
Started by sh0e, November 09, 2004, 04:41:40 AM

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 they were in reference to nick thomas accusations
of which you were throwing yourself in front of

the continuous "you were proven to have cheated" remarks are completely baseless
and show that the people making these remarks are clearly ignorant or incapable of reading

Guthorm Swordmaster

 I meant the 16666666666 in less than week and the fact that you got it all in one night's turns.

Thanks Razor and Tea Of Persia


 Sigh.. some people... just..
some people..
He was playing for about 3 months... I signed up the same time he did..
Why do you come here to deface legitimate people?  Please, just think before you open your mouth.. it's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it.   Seriously, on FaF I could get 10 times 16 billion networth on a million acres... we had close to 10 billion on 100k acres, after 2 months... and that wasn't counting the trillions of stocks i held..
kiddo.. seriously... cut it out ok?  Some people have it, some people dont.. I'm sorry you're not as fortunate as others


Quote from: Guthorm SwordmasterI meant the 16666666666 in less than week and the fact that you got it all in one night's turns.

Thanks Razor and Tea Of Persia
i had been playing actively for around a month
and im sure anyone with an iota of experience can tell you it was not made in "one night's turns"

i truly apologize for not recognizing earlier that you (and your friends) were so lacking in skill/ability/experience on faf;
i retract any previously insulting comments directed at you as a true newb deserves not to be insulted in those ways

i would like to direct your attention to the faf scoreboard where i have given the account to another for personal reasons detailed on the forum
hopefully the sudden "disappearing" of virtually all of the networth along with any scraps of deductive intelligence will enlighten you so that you will be ignorant no more


Quote from: sh0ethey were in reference to nick thomas accusations
of which you were throwing yourself in front of

the continuous "you were proven to have cheated" remarks are completely baseless
and show that the people making these remarks are clearly ignorant or incapable of reading
I'm accusing you of cheating.  I think so because you (or Josh, but you obviously were in it with him) got insane amounts of net.

You're accusing me of accusing you.  Basically the "I'm right, you're wrong dealy."

Guthorm Swordmaster

 You know josh how sad you and sh0e are?Just trying to make it so that no-one can play the game by messing them up with your exploits.

wolf bite

 Reminds me of a kid running into a baseball game and stealing the ball. Not that they want the ball, but that they want to stop the others from having fun.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Proof that you've been playing for a long time is not proof that you haven't been cheating.

Proof that you know how the games works is not proof that you haven't been cheating.

Saying that you can do that without cheating is not proof that you haven't been cheating.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Wolf Snare

 Sorry to rain on your parade people, but what they did in both servers lately was far from cheating. Josh came out to me; he told me everything. Sorry to say this, but I know the stat.. its brilliant.. It requires alot of patience and skill, but it all calculates in the end. I'm thinking of winning comanders with it.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

Guthorm Swordmaster

 You could of course tell me...

wolf bite

 Yes, I know the strat. I used it long ago. But the down fall is you run out of food. Unless you can take 2 turns and get a billion food.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Guthorm Swordmaster

 Would you mind PMing it to me I'm intrested.


wolf bite

 I will even post it. Since some fixes will make it less useful.

You become a wildcat. Spend a few days with all leaders and a massing strategy to gain land when your real intent is to build loyalty. Gets tons of loyalty. Then change the loyalty into cash and food, mostly food. Pressgang until you run out of money. Your net will have jumped. Sell your army for money. Keep buying all the food you can from the market and mercs. Stay with the huts to have leader defenes.  When you have full turns again, pressgang again and keep repeating until you are so big that you can?t get enough food to pay your troops.

At least that is how I did it in the past.

Josh made some innervations into the strat. He would be all foragers in a massing strat and build his food. Hopping no one poisoned him. Then get tons of people to send him cash and loyalty. Would then build only a few huts so that the cost of loyalty was low (very cleaver addition) and keep the rest of the land in foragers. Would then pressgang to a ton of armies. Sell off the armies for a large profit. Payback all the cash and loyalty sent to him, with interest. Knowing he was vulnerable to leaders, market all his food. Then when he had turns again, would pull back his food, 20% loss. And do so again. The down fall is that the amount of land he would make from his foragers and his food mercs would not fill to withstand the billion food used per pressgang when he got so big. That is were I believe he had to use the bug.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I've done that, to an extent... Massed leaders, then turned the huts into foragers, have tons of loyalty, lots of food, and pressgang. Of course, I've never done it as well as you guys, otherwise I'd be in the top ten... Oh, nm, I am, by about 600,000 net...