
Started by sh0e, November 09, 2004, 04:41:40 AM

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Guthorm Swordmaster

 What's the problem ?Is that meant to embarrass me?I was wondering whether you'd do the deent thing and tell so I could go and tell nevada.


Quote from: Guthorm SwordmasterWhat's the problem ?Is that meant to embarrass me?I was wondering whether you'd do the deent thing and tell so I could go and tell nevada.
then how about instead of making your newb/ignorant remarks
and killing the brain cells of the poor victims having to read your posts you:

just go whine directly to nevadacow/beatles/veranor
about the nonexistant evidence against my nw "exploit"
that is apparently completely impossible to make on over 1 million land and weeks of stockading

how you in your infinite newbness dont know how i got the exact number for my nw

and also mention how this somehow correlates to the rwl situation of which you know nothing about
for which you have failed to properly use grade school reading comprehension to interpret.

im sure they will enjoy a good laugh

Guthorm Swordmaster

 It is is possible to get over 1mil as it has been done by beter/nicer  people than you. getting 1666666666 net is impossible to get without an exploit.And does it help you that I'll only be 12 in lets see If my extremly small brain can cope with this... 9 days.


 You can get any Net you want, as long as it's lower than your initial one.  
I will not deleted this


Quotethen how about instead of making your newb/ignorant remarks
and killing the brain cells of the poor victims having to read your posts you:

That just makes me laugh.
Everyone's a newb though. It's obviously a bug anyway (or so I think), so why don't we do something about it instead of the old:
"No way!
"Yes way! Shut up! You know I'm better than you!"
"What? You are so not better than me. And you DIDN'T!"

Those get us nowhere.

(Happy Birthday in advance Guthorm)
Give Peace a Chance


 Pardon, good sir?
Josh: Yes, I'm stupid. Very stupid. But I can at least spell. So there.  


 Er... pardon what?...
Give Peace a Chance


 Eh? What's that? Who're you? Who'm I? What's this large, TV-like thingy? To avoid utter Spam: Happy B-day in advance, Guthy!


 Holbys right, the 16,666,666 is possible.......I one got it so the rats were 1 mil on market, and then rest were 666,666 and 333,333 and 111,111 I think
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


Quote from: Tea_of_Persia
Quotethen how about instead of making your newb/ignorant remarks
and killing the brain cells of the poor victims having to read your posts you:

That just makes me laugh.
Everyone's a newb though. It's obviously a bug anyway (or so I think), so why don't we do something about it instead of the old:
"No way!
"Yes way! Shut up! You know I'm better than you!"
"What? You are so not better than me. And you DIDN'T!"

Those get us nowhere.

(Happy Birthday in advance Guthorm)
1. i hate to break it to you but i am not the one making baseless and opinionated accusations (that double as personal attacks) and clearly evading the presentation of evidence
2. anyone who does not realize that it is possible to get an exact number for nw is clearly a "newb" or in this context derogatorily referring to a persons lacki of skill

these of which you clearly were not intelligent enough to educate yourselves on before posting that mess of bs
thus your ignorant comments/thoughts are worth as much as a bag of herpes infected toad droppings


Quote1. i hate to break it to you but i am not the one making baseless and opinionated accusations (that double as personal attacks) and clearly evading the presentation of evidence
these of which you clearly were not intelligent enough to educate yourselves on before posting that mess of bs
thus your ignorant comments/thoughts are worth as much as a bag of herpes infected toad droppings

I just love the base topic from which you get all of your insults... Very mature.  I also must congratulate you on your superb job of being a complete hypocrite. ::agrees::

Though you are right on one instance; it is possible to get an exact networth.  In fact, it's easy as long as you already have close to that amount.  So people can completely discard that factor if you're trying to use it to convict them of cheating.


 If we're all stupid newbs, why are you people still here? Merc at least was wise enough to leave permen-- oh, wait... Well, Beatles didn't try to circumvent... Oops. Well, there's probably been some banned person that didn't come back on after he was banned!


Quote from: Nohcnonk
Quote1. i hate to break it to you but i am not the one making baseless and opinionated accusations (that double as personal attacks) and clearly evading the presentation of evidence
these of which you clearly were not intelligent enough to educate yourselves on before posting that mess of bs
thus your ignorant comments/thoughts are worth as much as a bag of herpes infected toad droppings

I just love the base topic from which you get all of your insults... Very mature.  I also must congratulate you on your superb job of being a complete hypocrite. ::agrees::

Though you are right on one instance; it is possible to get an exact networth.  In fact, it's easy as long as you already have close to that amount.  So people can completely discard that factor if you're trying to use it to convict them of cheating.
im sorry for boring you nohc
i didnt realize anyone was immature enough to care

hypocrite? do tell


 Wow, look who's calling who a stupid newb...

Well, if you'll read what you said...

*allows time*

Ok, if you'll notice, you were saying that you were not the one making opinionated accusations that double as insults... then you 'accused' someone (or everyone) that they were not intelligent enough to educate themselves before posting, and then you say that their comments are worthless.

*prescribes him his own advice*
Just follow the guidelines you outlined and you'll be fine.  Educate yourself before posting, don't make opinionated accusations, don't make personal attacks, etc.


Quote1. i hate to break it to you but i am not the one making baseless and opinionated accusations (that double as personal attacks) and clearly evading the presentation of evidence

Who is then?
Yup... sure sounds like you just "hate to break it to me".

Baseless? Not quite. What I said seems to be exactly the format this debate/argument has been following, from what I've seen, and its the one that hasn't gotten anyone anywhere in all its years of existence.
Opinionated accusations? What did I accuse you of?
Opinions are all over the place though, if you'll notice. Life would just be kinda dull without them, eh?
Personal attacks? Would never dream of it. Don't like those sort of things, m'self.
Evidence? Guess I figured you could find some for yourself. What was I supposed to prove anyway?

Quotethese of which you clearly were not intelligent enough to educate yourselves on before posting that mess of bs
Thank you for informing me that I'm so horribly below your level and that all I post is "bs" as you call it. I never would've come to that conclusion on my own. Thanks.

Quotethus your ignorant comments/thoughts are worth as much as a bag of herpes infected toad droppings
Two kinds of feces? Wow, I'm scoring high today.
Give Peace a Chance