Game Balences

Started by Peace Alliance, December 03, 2004, 05:23:22 PM

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 I'd likee to say goldm ine is not that much more expensive loyalty wise because last time I checked it wasnt twice as much loyalty and it saves so many turns it'd be worth it anyways if it was
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Quote from: ~>John<~I'd likee to say goldm ine is not that much more expensive loyalty wise because last time I checked it wasnt twice as much loyalty and it saves so many turns it'd be worth it anyways if it was
I've been told goldmine is 1.5 times loot in loyalty. 2 times in yield. Yup. Looks right in the missions box.
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*ten years later*


Peace Alliance

 even with some race bonuses its hard to indy and not get your (behind) ripped off. its too easy for somebody to tear right through you if you have no leaders.

but the thing is, its still possible to do a hybrid stratagy with indy/leader. if you have 50% of your land in huts, the rest doing indy stuff, then put up towers for defense and rasie defenses, you actually have a rpetty good chance of stopping leaders especailly since guard towers offer more defense to your current leaders.
the problem is, indy'ing gets you no networth... and since NW is rank, NW is all that matters...


 hmm? I'm 3rd...... and I indy.
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Peace Alliance

 but look at the difference between you and holbs

also, with 15 million rats and no food, you'll have a hard time holding onto that netowrth *wink*


Quote from: Peace Alliancebut the thing is, its still possible to do a hybrid stratagy with indy/leader. if you have 50% of your land in huts, the rest doing indy stuff, then put up towers for defense and rasie defenses, you actually have a rpetty good chance of stopping leaders especailly since guard towers offer more defense to your current leaders.
the problem is, indy'ing gets you no networth... and since NW is rank, NW is all that matters...
Hey! That's my 50/50 strat ;)
Indying is not worth it on so little land. Nor can you hold against all the leader players and you risk everything often being open to Murder and the like.
The problem with this game is that you can't hold anymore....
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Wolf Snare

 Actually... a 50/50 strat is about the best one can do since pressgang is gone..If you stash up on money and food through leaders for a long time, then make a huge run by converting to barracks, it works well.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Quote from: Wolf SnareActually... a 50/50 strat is about the best one can do since pressgang is gone..If you stash up on money and food through leaders for a long time, then make a huge run by converting to barracks, it works well.
Why would you bother to switch once you have all those leaders and resources unless you didn't intend to use turns again or seriously needed to create massive amounts of troops bigger than your mercs? If you're in leaders, it makes most sense to keep going.
What you suggested is not 50/50, that's called changing strats.
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Wolf Snare

 Maybe so.

Although, leaders can only generate so much NW. Why keep all of those resouces you could make when you could make that much more NW? I'm not saying to use this throughout the era, but it works well at the end of a set. While still maintaining a 175 defencive leader ratio, you generate alot more than buying out mercs. Just an alternative to pressganging since it's gone.. I did this in commanders, though I don't think it would be much different on a smaller scale.. Perhaps I have miscalced??
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Quote from: Holbyunless you didn't intend to use turns again
Read my post
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Peace Alliance

 Retto says that he fixed the pressgang bug... it should be working now. can anyone try?


 nope, still doesnt work... atleast not for foxes...
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