Top 4 Stats (old server)

Started by manonmooninacan, February 15, 2003, 05:19:32 PM

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 C how powerfull teh top dogs on the old server rilly are......

Tarsonis IV (#871)
Turns 50 (max 450)
Turns Stored 0 (max 150)
Rank #1
Workers 6,681,425
Land Acres 817,735
Money $7,908,450,686
Food 20,618,175,235
Loyalty 100,959,339
Networth $1,916,401,778
Location Southsward
Race Fox
Health 96%
Tax Rate 19%
Rats 70,333,499
Weasels 15,769,669
Stoats 19,834,606
Skiffs 9,059,367
Leaders 5,834,323

Germania (#98)
Turns 275 (max 450)
Turns Stored 0 (max 150)
Rank #2
Workers 825,820
Land Acres 346,776
Money $2,326,894,354
Food 2,380,169,873
Loyalty 42,741,339
Networth $474,625,027
Location Northlands
Race Fox
Health 100%
Tax Rate 10%
Rats 52,019,089
Weasels 5,913,196
Stoats 17,022,958
Skiffs 2,925,203
Leaders 2,765,043

Ereptor's Raiders (#61)
Turns 66 (max 450)
Turns Stored 2 (max 150)
Rank #3
Workers 2,239,620
Land Acres 315,043
Money $827,296,807
Food 79,526,555
Loyalty 4,921,908
Networth $241,274,675
Location Mossflower Country
Race Stoat
Health 40%
Tax Rate 10%
Rats 12,015,896
Weasels 18,343
Stoats 11,251,166
Skiffs 34,659
Leaders 915,704

Windhounds (#116)
Turns 450 (max 450)
Turns Stored 108 (max 150)
Rank #4
Workers 2,518,627
Land Acres 123,449
Money $5,259,428,088
Food 1,777,211,016
Loyalty 44,191,543
Networth $198,399,115
Location Mossflower Country
Race Fox
Health 58%
Tax Rate 8%
Rats 5,917,318
Weasels 487,718
Stoats 421,483
Skiffs 432,415
Leaders 1,313,663

I'm not very impresed with sum of them, but tahts jest my opinon.

Germania 4

Germania 4

 Not as pathetic as him:

Blood Wake (#477)
Turns 44 (max 450)
Turns Stored 0 (max 150)
Rank #9
Workers 279,669
Land Acres 40,461
Money $2,941,102,089
Food 920,075,134
Loyalty 9,758,578
Networth $83,825,148
 Location Southsward
Race Wolf
Health 100%
Tax Rate 5%
Rats 1,422,425
Weasels 628,926
Stoats 347,838
Skiffs 324,307
Leaders 176,361

Germania 4

 or him

miner (#849)
Turns 450 (max 450)
Turns Stored 142 (max 150)
Rank #16
Workers 29,551
Land Acres 13,003
Money $5
Food 871,794,074
Loyalty 1,191,690
Networth $62,222,480
 Location Southsward
Race Rat
Health 100%
Tax Rate 5%
Rats 775,983
Weasels 446,689
Stoats 152,770
Skiffs 141,594
Leaders 97,339

Germania 4

 or him

Horde of Marlfoxes (#612)
Turns 450 (max 450)
Turns Stored 6 (max 150)
Rank #17
Workers 161,713
Land Acres 30,888
Money $915,939,053
Food 616,292,871
Loyalty 5,207,150
Networth $60,818,828
 Location Southsward
Race Fox
Health 100%
Tax Rate 10%
Rats 1,137,744
Weasels 810,598
Stoats 539,356
Skiffs 374,755
Leaders 181,824

I guess clan blade really shares the food strat


 Whoa, that's a lot of food. Germania, you killed my poor account :P

Well I don't play much there anyway.


 LOL!!!!  a use for falsify documents!  hehe, your stats are off and now compleatly outdated  
yea for the fox!

I dont care if people see my stats, here, take a gander at the real ones, still pretty pathetic, but still...

Mailbox Turns: 3 Money: $712,497,281 Land: 144,033 Loyalty: 53,703,357 Food: 1,988,876,177 Health: 100% Networth: $234,869,337
Windhounds (#116)
Turns Used: 16,323
Money: $712,497,281
Rank: #3
Networth: $234,869,337
Population: 1,550,912
Race: Fox
Location: Mossflower Country
Est. Production: 1,410,998
Est. Consumption: 1,224,557
Net: +186,441
Member of Clan: SMITEYOU
Offensive Actions: 681 (83%)
Defenses: 451 (14%)
Kills: 0

Land Division
Markets: 67,580
Tents: 20,272
Barracks: 136
Camps: 4,675
Huts: 34,267
Foragers: 17,103
Guard Towers: 0
Unused Land: 0
Est. Income: $23,149,892
Est. Expenses: $18,116,453
Net: +$5,033,439
Loan Payment: $0
Per Cap income: $40
Savings Balance: $703 (2.326%)
Loan Balance: $0 (6.674%)
Rats: 8,940,574
Weasels: 487,718
Stoats: 5,473,467
Skiffs: 432,415
Leaders: 2,089,082
Offensive Points: 41,495,648
Defensive Points: 26,984,613
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Germania 4

 Ah and take special note of my networth, its made up of anarmy not food.   :rolleyes:
Rats are now doubled, stoats increased etc etc.

And who or what did I kill mentaus?

Holt Lutra (#490)
Turns 2 (max 450)
Turns Stored 0 (max 150)
Rank #5
Workers 25,165
Land Acres 14,147
Money $43,415,311
Food 1,994,104,179
Loyalty 749,753
Networth $126,890,504
 Location Mossflower Country
Race Wildcat
Health 100%
Tax Rate 20%
Rats 1
Weasels 12
Stoats 3
Skiffs 12,973
Leaders 9

Mission: Success
You have learned the following information:
Release The Hounds (#1233)
Turns 310 (max 450)
Turns Stored 0 (max 150)
Rank #13
Workers 383,092
Land Acres 87,878
Money $5,280,198
Food 79,776,651
Loyalty 3,892,016
Networth $69,063,314
 Location Southsward
Race Flitcheye
Health 70%
Tax Rate 15%
Rats 3,231,577
Weasels 1,841,446
Stoats 1,815,557
Skiffs 673,085
Leaders 419,229

Mission: Success
You have learned the following information:
Blood Wake (#477)
Turns 6 (max 450)
Turns Stored 0 (max 150)
Rank #13
Workers 269,053
Land Acres 40,599
Money $1,411,199,422
Food 628,548,969
Loyalty 9,862,978
Networth $67,315,526
 Location Southsward
Race Wolf
Health 100%
Tax Rate 5%
Rats 1,800,156
Weasels 773,139
Stoats 449,753
Skiffs 382,247
Leaders 176,361  


 And why not have a horde of food if the server is to be reset soon?  I'm at almost 2 bil food now...  I might make it... :D

And, I can get back all the land I need with my leaders, I had 3 mil or so before I attacked, and I can get a lot more...


EDIT:  and Germania, you have a ton of food too...  Food 2,380,169,873   yep...  food is good for the networth...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Germania 4

 Tarsonis sent it to me, we found the rough networth value of a billion food. Takes too long to send it all back so I gave up when it started sending at under 500 mil.


 Well you attacked me a lot...but that's okay. Those blade people really annoy me. When my NW was entirely food, it was 400,000,000. That's nothing nowadays. I dont have any food now anyway.

I hate those Blade newbies so much!

[edit] As for army, I have twice as many weasels than you. Obviously I couldn't break you because of your defensive from rats, guard towers...but yeah. Impressive rats, leaders, stoats and such.

Germania 4

 If you had twice as many weasels than that, I already see a flaw in your strategy.


 Well I don't much care about the old server. It's more experimental than anything. First I tried to mass stoats, got a lot of land but then tried to mass rats, which was pointless. I went on to massing skiffs, but then I noticed that with them on 100% and 20-30,000 barracks you can only make 10,000 per turn. Now I'm massing weasels because nobody has them.

I have less than 200,000 of everything else, and no money. So yeah, there's a lot of flaws in my old server strat now.

Germania 4

 With less than 200,000 in everything else you will be the biggest feeding frenzy in the top 10, in known history. That is assuming you break someone big.


 Yes, but with that in mind, I don't care. The only big people to break are you and Josh, and I'm allied/in the same clan.