Probosed Game Changes

Started by Peace Alliance, December 07, 2004, 04:45:19 PM

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 I vote we change them all, because for one Stoat PReSSGANG DOES NOT WORK!!!!  Even when I have the right number of leaders it still doesn't work its crud!

I want Stoat's Academy back as well as all the old special abilities, its much better.

PS why is C*r*ap a filtered word??
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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 Rat - I agree, or give it extra bonuses and scrap luck of the devil.

Pressgang - Give wildcat the old one back, but put limits on it, like I've posted before.

Fox - That's stupid, give it something decent

Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Rat - I agree, or give it extra bonuses and scrap luck of the devil.

Pressgang - Give wildcat the old one back, but put limits on it, like I've posted before.

Fox - That's stupid, give it something decent

Stoat - No, give wolf academy, and nerf the marten.

Food - good idea

Weasel - I guess, needs retrictions though

Towers - yes, but only to leaders no increase in troop defence.

Workers - good idea, but we need to make a cashing race then to make this viable, like one with +40% cashign and -25% mercinares, or drop the Marten's goldmien and increase it's cashing and mercinaries.

Cities - make cities jsut that, CITIES, give cities 250 huts 250 camps 500 barracks 500 foragers 700 markets and 300 tents, and maybe some towers aswell.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Gen. Volkov

 YES! Make cities, cities! That's a great idea! *Totally serious* I've thought that from the beginning. And you should leave the take city option, but have it reduce the numbers of tents etc. that are in it just like when they took a real city, they would burn a part of it. And then later you can rebuild those parts of the city. But you need a certain amount of loyalty to do so.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 I think the racial special abilities should be different for each race, not just pressageing or it's equilivants. The special abilities provide another means to balence the game by.

Food value- Lower it moderately. You should be able to remain net-stable by selling food at default prices on the public market, fees included, and gain slightly by buying food.

Cities- Perhaps make a few diffrent types of cities. Each with a diffrent specality, like perhaps defence, troop production, leadership production, or food production. The idea of "burning down" a city is also doable... Simply rember that a city is treated like just another type of building under the code. Simply add more for diffrent levels of degridation or for diffrent classes of city. Also, troop defence of cities should be higher. An all leader attack should fail aginst a similar networth horde with an even spread of trooptypes.

With the way that non-leader related stuff is creeping into the utilility spells, perhaps there might be another section with similar "spells", but diffrent costs. Perhaps in things like free land, troops, money, food, health, etc.  
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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Peace Alliance

Quote from: JuskaRat - I agree, or give it extra bonuses and scrap luck of the devil.

Pressgang - Give wildcat the old one back, but put limits on it, like I've posted before.

Fox - That's stupid, give it something decent

Stoat - No, give wolf academy, and nerf the marten.

Food - good idea

Weasel - I guess, needs retrictions though

Towers - yes, but only to leaders no increase in troop defence.

Workers - good idea, but we need to make a cashing race then to make this viable, like one with +40% cashign and -25% mercinares, or drop the Marten's goldmien and increase it's cashing and mercinaries.

Cities - make cities jsut that, CITIES, give cities 250 huts 250 camps 500 barracks 500 foragers 700 markets and 300 tents, and maybe some towers aswell.
The pressgang we have now IS the old one with limitations...

The fox idea is great, if your going to discard it at least give a valid reason for doing so...

Stoat - No, giving wolf the acadamy would be retarded. That means wolf would have the loyalty bonus AND the leaders bonus would would make it far too powerfull. Wolf is powerfull enough as it is, if people want to mass food, they can do so with wolf and do it efficently. Stoat on the other hand could be an amazing race if it had the acadamy and a leader attacking bonus, that would make the stoat the game equalizer.

Towers don't have increases in troop defense, they have an incrase for leader and they they have general defense points...

i don't understand your idea for cities... what would be the difference between a city and just building all your buildings in those areas? other then city's will be slightly more powerfull but that will be in exchange for the oppertunity to set your own blances amoungst the buildings.... the purpose of city's right now are clear - WORKERS... why change that? if workers are made more valuable, it would make city's more valuable...  


 It is (or at the very least should be) much harder to take a city. I suppose makeing workers more powerful would improve city defence.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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 Pressgang - No right now it is totally changed, I mean networth limitations, like my other post in the other topic said. Right now I haven't seen one person do a succesful pressgang.

Cities- Because of the extra land and harder to take factor duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


Quote from: JuskaPressgang - No right now it is totally changed, I mean networth limitations, like my other post in the other topic said. Right now I haven't seen one person do a succesful pressgang.

Cities- Because of the extra land and harder to take factor duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's cause there's a bug.The formula he posted is actually quite powerful if it worked correctly.

Peace Alliance

 thanks for that vera ;)

some people need it explained to them...

not to diss juska, i'm the same, i just managed to have it explained to me already :-D

and cities are fine, if you want them to be powerfull, then more powerfull workers will do that. if we were to make cities a complicated part of the game, then a) nobody would use them sept for those who are really good and that would create a bigger higharchy(sp?) B) it would make the game more complex, which may be wonderfull for us who've been playing for years, but what about the newbies? and q) because... hey wait did i just skip from b to q???

anyways, if we do anything to boost the value of cities, its make workers worth more, and possible make cities worth more NW then they are right now :) they're pretty easy to defend right now if you know how, but i donno if everyone does ;)

Gen. Volkov

 I wouldn't know I don't use em. BTW. Its spelled hierarchy. You need to get a thesaurus Peace.... you really really do. But I believe Juska's example adds up to far more than 1K land  if you just build it. Which remember was the initial value of cities anyway, 1500 land for only 1000. The markets huts and barracks alone add up to 1000 in Juska's example.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 The thing is cities take a LOT of reasources to build. You simply can't demoloish them to make room for another type of building. This discourages tearing down and building up your buildings before a run of turns.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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 Peace, you can increase worker and city networth until it is up to wazoo, but it won't make the empire any stronger, it would be like food massing.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


you just need a few weasels and your cities are extremely well protected...

cities are not pointless.  they can help prevent your death and give you a few tents.  
but that's it..  there does need to be some extra advantage otherwise they're rather worthless
maybe they have the equivelent of a few barracks as well?  as cities can produce things..  

cities dont need to take up any more land then that currently do, because then noone would build them.  really.  who would waste 3000 acers to build a city?  maybe this round in turbo, but other than that?  they also require quite a bit to make, as nevada said..  

right now cities are more of a prestige thing than a help...

oh, and Juska, what would you rather increce the net of?  cities and workers are currently two of the least used things in the game, if you made them worth somthin maybe people would actually use them...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
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 Windy, if you made them do something that made networth then people might actually use them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you just make them more NW then it's like food massing, NW, but no power.

I was suggesting putting all those buildings into 1000 land or maybe 1500, not making a city take 3k to build and have 3k buildings.

If we down sized cities so that they only took 200 land, gave you 600 useful buildings and decreased the cost to 1/5 of it's current rate then more people would build them aswell.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19