A new RP

Started by Deathclaw, February 16, 2003, 04:18:29 PM

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 The army of the Windhounds sat inside their fort and awaited the enemy's next move.  Only minimal sentries were kept posted on the high wall tops, sneaking a quick peak out from time to time to determine the enemy's position then ducking back before any wepontry could be fired.  All other troops and woodlanders were to keep inside the stone buildings to prevent any other unnessisary mass killings.  

"Well...."  windhound thought to himself, "atleast our food supplies will last longer with half our army gone...  They cant keep this up forever, and the enemy may lose heart eventually..."

A tunnel was being dug by some of the woodland moles that would connect the caverns of the rock quarry with the fort.  The tunnel was to be dug very deep so that it would be hard to tap into.  This tunnel was to be an alternate escape route if the fort fell.  It would also connect the fort with the cheese supply which lay in the underground maze of passages,  gaurded by the remaining adders.

windhound sighed as he saw the pitifully small force of Basil and Martin attack Deathclaw's forces.  "Quick then,"  he said, "get thoes fools into here, they wont last long taking on the Deathclaw's forces."
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Calling in the mole council, Deathclaw the Conqueror planned.
"Okay. Foremole, take your crew and tunnel into their passages, and my hares will follow and attack the adders, while going into the middle of the fortress."

After three moons of strenuous labor, they were in the cheese quarry. Suddenly, they shot arrows at of nowhere, killing an adder. The adders came in force. They knocked down ten, and then they fell back, all stunned but one. He wreaked havoc on the forces of Deathclaw. Killing a score of vermin, he, too, was knocked senseless. Poisoning the cheese, they left back two score to intercept any incoming enemy. They brought down 150,000 troops, and left 1000 to stay hidden and make sure no escape happened, with 20,000 farther away, ready for action. Food was taken down to the forces underground, and many, many, sentries stood watch. Deathclaw and Fletch planned an assault from the least expected place: underground.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 "Bah.. should have waited another few days...." Martin said to Basil with anger, "Probally could have taken out alot more when the real battle had started.... I should have waited...."

"Come on ol' pal, we cut their numbers by about one forth of the forces attacking and only lost about 78 men, we should call in the rest of the forces soon wot wot!" Basil said, "We could stand a better chance wit all of our numbers here. another 470,000 troups would really help, and they brought their own food which will last them about 4 weeks if they aren't to share."


 Hearing the weak enemy wanting more troops, Deathclaw remained composed and laughed inwardly. 1,500,000 trained fighters from 3 hordes would not be taken down by Basil and Martin, along with the Windhounds.

The adders were knocked out every time they awoke and fed meagerly, to be used as hostages. Deathclaw came out with 50,000 soldiers, showing the adders.
"Our hostages are your adders. Surrender and face a lenient punishment or suffer death in war, along with your adders. Two have been slayed already..."
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 "We may have no choice, we should never have stumbled into this war, shall we just leave to let these groups settle their disputes." Martin asked Basil as he leaned agaisnt a wall,"We do not belong here,  should just give up and leave, if we do not, we will certainly die..... we should just go back now."

"Do what you must, shall we bring this up with windhound?" Basil said.


 Deathclaw's spy reported the conversation between the two leaders, and reported to Deathclaw.
"Good work. Should they try to escape, we'll attack them with full force and make them wish they'd never came to fight against us. Hurry back, before you're missed."

Glory, Glory, Man United!


 *Kilkenne grinned as he finally saw the vast armies of Deathclaw besieging Windhound's fortress. He pulled a horn from it's pouch at his side and blew thrice into it. This was to alert Deathclaw he was coming, and one other thing...*

"Forward with them! Set them up seven hundred and fifty meters from the fortress!"

*They were nought but planks of wood and rope, but before his very eyes, Kilkenne's three trebuchets were erected within one hour as he made his way to Deathclaw to tell him of his new plan. Before he left, he directed a hundred of his guard to go get already quarried stone from the woodlanders' quarry. He had dispatched 300 more to guard them from possible counterrattack and soon the trebuchets had huge piles of rocks near them.*

*Kilkenne threw open Deathclaw's tent flap, bowing slightly.* "I am here. My seige machines are more or less erected. Bombardment should commence in a few moments." *As he spoke, his words seemed to be puncuated by the sound of TWICK - THWACK of the ropes being let off and the boulders could be heard cutting the air, then the audible SMASH as they hit their targets, two of them aimed at the outer wall, one bombarding the inner buildings and keep.*

"Deathclaw, have your troops surround the entire fortress, they will not be leaving, be prepared to follow mine in within the hour once the wall goes down." *Kilk poured a chalice of wine for himself and Deathclaw from a flagon he found on a table in the tent, and drank deeply before setting down the chalice and awaiting Deathclaw's response.*

*Kilkenne's generals stood in several places among the army, clad as simple troops as not to be sniped as they each looked through their spyglass at the battering of the castle's wall. They then began yelling orders, as all beasts in the army simply KNEW they were generals. The troops were formed into columns and prepared to march on into the fort, each one of them knowing their chance of survival just dwindled by a huge percent.*


 windhound knew that all was pretty much lost for them.  The flying rocks seemed to be doing their job well, and although the walls were made thick, it seemed that nothing could stop the bolders from breaking through.  

The moles had completed their task in making a tunnel to the caverns, but they had misguessed their arrival point.  They had tapped into a passage that showed no trace of living things ever being there, which seemed very odd to the moles, for they could tell that no adders had been anywhere close to their location.  

Upon reporting back to windhound, they told him of this discovery.  "Too late to dig another tunnel now, go ahead of us and brace up the sides of the tunnel, there will be many traveling it very soon.  We must evacuate now."

As the moles went ahead, windhound went around to the now crumbing stone buildings and alerted everyone to be outside asap.  

Soon the moles were done with thier task, and the forces of the Windhounds as well as the woodlanders crouded into the small tunnel that led deep into the earth.  

windhound and a previously selected mole were the last to enter the tunnel.  As windhound went ahead, the mole took out the braces of the tunnel one by one as he came across them.  Without support, the tunnel began to collaspe where the supports had been taken, effectivly sealing their escape route.  

The tunnel seemed to last much longer than an ordinary trip to the quarry should have taken, and when atlast they emerged from the mole-tunnel, they saw that the passages were made from some odd stone that they didnt reconise at all, for it was not the type that they used to build their fort.

The scout that had delivered the message by arrow to Kilkenne eventually reconised the stone.  "This must be the quarry that Kilkenne and Deathclaw used to build thier caste," he thought, and went immediatly to report his find to windhound.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 "Hmmmm, Basil get a few moles and follow me." Martin said as he walked and leaned on the wall of the cave.

A little while later Martin and a few moles and Basil went deeper into the cave. Martin and the moles got to a certain spot and then Martin told the moles to dig up. When the moles were done digging the rest of Martin's army was awaiting above them. "Basil, go tell windhound we have found an exit."


 *The trebuchets stopped slinging, and the troops immediately marched towards the stronghold. They got ever closer and soon they were inside, but seeing no one, they realised something was awry, and immediately picked up on the tracks through the wreckage that led...into a tunnel! Quick calculations were done and it was decided that they did not have the supplies for seige weapons, but they were heading towards the joint Anti-Cheese fortress.*

"FALL BACK!" *The generals yelled in unison as the troops now began a dead run back towards their castle, determined to beat the enemy there...*

*Kilkenne raced along at the front of the columns, his armour discarded as he sprinted into view of his castle. He dove through the already open gates and made his way to the inner stronghold as the rest of the troops caught up and shifted with the 200,000 troops he left behind, so they could rest after a 20 kilometer dead run.*

"If they made it through to us, the final confrontation is here..." He breathed to his generals as he wiped his brow on a clean cloth and donned new armour.


 windhound had ordered the main body to split up between woodlanders and Windhound troops.  Martin and Basil were given command of the woodland party, for they apparently already knew a way out.  
windhound had asked half the woodland moles to stay with him and the Windhounds, and they decided that the best way of escaping the quarry would be to tunnel at a slow slant upwards.  

Luckily or unluckily, however you wish to see it, the moles' tunnel led them right up into the foundations of Kilk's castle.  Carefully looking around, windhound saw that there was no sign of life.  But on the floor above he could hear lots of it, paws pacing, armor clanking, and the sounds of conversations.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 "Alright, everyone get going, a portion of my forces will lead you away from this battlefield to Redwall Abbey. The rest of my forces, we shall catch up with the Windhounds" Martin said as he got the rest of his forces and catched up with the Windhounds. Hearing the armor clanking they walked slowly so they wouldn't be heared.


 Deathclaw new the tunnel the Windhounds had been in had to be exited quickly, for lack of air. Seeing the forces moving away, shrews went around the river, otters swam it, and troops ran it. They surrounded the enemy, awaiting reinforcements before attacking, as they attempted to force the Windhounds in the ridge, which they successfully did, cornering their enemy at the valley floor. Archers went to trees, and troops suited up, ready to converge. Deathclaw was ready to give the charge signal, as soon as he talked to Kilkenne.
"I see you brought many troops. We now have one million here from our three hordes fighting the cheese. A half million left to defend. Good. Have your troops surround as mine have done, then let my archers go to work. When they have done all they can, we will give the signal to charge."
Fletch signalled, and the Archer Regiment started firing. Fatal shafts pierced armor and fur. Animals fell. The only fault was the moles. They must get the moles. Sending in his moles, Deathclaw surrounded all escape routes underground, having 200,000 underground, and 800,000 above. Now, hares willingly pushed boulders off the side, causing more damage. Slingers injured few from the height they were at, and were stopped to save rocks for the main event. When the maximum damage had been done, Deathclaw looked to Kilkenne. They both nodded. The charge would come.
"Kilkenne, would you like to do the honors?"
Deathclaw drew his scimitar, adjusted his armor, checked his secondary weapons, and awaited his fellow warlord's command for the battle to take place.
Calling one last word to his troops, Deathclaw proclaimed, "An end to cheese is near. Fight bravely, don't draw back, and put an end to cheese. Never surrender, and take no prisoners!"

Then, he looked at Kilkenne once more, and they both braced themselves for the charge, Kilkenne ready to bellow the signal.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


QuoteDeathclaw's post:
"Deathclaw new the tunnel the Widnhounds had been in had to be exited quickly, for lack of air. Seeing the forces moving away, shrews went around the river, otters swam it, and troops ran it. They surrounded the enemy, awaiting reinforcements before attacking, as they attempted to force the Windhounds in the ridge, which they successfully did, cornering their enemy at the valley floor."

windhound's post:
"Luckily or unluckily, however you wish to see it, the moles' tunnel led them right up into the foundations of Kilk's castle. Carefully looking around, windhound saw that there was no sign of life. But on the floor above he could hear lots of it, paws pacing, armor clanking, and the sounds of conversations."

I see major conflicts here, does anyone esle?
BTW, MY post came first
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Kazaar had the forces escaping and I cornered them. If I messed up, that is because I hadn't read a lot of the posts until today and probably got sidetracked.
Glory, Glory, Man United!