Probosed Game Changes

Started by Peace Alliance, December 07, 2004, 04:45:19 PM

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Peace Alliance

 -Restore rat's special to luck of the devil, then make the lottery much more profitable (making the lottery equal to 50% of the games total money? then make tickets REALLY expensive) and luck of the devil increases changes of winning, plus lowers ticket price, plut rats can hold 2 extra tickets.

-Restore stoat's special to accadamy then give stoats a 15% advantage in offensive leader actions, and a 20% advantage against martens.

- restore Fox's special to falsify documents but make it so that it not only changes your espy info, but it lowers your visible NW so that you can secretly be much more powerfull then you look (then add in a thing so that you can turn it back to normal NW and blow everyones mind... sly like a fox!)

-Keep the wildcat pressgang as is - formula wise, only make it cost less loyalty... and also... make it work?

-restore weasel to corsair

-lower NW value of food

-raise leader defense from guard towers. (to increase the ability to use the hybrid stratatagy)

-Make it so that workers bring in more money then they do right now.


I did this before, and it seemed to have at least a minor influence on retto's changes. hopefully this time it might get some more attention. if you don't agree with all the suggestions above, please state which ones you do and don't... and explain.
I will be MARKING your answers! *glares*


 if rat is going to have luck of the devil again, I think we should have it so that the lottery is drawn every day and there is a winner every day..  it could be a smaller win, but it's better than one win every month..  

what do you mean a 20% advanage over martens fer stoats?  meaning they have a -5% leader advantage?

I kind of like the fox's...  

wildcat pressgang should take more cash/food so that people couldnt dominate with it

corair should be more powerful

raise the NW of food  ;)

leader defences should not be effected by gaurds..   that's one of the best things about it...

workers should indeed be more powerful..

A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Agree. And triple the value of towers.
I will not deleted this


 My own two cents of various foreign currency?. (And, yes, I want to own a RWL-specific trademark "two cents of various foreign currency". But, that's irrelevant.

Your mention of Weasel is something that I really feel needs to be done. I remember back when I wasn't quite a good leader person, but still had really fun times whacking everyone around with skiffs. Sure, I never kept land, but, it was fun.

I know Corsair was removed because it was net based, and someone needed not to have actual huts in large quantities. And, in the event that they did, well, weasel wasn't exactly a leader race AFAIK.

So, could we put back Corsair? But, since NW basing is devastatingly unfair in the eyes of some, make it like loot, mostly leader based, and reguylated by huts/total land, so that a true leader masser would be able to make use of weasel.

Then, of course, fiddle with the percentage bounses. Weasel here seems rather leader-prone, so more leader power, possibly less loyalty to balance, if not let it be zero-ish, possibly +3, 5, 7. And, make weasel's defences really messed up, just so Corsair + guard tower falls apart.

Commenting on the rest later. Not really sure.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



Quote from: HolbyAgree. And triple the value of towers.
I must mention, then, that anyone with 100, 200k guards on Turbo is in a pretty good situation. Seeing as I see those who are leadering and yet have enough towers to beat several tens of millions of skiffs. (I tested using 10 mil, but I'm sure windy has more.)
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 -I don't like the Luck of the Devil even with the changes. It still not nearly as poweful as gold mine... why not just scrap it and make it pure indy
-Lower food networth. For all that is good in the world, lower food networth, or pump sack.
-Weasel doesn't need Corsair; fox now can pressgang skiffs if it ever gets fixed
-Power up workers
-Power up cities, make it easier to defend and cheaper while also slightly more powerful.

Making towers more powerful might be interesting. A problem has always been that it is difficult to be truly well defended. However 3X more defense might be too much. How about messing with the Op/Dp of various troops and some increase to towers.


Quote from: VeranorWeasel doesn't need Corsair; fox now can pressgang skiffs if it ever gets fixed
Pressgang? Just skiffs? Or everything?
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



Quote from: RiverpawPressgang? Just skiffs? Or everything?
Just skiffs. And Rats can pressgang rats.  

Wolf Snare

 I'd like corsair back.

I'd like to lower food value.

I'd like to make pressgang work and make it a tad more powerful. Nothing overwhelming like before..

I don't like the idea of stoats having extra leaders per hut.. seems... too cheap. cheaper than goldmine, even.

Keep goldmine as it is.. possibly raise the amount of loyalty it costs just a bit. Not too much, it is quite costly.

I think the fox idea is clever.. and it should be added.. there should be boundaries if it actually happens though.

Give rats a different ability entirely...
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

Peace Alliance

 the stoat suggestion was that it have a 15% leader attacking advantage, not more leader storage capability.

vera, the OP/DP values of our troop types are basicly what makes RWL, RWL. Its one of the most defining charactoristics of every promisance games. I personally think we should go out of our way to ensure that they never get changed :)

Increasing defense, is a very good thing to do, something i've been suggesting for a while. however, towers shouldn't be the only way to defend your horde. sure, it'd be nice to have them raised, but not too much, because it should still be possible for people to efficiently defend with troops, so if you want to make a defense bonus, why not make one that doesn't ONLY apply to guards? The switch to promoting indy strats will make defending easier. but one thing that would make a huge difference is changed the game so that keeping your land is IMPORTANT. right now, you can easily let people take all your land and bounce back, thats why promoting workers would mean people have to try to defend their land. if more people are trying to defend, that means more people have less time to work on offence, which means that the game balences itself. that would be a cooler solution then just boosting up defenseive abilitys, its like changing social structure instead of policys. *says so socialist*


Quote from: RiverpawI must mention, then, that anyone with 100, 200k guards on Turbo is in a pretty good situation. Seeing as I see those who are leadering and yet have enough towers to beat several tens of millions of skiffs. (I tested using 10 mil, but I'm sure windy has more.)
windy doesnt use towers  :lol:   you just managed to hit me with the only troop type I keep around, and I keep it around in force...  'currently ~40 mil skiffs, but that's just for revenge purposes..  normal number ~10 mil....

but yeah..  maybe 1.5x current tower strenth..  if its 3x that makes it really hard to break people who only have a couple thousand acers in gaurds...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Gen. Volkov

 I say restore them all to what they were. And restore pressgang to what is was too. It wasn't all that dominating. Of course I wasn't here for some of it. So i could be wrong. Workers definitely need more power, and food should be left as is. Its already worth very little. People would need absolutely gigantic amounts of food for it to really affect NW. Right now I can sell 200 million food for very little NW drop, in other prom games that translates to a much larger drop in NW. And definitely make towers more powerful.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Yes, you are wrong, Pressgang was insane. Goldmine needs to be much more costly.
And I suggest the x3 value of towers, because, as Peace said, holding land should be important. It is impossible to hold in RWL right now, especially as the different group percentages make it easy as anything to break. Any good player can break anybody in a single run.  
I will not deleted this


 How about tweaking the attack point advantage needed right now to win. Right now you need 1.05 times as many op as the defender's dp. Maybe the 1.05 should be increased and an increase dp of towers.

Peace Alliance

 i donno if anybody actually read this part of my post:

QuoteIncreasing defense, is a very good thing to do, something i've been suggesting for a while. however, towers shouldn't be the only way to defend your horde. sure, it'd be nice to have them raised, but not too much, because it should still be possible for people to efficiently defend with troops, so if you want to make a defense bonus, why not make one that doesn't ONLY apply to guards? The switch to promoting indy strats will make defending easier. but one thing that would make a huge difference is changed the game so that keeping your land is IMPORTANT. right now, you can easily let people take all your land and bounce back, thats why promoting workers would mean people have to try to defend their land. if more people are trying to defend, that means more people have less time to work on offence, which means that the game balences itself. that would be a cooler solution then just boosting up defenseive abilitys, its like changing social structure instead of policys. *says so socialist*

in other words, instead of making it harder to break because of coded advantages, its better to make it strategicly valuable to defend your land, that would shift the games momentom from offensive to defensiveness, boosting workers is only one small thing that could do that.

and i don't think we should make gold-mine more costly, everyone loves the advantage it gives right now, it would be more fun to boost the other races to be equal to marten. making gold-mine cost more is an easy answer that in the long run would be watering down the game. If we were to weaken every special ability to be even to the lower ones, then eventually special abilitys wouldn't be increadably weak, and since special abilitys are a unique part of the BAXXX code and part of RWL, i think we should try to balence them while they remain a usefull and strong part of gameplay.

man, sometimes i wish i could do my school essays on RWL instead of my crappy essay on iraq! *growls*