A new RP

Started by Deathclaw, February 16, 2003, 04:18:29 PM

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 The adders awoke early that morning, each with a terrible headache, and slithered out quietly, gliding towards the camp of the anti-cheesers.  Each carried 1 million units of cheese on carts which they towed behind them.  Upon reaching enemy camp, the picked up speed abruptly, gliding swiftly through the huge camp.  The cheese was spread all over, and some of the newer soldiers tried some.  Most decided that they liked it and at once deserted the anti-cheesers, heading for the camp of the Windhounds.  
When windhound awoke later, he found many more troops, many bearing the sign of Deathclaw on their armor and weapons.  windhound was very confused, but quite pleased to see the new recruits, which totaled 100,000, each bringing with them armor and wepons.  windhound took his new army southwards abruptly, fearing that Deathclaw and Kilkenne would not take the loss of their troops lightly.  

note:   :P   disable my adders will you?  fine, take that!  I dont care anymore, and I apologise for complaining earlier. :)  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Martin The Warrior is my leader, leading an army of 500,000. My forces are neatrul. To hate or not to hate cheese. My forces use long swords and long bows with poision tipped arrows. Some use battleaxes and others spears and wear plate mail making them tough to beat but not invincible :P . Martin uses a legendary sword and also uses special armour,gloves,boots, and a helmet.


 windhound sends an envoy to the forces led by Martin The Warrior asking for them to drop their neutral status and join with them in the fight to protect cheese.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 "I do not know. I shall help the team i decide to help, but my decision will be decided in dear time my friend," Martin says to the envoy, "I haven't really been paying attention to what is in the forces. Is there any rats in the anti-cheeser's?"

 *A small wildcat walks up to Martin.*
"There are many rats among the non-cheese troops, but also other creatures... I am Ashyra Nightwing, commander of 100,000 cheesers... Sadly, they are far from here with my second-in-command, Zephyria... If only I could find a way of contacting them... Anyway, pleased to meet you..."

OOC: Windhound? I never knew you liked cheese! Ever thought of joining Cafi?


 note:  I really couldnt care which side I took, cheese or non cheese, I took to the cheesy side in this rp to try to make it more interresting, Kilkenne and Deathclaw had gone to the dark-side of the anti-cheesers, so I decided to make opposition.   :)  

windhound had walked away when Martin said that he was still undecided, but he decided to keep a watch on the new force that had appreared.  
As he watched the meeting with Ashyra Nightwing, he decided that he might make his presence known, and possibly offer his assistance.
"I have runners that can and will be dispatched to your forces away, for we shall need them now to help defeat the great evil anti-cheesers that hope to do away with all cheese.  I am windhound, and my small force of around 165,000 await in the hills to march for cheese."
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 To even out things a bit, 200,000 badgers came marching through the woods, stopping at the rear of Windhound's forces. Amongst them was a gigantic, badger with no stripes. He was wearing light chain mail, extremely hard to pirce. He carried a double-headed battle ax, and he was smiling, coldly. Then he made a signal with his paw. 50,000 diamond-headed arrows came speeding out of the wood, coming three inches from Jason's feet. Then emerged 50,000 weasels, and behind them 150,000 foxes. Armed to the teeth with swords, pikes, spears, lances, bows, sabres, and daggers, they stood. Waiting for movement. One of Jason's archers twitched. He was instantly slain, as were the 19 comrades of his next to him. "Oops", the badger remarked casually, "My archers usually have better aim than that. Pity." Quick as a flash, the army was away, just barely in range of Jason's forces. Two were slain, a meager amount. The badger laughed as he sped off, wondering if this would even be a challenge.


 (I'm just going to step in and say...that's bloody cheating, 200,000 badgers are nearly invincible...I stopped RPing because of all the modding, and the continuing cheating from both sides.)


 Deathclaw's forces in windhound's camp...

Deathclaw had predicted such a move. The troops in windhound's camp would revolt. It was middle of night.
The forces rushed out stabbing any enemy near. Hiding behind thousands of foxes, windhound's ordered them about.
"Their moving to the left! Fill up that gap. HURRY!"
The woodlands became alive with archers. They picked off the foxes and took shots at the elusive adders. They struck a few, killing two. About a thousand foxes fell. Deathclaw lost a few hares, about twenty otters and badgers, and about one hundred shrews. The few weapons the enemy had were made recently and were few in number... about fifty bows and some number of arrows, and about one hundred to two hundred assorted spears and javelins. The large battle wasn't to take place yet... Deathclaw still had time. A rough thirty or so foxes surrendered and were dragged off to camp... and pushed into a nearby extinct volcano with hard rock at the bottom, hundreds of thousands of feet down. The few weapons were taken or destroyed, leaving the Windhound's defenseless, yet again.


A messenger was sent to Kazaar. His message was:

"Dear friend,

My army opposes cheese, and you have claimed neutrality. I come to change your status in this cause. I have a combined 1,000,000 troops in my camp... those of two armies. I wish to add your army to my cause. The Coalition to Rid the Lands of Cheese, or CRLC, is made of mighty and bold warriors and two brave and powerful leaders. Together and united, cheese shall forever perish! I ask that you join our cause and fight the cheese rebellion in the area.

Best Regards,

~Jason the Assassin
~Deathclaw the Conqueror
~Leader of the Coalition to Rid the Lands of Cheese
To address Razorclaw's attack:

Five thousand grown otters crept up on the attacker's camp. Snoozing happily, they were unaware of their soon-to-be bad fortune. Creeping in the bushes, the otters pulled out longbows and used a meager amount of the adder poison, considering how much they had, to use with their arrows. Selecting targets, the Skipper, a name given to all otter Chieftains, gave a signal. Five thousand lethal arrows zipped through the air. Not bothering to see how many were dead, the otters stole back to their camp and reported a successful mission to Deathclaw. He nodded and dismissed them, knowing it wasn't over, unless Razorclaw would ask for a cease fire. Then they would be even, and stop for the period of time agreed upon. Deathclaw doubted this to happen.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 This is not spam but I am addressing the issue of 200,000 badgers and I wish to seperate it from my attacking...

Yes, 200,000 badgers does seem to be almost invincible. I believe that it calls for this action:

Your army does not consist of 200,000 badgers. I doubt that this many could be rounded up without revolt. Therefore, you must split your troops into other types of animals.

I would like to reiterate that if something seems unfair, PROTEST.
I saw Kilkenne's statement as a possible protest. PM me if possible. Then I can post a copy of the message and my ruling. Thank you.

Razorclaw, if you wish to protest my ruling, PM me and give me your case.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 note:  *grumbles*  Deathclaw, do you ever read my posts?  I mean, there is not point in posting if you dont read them.  100,000 of your troops deserted because they like cheese, perfectly reasonable, much more so than 200,000 badgers joining the cause.  So, you no longer have 1 bil troops in your camp and my troops were armed.  My troops also deserted the surrounding areas, and would have been much harder to find than you made seem.  I PROTEST!!!  yep...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 My troops were recruited on the basis that they hated cheese. Your troops were not fully armed... I stole your weaponry.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 note:   "My troops were recruited on the basis that they hated cheese"  
was that mentioned before I posted?  
"The cheese was spread all over, and some of the newer soldiers tried some. Most decided that they liked it and at once deserted the anti-cheesers..."  Also, you now have 1 bil troops because you are using Kilkenne's.  Kilk's troops need to go if Kilkenne shalnt post anymore.  You are violating your own set rules.

If you did not mention the fact that your troops were admitted on the basis they hate cheese, accept your losses,  my troops were armed, so there.  If you will make up your rules as you go along, fine.  whatever.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 "I have heard your army has rats, I hate rats," Martin said when the messenger asked him if he would join Deathclaw's forces, "I do not know, but attacking the enemy while they sleep shows no honour."


 The messenger returned:

"Their attacks had no honor, so we returned the favor. I do not have rats. You heard wrong."

In response to windhound:

I stole your weapons a few hours before, so how could you be armed? It's just not possible.

My troops were admitted on the basis that they hate cheese because my army is set to destroy cheese. If they liked cheese, they wouldn't join an anti-cheese group, now would they? Kilkenne's forces are seperate, so I am within the rules.
Glory, Glory, Man United!