My adorable kitten!!!

Started by Trident, February 16, 2003, 12:05:30 AM

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 It might be, but it doesn't work.

In any case, my cat's cuter.


 No, mine is! :P  That little toy at the end of the bed. Can you see it? Very attractive fake fur.

Trident, you'll have to find somewhere to host your images- most places don't like you directly linking like that...
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 Oh, I understand...

Well, even Geoshities and some other places let you link them as a URL, just not as an image. That place doesn't, I see. If I had a pic of my cat, I'd show everyone. He's great!

I heart my kitty.


 But it's: "Proceed to Geocities" or something like that, so it's not direct.

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 Not for me. Say the image is . If you click on that, it works fine. But if I try to do it won't work. It probably won't work either way, I don't know if that image exists.


 Image ain't there. I'll try and show you what I mean... *goes off to a geocities account*

Try it out, an' see what 'appens.

-EDIT2-  :o  It should work, but it doesn't! I checked the properties, it's OK.
Obviously Geocities don't let you.
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 Image isn't there. I guess it does have to be on a geocities site or linked off one...never knew it ^_^;;

Oh well, I use graffiti for images anyway. Observe:

If that works -_-;;;


 *Gasps and nods* Wow. It's so shiny :o !
Did you make it?
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Menatus was for the website I never finished...oh wait, that's all of them ^_^;;;


 *Turns head sideways* I can see what I'm looking at now :)
If you don't mind me asking... What's that "Ramus on a Rotisserie" thing about?
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 Ramus is from a video game, Lunar. And it's basically an inside joke.


 I hate inside jokes <_<  I'm always on the outside. Err, how many times have I mentioned that before? Yiss, inside jokes go outside, via the window.
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General Austin with it's photo albums has some really cute pics of cats.  
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

 Hah, both your kittens can't compare with mine. He's so cute, and he knows how to play fetch!  :P