
Started by TR Shadow, February 15, 2003, 07:14:09 PM

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TR Shadow

 Well, after being hated for likeing Pokemon, getting in a little fight with Deathclaw, being falsely accused of having multiple accounts by Stormy, and finaly, today I was kicked out of the Clan of Winter forumes, I'm leaving.  I sieriously don't believe that anyone on these forumes likes me.  I don't know if Pokemon has anything to do with it or not, but few people here have liked me.  Ok, I'm leaving now.  Bye.

Cool peeps:

Ad The Rat
Quami...(I'm not even gonna try to spell that :P )
Deathclaw (Well, some of the time)
Beatles (Why'd he have to get himself banned???)

And the #1 coolest person here...

Well, bye.  I'll miss you all.

[Edit] I left Windhound off the cool peeps list =\.


 The Pokemon probably had a lot to do with Deathclaw, but never mind. Can I attack you since you're leaving, or are you just leaving the forums? I need someone to attack, since #190's disabled. I'm on the cool peeps list!

TR Shadow

 Yeah, go ahead, kill me.


 And also, what's the stuff about being falsely accused for multiple accounts?

TR Shadow

 Long story, I don't wanna explane it all =\.


 Yay, I'm the #1 coolest person! Wooh! You'll still be on AIM so I can talk to you there, right? So, are you leaving the forums, the game, or both? You can always delete your game account and start a new one without telling anyone but me! :P

Do that. I don't like Pokemon, but I'm not gonna hate someone for liking it.


 blah--blah I say!
I donno 'bout the other stuff, but if poke-mon have anything to do with this--your all loopier than I.*rolls eyes*
TR--ya don't hafta leave if ya don' wanna,, no one's forcein' ya to go.
the COW clan forum was/is for current members only, for reasons that should be apparent. Your not a current member. I don't mean it sound--uh,,mean, but it's true.
however--if you feel like leaving--it's entierly your choice.
*Lick Meee~!*
--I am not the muffin pope!--


 Mr. Munkee, can you repeat that in English?


 I refuse to speak your dirty language!! (=p) *sticks an "I speak only american" onto her head..*
*Lick Meee~!*
--I am not the muffin pope!--

TR Shadow

 I can:  They kicked me out of COW forumes 'cause I'm not a member.


 Wait, nevermind. Just don't leave at all. Who cares what other people think, anyway?

TR Shadow

 Menatus, I'd rather not stay in forumes where all the peeps hate me =\.


 *cheers*  I made it on to the "cool peeps" list,
for reasons unknown to me, still, tis kinda nice to know somone thinks I'm "cool"  ...heh...

btw, you really dont have to leave if thoes are your only reaons for going, I mean, most people leave because they find a life, I still dont have one, so I'm still here  :)   I would geuss that is the reason a bunch of people are still here...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

TR Shadow

Quote from: windhound*cheers*  I made it on to the "cool peeps" list,
for reasons unknown to me, still, tis kinda nice to know somone thinks I'm "cool"  ...heh...

btw, you really dont have to leave if thoes are your only reaons for going, I mean, most people leave because they find a life, I still dont have one, so I'm still here  :)   I would geuss that is the reason a bunch of people are still here...
Heh, you think I've found a life???!!!  ROFL!


 Exactly, this is the perfect place for all lifeless people to go!  takes up all their spare time, plus tis a fun way to waste it...

EDIT:  not all time I spend here is spare  ;)...  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't