman Emperors actually declared the entire Empire was Christian and didn't allow other religions which caused major unrest.) In fact modern Christianity was heavily infulenced by the Roman empire. The Emperor Constantine actually helped create the modern Bible. They actually threw out parts of it that were originally in it. Several Gospels in fact. This was all done at the Council of Nicea. (Where the Nicene Creed came from also, they rewrote parts of the Bible, and wrote the Nicene Creed at this council too) The other part of the downfall came from a relaxation of rules in both military and civilian life, and the crumbling of the Roman Army itself. Insane Emperors also played a major role in the downfall of Rome. No one thing is ever the cause of the collapse of an Empire, or civilization, or any great society.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 I was the fifth person, I believe, to get 1000 posts. And I don't spam that much! Why am I antagonized!  

Gen. Volkov

 LOL. Yes you do Razor. Being the fifth just proves my point.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Really. Quote ten posts from the past week that were total spam. Then I'm a spammer. Quote five and I need to cut it down, quote less and I'm fine.  

Peace Alliance

 please don't start this razor, if you don't think you spam, then don't bother arguing... it was you i had this arguement aboput this with before was it not?

besides, i still have more posts, and i have few people buggin me about spam  B)  


 No, it was you saying "I PWN OLDBIES SUCK YOUR A N00B1" Me saying, "I son't spam, you have no idesa what you're talking about, jerk! You can at least capitalize "I"!" And Merc saying, "STFU, RazorClaw. You're stupid." Which, under some people's defining, could be constituted as an argument, but by most its a piss war.  :D  

Peace Alliance

 they day you find me EVER saying "I PWN OLDBIES SUCK YOUR A N00B1" is the day i officially through myself out a window.

i'm positive that my arguements were legitimate when i was arguing with you before, especially since your main response is that i don't capitalize my i... which doesn't prove your no spammy


 My point was that it was a fight, not really a debate. We all did are best to scream at each other with our keyboards.